7 research outputs found


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    Background: Musculoskeletal Disorders are one of the most common reasons patients seek medical care. Musculoskeletal diseases are still the main source of disability and lost working time. Understanding the reasons, especially work-related reasons, is still the key to primary prevention. Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) can serve as an inexpensive instrument for the identification and assessment of musculoskeletal risks in workers. This study aimed to determine validity and reliability test of the Nordic Musculoskeletal questionnaire with formal and informal sector workers. Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study. The subject of 2 groups of workers, namely formal and informal workers. The data were collected by in-depth interview and questionnaire. The stages of this study were: (1) the construct validity test was carried out by comparing the results of filling in the self-administered NMQ with the results of the interviews (2) the criteria validity test was carried out by comparing the effects of filling out the questionnaire with a physical examination. (3) The test and retest reliability test was done by calculating the correlation coefficient between the first and second filling which is seven days apart. Results: The results of the construct validity test showed a similarity (100%) between the self-administered NMQ and the interview results and the specificity value was obtained in the lower back, neck and shoulder region above (85%) with a specificity value reaching (100%). Reliability test results obtained Cronbach's Alpha value above (0.945) which means that the reliability is excellent. The Indonesian version of the NMQ questionnaire was declared valid and reliable for use on workers in Indonesia. Conclusion: The instrument that was invented can clarify workers who have real pain in the lower back, neck and shoulders. Keywords: cross cultural adaptation, musculoskeletal disorders, nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire, validity and reliability Correspondence: Aulia Chairani. Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. Jl. RS Fatmawati, Pondok Labu, Jakarta Selatan 12450. Email: [email protected]/[email protected]. Mobile: (021) 7656971

    Relationship between Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior, and Needle Stick Injury among Nurses at Cilegon Public Hospital, Banten

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    Background: Needle stick injury is one of the greatest risks faced by nurses. Deadly blood borne pathogens contaminating needle stick injuries may lead to a serious or fa­tal in­fection. This study aimed to examine the relationship between knowledge, at­ti­tude, behavior, and needle stick injury among nurse at Cilegon Regional Public Hos­pital. Subject and Method: This was cross sectional study conducted at Cilegon Regional Pub­­lic Hospital, Banten, from January to July 2018. Total of 51 nurses at emergency de­partment and central surgical installation were selected for this study by total sam­pling. The dependent variable was needle stick injury. The independent variables were know­ledge, attitude, and behavior. Data was collected by a set of questionnaire and bivariate analysis was performed by chi-square. Results: Poor knowledge (OR= 20.00; 95% CI= 2.07 to 193.17; p=0.004), poor attitude (OR= 4.28; 95% CI= 1.13 to 16.23; p=0.038), and reckless behavior (OR= 20.40; 95% CI= 4.08 to 101.94; p<0.001) were associated with increased risk of needle stick injury. Conclusion: Knowledge, attitude, and behavior are associated with needle stick in­jury. Keywords: knowledge, attitude, behavior, needle stick injury

    Peningkatan Peran Antenatal Care (ANC) dan Pemanfaatan TOGA dalam Kehamilan di Puskesmas Sawangan Depok

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    ENHANCING OF ANC AND UTILIZATION OF TOGA IN PREGNANCY AT SAWANGAN DEPOK.&nbsp;Women's and children's health problems today remain a global challenge and need remedial action. Maternal death is the death of a woman during pregnancy or death within 42 days of termination of pregnancy. Antenatal care (ANC) is an attempt to prevent the causes of morbidity and mortality in pregnant women and children. During pregnancy various physiological changes occur in pregnant women, this certainly has an impact on the psychology and health of pregnant women. TOGA (Family medicinal plants) can be used to help overcome this uncomfortable situation. Plants that can be used by pregnant women include, such as ginger, red spinach, red betel, green betel, tomatoes, and broccoli. There is a possibility of abnormalities such as bleeding, preeclampsia, and infection during pregnancy. Therefore there is a need for monitoring in the form of Antenatal Care during pregnancy and the mother's understanding of early detection of the risk of abnormalities during pregnancy. This community service is carried out to increase community knowledge around the Sawangan Depok Community Health Center about the importance of ANC and the use of TOGA in pregnant women as well as training in the introduction of several abnormalities and emergencies during pregnancy through counseling with lecture media, pamphlets and pocketbooks on ANC and the use of TOGA. This activity went well and the results can be seen there is an increase in the results of the posttest compared to the pretest, and statistically, there are significant differences


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    Background: Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) still remains a problem in developed countries noise induced hearing loss is one of most common hearing deficit which is almost completely preventable. The hearing loss incurred would depend on the sound qualities, duration of exposure and individual susceptibility and protection. This study aimed to determine risk factors of noised induced hearing loss in workers at bevelling unit in industry x, Bekasi, West Java. Subjects and Method: This was a cross sectional. A sample of 27 respondents was selected using simple random sampling. The dependent variable was hearing loss. The independent variables were factors related to the onset of hearing loss. The data were collected by questionnaire and tuner check. This data were analysed by chi square. Results: Noise intensity (OR= 67.50; 95% CI 5.33 to 854.76; p< 0.001), length of service (OR= 12.25; 95% CI 1.79 to 83.95; p= 0.011), and noisy living environment (OR= 5.87; 95% CI 1.09 to 32.00; p= 0.034) has a relationship with hearing loss. Conclusion: Companies can carry out K3 enhancement and monitoring, carry out periodic scanning or audiometric checks, and create hearing conservation programs and timing or working duration in areas exposed to noise. Keywords: Hearing Loss, Noise, Manufacturing Workers Correspondence: Aulia Chairani. Department of Public Health, FK UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. [email protected],id/ [email protected]


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    Kewirausahaan merupakan sikap mental dan sifat jwa yang selalu aktif dalam usaha untuk memajukan karya baktinya dalam rangka upaya meningkatkan pendapatan di dalam kegiatan usahanya. Selain itu kewirausahaan adalah kemampuan kreatif dan inovatif yang dijadikan dasar, kiat, dan sumber daya untuk mencari peluang menuju sukses. Seperti yang tercantum dalam lampiran Keputusan Menteri Koperasi dan Pembinaan Pengusahan Kecil Nomor 961/KEP/M/XI/1995, menjelaskan bahwa semangat, sikap, perilaku dan kemampuan seseorang dalam menangani usaha atau kegiatan yang mengarah pada upaya mencari, menciptakan serta menerapkan cara kerja, teknologi, dan produk baru dengan meningkatkan efisiensi dalam rangka memberikan pelayanan yang lebih baik dan memperoleh keuntungan yang lebih besar. Seorang wirausaha yang sukses akan mencapai kesempurnaan apabila mampu meraih kesuksesan dalam karir atau bisnis. Faktor keberhasilan usaha seorang wirausaha bukan hanya dilihat seberapa keras Anda bekerja, tetapi seberapa cerdas anda melakukan dan merencanakan strategi serta mewujudkannya. Jadi, Anda harus menjadi entrepreneur yang cerdas (smart entrepreneur). SMART (Strategic Thinker, Motivator, Ambitious, Risk Manager, Totalitas) Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka, buku ini menyajikan segala yang dibutuhkan oleh para wirausahawan dalam mengembangkan wirausahanya agar menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Oleh sebab itu buku ini hadir kehadapan sidang pembaca sebagai bagian dari upaya diskusi sekaligus dalam rangka melengkapi khazanah keilmuan dibidang kewiraushaan, sehingga buku ini sangat cocok untuk dijadikan bahan acuan bagi kalangan intelektual dilngkungan perguruan tinggi ataupun praktisi yang berkecimpung langsung dibidang kewiraushaan