6 research outputs found

    Autonomous Rapid Exploration in Close-Proximity of an Asteroid

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    The increasing number of space missions may overwhelm ground support infrastructure, prompting the need for autonomous deep-space guidance, navigation, and control (GN\&C) systems. These systems offer sustainable and cost-effective solutions, particularly for asteroid missions that deal with uncertain environments. This study proposes a paradigm shift from the proposals currently found in the literature for autonomous asteroid exploration, which inherit the conservative architecture from the ground-in-the-loop approach that relies heavily on reducing uncertainties before close-proximity operations. Instead, it advocates for robust guidance and control to handle uncertainties directly, without extensive navigation campaigns. From a series of conservative assumptions, we demonstrate the feasibility of this autonomous GN\&C for robotic spacecraft by using existing technology. It is shown that a bolder operational approach enables autonomous spacecraft to significantly reduce exploration time by weeks or months. This paradigm shift holds great potential for reducing costs and saving time in autonomous missions of the future.Comment: Published in the AIAA's Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. DOI: 10.2514/1.G00718

    JuliaSpace/SatelliteAnalysis.jl: v0.3.0

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    <h2>SatelliteAnalysis v0.3.0</h2> <p><a href="https://github.com/JuliaSpace/SatelliteAnalysis.jl/compare/v0.2.0...v0.3.0">Diff since v0.2.0</a></p> <ul> <li>The algorithm to compute the beta angle was improved, but its behavior changed. Thus, this modification is breaking.</li> <li>The algorithm to compute the eclipse time was simplified, changing its API.</li> <li>The algorithm related to ground facility accesses and gaps was simplified, changing its API.</li> <li>We added algorithms to design Sun-synchronous orbits.</li> <li>We added a function to compute the ground facility visibility circle.</li> <li>We added a function to design frozen orbits.</li> <li>We added a function to compute the ground track inclination.</li> <li>We highly improved the package documentation.</li> <li>We improved many aspects of the package including comments, source code organization, allocations, and others.</li> </ul&gt

    ronisbr/TerminalPager.jl: v0.5.0

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    TerminalPager v0.5.0 Diff since v0.4.0 We now manage the user preferences using the package Preferences.jl. Hence, we dropped all the previous functions to perform customization, leading to breaking changes. ^ is mapped to BOL (PR #28) The pager supports a new visual mode in which the user can select and copy lines. The pager can use the alternate screen buffer, which preserves the current buffer content. This mode is now the default one when showing documentation using @help or in the REPL mode pager?>. (Issue #29) We use an intermediate buffer to draw the view, leading to less screen flickering. The pre-compilation statements are generated by PrecompileTools.jl. We now consider the entire display size when showing docstrings using @help. Merged pull requests: add caret as alternate keybinding for bol (#28) (@bjarthur) Closed issues: Add optional argument to load only first n lines (#26) ^ caret as default keybinding for bol (#27) Use the "alternate screen" to keep the REPL clean (#29

    ronisbr/PrettyTables.jl: v2.3.0

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    <h2>PrettyTables v2.3.0</h2> <p><a href="https://github.com/ronisbr/PrettyTables.jl/compare/v2.2.8...v2.3.0">Diff since v2.2.8</a></p> <ul> <li>The function <code>ft_round</code> was broken on Julia 1.11.</li> <li>PrettyTables.jl now have a true Markdown back end.</li> <li>Custom types can now dispatch easier in <code>pretty_table</code>. (#219)</li> <li>We now use <a href="https://github.com/JuliaLang/PrecompileTools.jl">PrecompileTools.jl</a> to generate the precompilation statements.</li> <li>We improved how we handle Tables.jl objects. (#220)</li> <li>We improved the internal code style. The line width was changed from 80 characters to 92 characters, and internal function naming was modified to enhance the readability.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Merged pull requests:</strong></p> <ul> <li>:sparkles: Markdown back end (#224) (@ronisbr)</li> </ul> <p><strong>Closed issues:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Markdown text format doesn't produce markdown alignment (#67)</li> <li>Export as PNG or JPEG or any image (#213)</li> <li>max_num_of_rows not taking effect in html backend (#217)</li> <li>matrix with named tuples is not recognized (#220)</li> </ul&gt