5,513 research outputs found

    Explosive events associated with a surge

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    The solar atmosphere contains a wide variety of small-scale transient features. Here, we explore the inter-relation between some of them such as surges, explosive events and blinkers via simultaneous spectral and imaging data taken with the TRACE imager, the SUMER, and CDS spectrometers on board SoHO, and SVST La Palma. The alignment of all data both in time and solar XY shows that SUMER line profiles, which are attributed to explosive events, are due to a surge phenomenon. The surge is triggered, most probably, by one or more Elerman bombs which are best visible in Halpha +-350 A but were also registered by TRACE Fe IX/X 171 A and correspond to a strong radiance increase in the CDS Mg IX 368.07 A line. With the present study we demonstrate that the division of small-scale transient events into a number of different subgroups, for instance explosive events, blinkers, spicules, surges or just brightenings, is ambiguous, implying that the definition of a feature based only on either spectroscopic or imaging characteristics as well as insufficient spectral and spatial resolution can be incomplete.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    On the well-posedness for the Ideal MHD equations in the Triebel-Lizorkin spaces

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    In this paper, we prove the local well-posedness for the Ideal MHD equations in the Triebel-Lizorkin spaces and obtain blow-up criterion of smooth solutions. Specially, we fill a gap in a step of the proof of the local well-posedness part for the incompressible Euler equation in \cite{Chae1}.Comment: 16page

    The Thermal Instability of Solar Prominence Threads

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    The fine structure of solar prominences and filaments appears as thin and long threads in high-resolution images. In H-alpha observations of filaments, some threads can be observed for only 5 - 20 minutes before they seem to fade and eventually disappear, suggesting that these threads may have very short lifetimes. The presence of an instability might be the cause of this quick disappearance. Here, we study the thermal instability of prominence threads as an explanation of their sudden disappearance from H-alpha observations. We model a prominence thread as a magnetic tube with prominence conditions embedded in a coronal environment. We assume a variation of the physical properties in the transverse direction, so that the temperature and density continuously change from internal to external values in an inhomogeneous transitional layer representing the particular prominence-corona transition region (PCTR) of the thread. We use the nonadiabatic and resistive magnetohydrodynamic equations, which include terms due to thermal conduction parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field, radiative losses, heating, and magnetic diffusion. We combine both analytical and numerical methods to study linear perturbations from the equilibrium state, focusing on unstable thermal solutions. We find that thermal modes are unstable in the PCTR for temperatures higher than 80,000 K, approximately. These modes are related to temperature disturbances that can lead to changes in the equilibrium due to rapid plasma heating or cooling. For typical prominence parameters, the instability time scale is of the order of a few minutes and is independent of the form of the temperature profile within the PCTR of the thread. This result indicates that thermal instability may play an important role for the short lifetimes of threads in the observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Magnetic and humidity sensing properties of nanostructured Cu[x]Co[1-x]Fe2O4 synthesized by auto combustion technique

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    Magnetic nanomaterials (23-43 nm) of Cux_xCo1−x_{1-x}Fe2_2O4_4\ (x = 0.0, 0.5 and 1.0) were synthesized by auto combustion method. The crystallite sizes of these materials were calculated from X-ray diffraction peaks. The band observed in Fourier transform infrared spectrum near 575 cm−1^{-1} in these samples confirm the presence of ferrite phase. Conductivity measurement shows the thermal hysteresis and demonstrates the knee points at 475o^oC, 525o^oC and 500o^oC for copper ferrite, cobalt ferrite and copper-cobalt mixed ferrite respectively. The hystersis M-H loops for these materials were traced using the Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) and indicate a significant increase in the saturation magnetization (Ms_s) and remanence (Mr_r) due to the substitution of Cu2+^{2+} ions in cobalt ferrite, while the intrinsic coercivity (Hc_c) was decreasing. Among these ferrites, copper ferrite exhibits highest sensitivity for humidity.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Decay of weak solutions to the 2D dissipative quasi-geostrophic equation

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    We address the decay of the norm of weak solutions to the 2D dissipative quasi-geostrophic equation. When the initial data is in L2L^2 only, we prove that the L2L^2 norm tends to zero but with no uniform rate, that is, there are solutions with arbitrarily slow decay. For the initial data in Lp∩L2L^p \cap L^2, with 1≀p<21 \leq p < 2, we are able to obtain a uniform decay rate in L2L^2. We also prove that when the L22α−1L^{\frac{2}{2 \alpha -1}} norm of the initial data is small enough, the LqL^q norms, for q>22α−1q > \frac{2}{2 \alpha -1} have uniform decay rates. This result allows us to prove decay for the LqL^q norms, for q≄22α−1q \geq \frac{2}{2 \alpha -1}, when the initial data is in L2∩L22α−1L^2 \cap L^{\frac{2}{2 \alpha -1}}.Comment: A paragraph describing work by Carrillo and Ferreira proving results directly related to the ones in this paper is added in the Introduction. Rest of the article remains unchange

    New Modeling of the Lensing Galaxy and Cluster of Q0957+561: Implications for the Global Value of the Hubble Constant

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    The gravitational lens 0957+561 is modeled utilizing recent observations of the galaxy and the cluster as well as previous VLBI radio data which have been re-analyzed recently. The galaxy is modeled by a power-law elliptical mass density with a small core while the cluster is modeled by a non-singular power-law sphere as indicated by recent observations. Using all of the current available data, the best-fit model has a reduced chi-squared of approximately 6 where the chi-squared value is dominated by a small portion of the observational constraints used; this value of the reduced chi-squared is similar to that of the recent FGSE best-fit model by Barkana et al. However, the derived value of the Hubble constant is significantly different from the value derived from the FGSE model. We find that the value of the Hubble constant is given by H_0 = 69 +18/-12 (1-K) and 74 +18/-17 (1-K) km/s/Mpc with and without a constraint on the cluster's mass, respectively, where K is the convergence of the cluster at the position of the galaxy and the range for each value is defined by Delta chi-squared = reduced chi-squared. Presently, the best achievable fit for this system is not as good as for PG 1115+080, which also has recently been used to constrain the Hubble constant, and the degeneracy is large. Possibilities for improving the fit and reducing the degeneracy are discussed.Comment: 22 pages in aaspp style including 6 tables and 5 figures, ApJ in press (Nov. 1st issue

    HST Observations of the Gravitationally Lensed Cloverleaf Broad Absorption Line QSO H1413+1143: Modeling the Lens

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    We investigate gravitational lens models for the quadruply-lensed Cloverleaf BAL QSO H1413+1143 based on the HST WFPC/WFPC2 astrometric and photometric data of the system by Turnshek et al. and the HST NICMOS-2 data by Falco et al. The accurate image positions and the dust-extinction-corrected relative amplifications, along with a possible detection of the lensing galaxy in the infrared, permit more accurate lens models than were previously possible. While more recent models are qualitatively consistent with the HST data, none of the previous models considered the dust-extinction-corrected relative amplifications of the image components. We use the power-law elliptical mass model to fit the HST data. We find that a single elliptical galaxy perturbed by an external shear can fit the image positions within the observational uncertainties; however, the predicted relative magnifications are only roughly consistent with the observational relative amplifications. We find that a primary galaxy combined with a secondary galaxy in the vicinity of the Cloverleaf or a cluster centered (south-)west of the Cloverleaf can fit both the image positions and relative amplifications within the observational uncertainties. We discuss future observations which could be used to test and/or further constrain lens models of the Cloverleaf.Comment: 23 pages (in aaspp.sty) including 5 tables and 3 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Biosolids-based catalyst for oxidative desulphurization of drop-in fuels derived from waste fats

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    In this work, the catalytic performance of a biosolids-based catalyst was tested in the oxidative desulphurization process of a model fuel solution containing benzothiophene ([S] of 500 ppm), as well as sulphur-rich products from a two-step thermal conversion process of brown grease to renewable hydrocarbons using biosolids as a water replacement during the hydrolysis step. The catalytic results of the biosolids-based material were compared with a classical Fenton-like reagent and a non-catalytic system. Biosolids-based catalyst outperformed the other systems at low temperature with a full desulphurization of benzothiophene solution achieved at 60 °C after 3 h and a good recyclability after four catalytic runs at 80 °C for 3 h. The desulphurization was less effective for hydrolysed fatty acids and crude pyrolysis oil derived from the conversion of brown grease to renewable hydrocarbons, which was due to the composition of the sulphur containing compounds, but still reached 87.7 ± 3.0 % and 74.7 ± 9.5 %, respectively

    B0850+054: a new gravitational lens system from CLASS

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    We report the discovery of a new gravitational lens system from the CLASS survey. Radio observations with the VLA, the WSRT and MERLIN show that the radio source B0850+054 is comprised of two compact components with identical spectra, a separation of 0.7 arcsec and a flux density ratio of 6:1. VLBA observations at 5 GHz reveal structures that are consistent with the gravitational lens hypothesis. The brighter of the two images is resolved into a linear string of at least six sub-components whilst the weaker image is radially stretched towards the lens galaxy. UKIRT K-band imaging detects an 18.7 mag extended object, but the resolution of the observations is not sufficient to resolve the lensed images and the lens galaxy. Mass modelling has not been possible with the present data and the acquisition of high-resolution optical data is a priority for this system.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA


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    The purpose of this study was to quantify selected 3-D kinematic characteristics of the upper body during racing wheelchair stroking over a roller system using the conventional technique (CVT) and para-backhand technique (PBT). Eight CVT and seven PBT users served as the subjects. Each subject performed maximum effort stroking for 30 s at two loads and was recorded by two S-VHS camcorders (60 Hz). The CVT was found to have significant shorter push time, smaller relative push time, and greater relative recovery time than the PBT. Significant difference in arm position at the instant of hand release was found between the two techniques and the difference may have implications for the stress placed on the structures around the shoulder joint. When compared to each other, the CVT is a more compact stroke and the PBT has a faster overall movement speed
