18 research outputs found

    Coprological diagnosis of Schistosomiasis. I – Evaluation of quantitative techniques

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    Immunization of rats with irradiated Strongyloides larvae

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    Terapêutica da ascaríase com o tetramisole

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    Closantel (R 31.520) no tratamento da Dermatobia hominis (Lineu Jr., 1781)

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    The therapeutical activity of closantel (R 31.520), a compound synthetized by Janssen Pharmaceutica, Beerse, Belgium, was observed in rats and bovines experimentally infested by "bernes" (Dermatobia hominis). Rats treated with a single dose (20 mg/kg I.M.) presented a percentage of cure of 88.9%, while in bovines a single dose of 10 and 12. 5 mg/kg showed a percentage of efficacy of 95.5 and 97.3% respectively. The preventive and larvicidal activities were also observed in rats and bovines infested by larvae of D. hominis.A ação terapêutica do Closantel (R 31.520) (sintetizado pela Janssen Pharmaceutica – Besse - Belgica) foi verificada em roedores e bovinos experimentalmente infestados pelo berne (Dermatobia hominis) (Lineu Jr., 1781). Em ratos tratados com dose única de 20 mg/kg I.M. o percentual de cura foi de 88,9%, enquanto que em bezerros (dose única de 10 e 12,5 mg/kg) os percentuais de cura foram de, respectivamente, 95,5 e 97,3%. Foram também observadas a ação profilática e a ação larvicida do closantel, em dermatobiose de rato e de bovino

    Imunização de pintos com larvas irradiadas de Strongyloides avium

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