3 research outputs found

    The Senior Master Builder Mr. Vicente López Cardera

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    El Maestro de Obras de Córdoba D. Vicente López Cardera, pertenecía a una saga de Maestros de Obra de esta ciudad. Su formación práctica y teórica la adquirió en el gremio de la construcción, si bien completó esta formación de manera autodidacta. El estudio de su biografía y de la actividad laboral del Maestro de obras en la capital y en la provincia de Córdoba es de gran interés, pues se aborda desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar; comenzando desde un punto de vista histórico, continuando con el estudio de la Ilustración y las Artes, la creación de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, el conflicto entre el Consejo de Castilla y la Real Academia de San Fernando y la figura de Vicente López Cardera: biografía, formación y trayectoria profesional del mismo con un estudio pormenorizado de la labor desarrollada por el mismo como Maestro de Obras de Concejo Municipal de Córdoba. Para llevar a cabo dicho estudio se ha partido desde un punto de vista histórico, abordando así el examen de los gremios de la construcción en España, funciones, su primitiva reglamentación, su organización para defender sus intereses profesionales y el aprendizaje de su oficio a fin de conseguir las habilidades y conocimientos necesarios para el eficaz ejercicio de su actividad, su organización, la jerarquía de los oficios y cómo al finalizar la Alta Edad Media, los gremios se habían convertido en poderosos grupos de influencia tanto en Aragón como en el Reino de Castilla. El auge de los gremios en los siglos XVI y XVII, etapa en la que van a reclamar para sí el control total de su actividad, adquiriendo una gran fuerza social y política. Sus miembros vendrán obligados a cumplir una normativa gremial, que les marca sus atribuciones, salario y método de ascenso en el escalafón profesional. Las ordenanzas de los gremios también recogerán hasta las obligaciones religiosas de ayuda fraterna y de participación social en las procesiones. La obtención del título de maestro era el máximo grado dentro del gremio, tras superar un examen teórico y práctico, que le permitía tener su propio taller, enseñar a los aprendices, proyectar, firmar contratos y dirigir obras con organismos oficiales y con particulares, así como ser elegido o intervenir en la elección de los veedores del gremio. La figura de maestro mayor, un cargo público y oficial cuyas labores consistían en diseñar y dirigir las obras proyectadas. Como ayudante en la dirección de las obras solía actuar un maestro cantero, que hacía las veces de aparejador. Con la implantación de la Monarquía absoluta partir del siglo XVI, el pensamiento ilustrado y las políticas reformistas de la monarquía borbónica, el Estado asumirá progresivamente muchas de las funciones de los municipios y con ello comenzará a resentirse el poder de los gremios. El Consejo de Castilla formado por miembros de la alta nobleza de Castilla, eclesiásticos y licenciados, se encargaba del gobierno del reino y de la administración de justicia, pero no tenía poder ejecutivo, siendo el Rey quien ejecutaba las conclusiones que le presentaban los consejeros. Tanto los municipios como los distintos gremios debían someterse a los dictámenes del Real Consejo de Castilla. Tras la creación de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando por Real Decreto de 12 de abril de 1752, con la cual el Consejo de Castilla y los propios gremios van a perder poco a poco parte de sus atribuciones. La Real Academia de Nobles Artes de San Fernando de Madrid había reconocido la profesión de los Maestros de Obras y creado el título conducente a la misma. Es entonces cuando desaparece oficialmente el sistema gremial para ser sustituido por un orden profesional. La Academia certificaba la habilitación de arquitecto y de maestro de obras, las atribuciones de los dos títulos y el contenido de las pruebas de ambos. Vicente López Cardera nace en Córdoba en 1745, descendiente de una familia de alarifes de esta ciudad. La vida personal de Vicente López Cardera es prácticamente desconocida. La presente investigación ha revelado datos inéditos sobre la ascendencia de este reconocido maestro de obras cordobés. Se examinó en la Academia de San Fernando el dos de junio de 1787, realizando en el examen de la “prueba de pensado” el diseño de una casa para un señor hacendado, con oficinas de labor. El dos de junio de 1787, Vicente López Cardera aprobó el examen del "curso". Se analizan un gran número de los útiles de dibujo de la época que serían utilizados por López Cardera para los planos de su examen en la Academia. Vicente López Cardera ya era en 1787 Maestro de Obras aprobado por la Academia, por lo que inmediatamente presentó al Municipio de su ciudad natal una solicitud para ser nombrado Maestro del Concejo. Entre sus méritos alega que su padre, abuelos y bisabuelos habían servido a la ciudad en dicho cargo. Se estudia la complicada situación de los Maestros de obras. En el año 1787 Vicente López Cardera fue nombrado Maestro de Obras del Concejo de Córdoba, con lo que oficialmente se convertía en el máximo representante de la arquitectura cordobesa, lo que motivó la protesta de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Se realiza un análisis de la obra de Vicente López Cardera en Córdoba capital y en la provincia. La información se ha obtenido de los archivos locales de los pueblos a los que Vicente López fue enviado para redactar informes sobre el estado de ciertas obras públicas y proponer y presupuestar propuestas para sus reparaciones. Fue comisionado para realizar esta labor en bastantes municipios de la provincia de Córdoba, como Villafranca, Montilla, Aguilar de la Frontera, Zambra, Rute etc. No hemos encontrado trabajos de investigación dedicados exclusivamente al Maestro de Obras Vicente López Cardera, dado que en esa época las funciones de estos profesionales pasan a ocupar un papel subordinado al arquitecto académico, por ello gran parte de la información sobre López Cardera publicada se encuentra en los estudios sobre los arquitectos con los que colaboró, como es el caso de Ignacio Tomás Fabregat o genéricos sobre la introducción del neoclasicismo en Córdoba. Unas fuentes que han sido poco visitadas en busca de información han sido los archivos locales de los pueblos a los que Vicente López Cardera fue enviado para redactar informes sobre el estado de ciertas obras públicas y proponer y presupuestar propuestas para sus reparaciones. El maestro de obras fue comisionado para realizar esta labor en bastantes municipios de la provincia de Córdoba, como Villafranca, Montilla, Aguilar de la Frontera, Zambra, Rute etc. En algunos de estos archivos locales hemos encontrado abundante documentación inédita de Vicente López Cardera, como es el caso de la Biblioteca de la Fundación Manuel Ruiz Luque de Montilla, que custodia los informes que en 1794 el Maestro de Obras realiza sobre las Casas Consistoriales de la localidad y sobre la entonces conocida como iglesia de la Encarnación, hoy basílica de San Juan de Ávila. Dicha iglesia, había pertenecido al colegio de la Compañía de Jesús hasta la expulsión de los jesuitas por el rey Carlos III en 1776, dieciocho años después, en 1794 aún no se había cedido a la orden de los Franciscanos, y estaba en manos del ayuntamiento de la ciudad. A través de este estudio se ha pretendido destacar la importancia del Maestro de Obras Vicente López Cardera, atrapado en un cambio histórico de tal categoría que vio reducida sus atribuciones ya que no podía proyectar y dirigir obras de primer orden, como iglesias, monasterios, palacios y aduanas principales etc… López Cardera se resistió a ser un adjunto de los arquitectos académicos y siguió firmando los proyectos de las obras públicas que se licitaban en el entonces reino de Córdoba, bien fueran los nuevos edificios de ayuntamientos, como hizo con los proyectos del ayuntamiento de Pozoblanco, con las obras del murallón de la ribera del Guadalquivir a su paso por Córdoba o la nueva torre de la iglesia de la Magdalena, aun sabiendo que la Real Academia seguramente reprobaría sus proyectos. Pero es que López Cardera procedía de una familia de alarifes y había conocido la omnipotencia para diseñar, proyectar y construir catedrales y palacios, puentes y todo tipo de obras civiles, de la que habían disfrutado los maestros de obras desde hacía varios siglos hasta época bien próxima a la suya. En su memoria estarían las obras proyectadas y construidas por Juan Antonio Camacho de Saavedra, maestro de obras del Marquesado de Priego y del Obispado de Córdoba en el siglo XVIII, hacía tan solo unas décadas y no se resignaba ante la nueva situación laboral de los maestros de obra.The Master Builder of Cordoba, Vicente López Cardera, belonged to a saga of Master Builders of this city. He acquired his practical and theoretical training in the building trade, although he completed this training in a self-taught manner. The study of his biography and the work activity of the Master Builder in the capital and in the province of Cordoba is of great interest, as it is approached from a multidisciplinary perspective. Starting from a historical point of view, continuing with the study of the Enlightenment and the Arts, the creation of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, the conflict between the Council of Castile and the Royal Academy of San Fernando and the figure of Vicente López Cardera: his biography, training and professional career with a detailed study of the work carried out by him as Master Builder of the Municipal Council of Cordoba. To carry out this study, we have started from a historical point of view, thus addressing the examination of the construction unions in Spain, functions, their primitive regulations, their organization to defend their professional interests and the learning of their trade to achieve the skills and knowledge necessary for the effective exercise of their activity, their organization, the hierarchy of trades and how, at the end of the High Middle Ages, the guilds had become powerful groups of influence both in Aragon and in the Kingdom of Castile. The rise of the guilds in the 16th and 17th centuries, a period in which they claimed total control of their activity, acquiring great social and political strength. Their members were obliged to comply with guild regulations, which established their attributions, salary and method of promotion in the professional ladder. The ordinances of the guilds also included the religious obligations of fraternal help and social participation in processions. Obtaining the title of master was the highest grade within the guild, after passing a theoretical and practical exam, which allowed him to have his own workshop, teach apprentices, plan, sign contracts and direct works with official bodies and private individuals, as well as being elected or intervening in the election of the guild's overseers. The figure of the maestro mayor, a public and official position whose duties consisted of designing and directing the projected works. A master stonemason, who acted as a quantity surveyor, usually assisted in the direction of the works. With the establishment of the absolute monarchy from the 16th century onwards, the Enlightenment thinking and the reformist policies of the Bourbon monarchy, the State gradually took over many of the functions of the municipalities and the power of the guilds began to wane. The Council of Castile, made up of members of the high nobility of Castile, ecclesiastics and graduates, was in charge of the government of the kingdom and the administration of justice, but it had no executive power, the King being the one who executed the conclusions presented to him by the advisers. Both the municipalities and the different unions had to submit to the opinions of the Royal Council of Castilla. The creation of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando by Royal Decree of April 12, 1752, with which the Council of Castilla and the guilds themselves will gradually lose part of their powers. The Royal Academy of Noble Arts of San Fernando in Madrid had recognized the profession of Master Builders and created the title leading to it. It is then that the union system officially disappears to be replaced by a professional order. The Academy certified the qualification of architect and master builder, the attributions of the two titles and the content of the tests of both. Vicente López Cardera was born in Cordoba in 1745, the descendant of a family of master builders from this city. The personal life of Vicente López Cardera is practically unknown. The present research has revealed unpublished data on the ancestry of this renowned Cordoban master builder. He took his examination at the San Fernando Academy on 2 June 1787, taking the "prueba de pensado" exam and designing a house for a landowner with offices for his work. On 2 June 1787, Vicente López Cardera passed the "course" examination. A large number of the drawing tools of the time, which were used by López Cardera for the plans for his examination at the Academy, are analysed. In 1787, Vicente López Cardera was already a Master Builder approved by the Academy, so he immediately applied to the Municipality of his hometown to be appointed Master of the Council. Among his merits he alleges that his father, grandparents and great-grandparents had served the city in this post. The complicated situation of the Master Builders is studied. In 1787 Vicente López Cardera was appointed Master Builder of the Council of Cordoba, which officially made him the highest representative of Cordovan architecture, prompting a protest from the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts. An analysis is made of the work of Vicente López Cardera in the city of Córdoba and in the province. The information has been obtained from the local archives of the towns to which Vicente López was sent to draw up reports on the state of certain public works and to propose and budget proposals for their repairs. He was commissioned to carry out this work in a number of municipalities in the province of Córdoba, such as Villafranca, Montilla, Aguilar de la Frontera, Zambra, Rute, etc. We have not found research works dedicated exclusively to the Master Builder Vicente López Cardera, given that at that time the functions of these professionals became subordinate to those of the academic architect, which is why much of the information published on López Cardera can be found in studies on the architects with whom he collaborated, as in the case of Ignacio Tomás Fabregat or generic studies on the introduction of neoclassicism in Cordoba. One source that has been little visited in search of information is the local archives of the towns to which Vicente López Cardera was sent to draw up reports on the state of certain public Works and to propose and budget proposals for their repairs. The master builder was commissioned to carry out this work in a number of municipalities in the province of Córdoba, such as Villafranca, Montilla, Aguilar de la Frontera, Zambra, Rute, etc. In some of these local archives we have found abundant unpublished documentation by Vicente López Cardera, as is the case of the Library of the Manuel Ruiz Luque Foundation in Montilla, which holds the reports that in 1794 the Master Builder produced on the town's Town Hall and on the church then known as the Church of the Encarnación, today the Basilica of San Juan de Ávila. This church had belonged to the school of the Society of Jesus until the expulsion of the Jesuits by King Charles III in 1776. Eighteen years later, in 1794, it had still not been ceded to the Franciscan order and was in the hands of the town council. The aim of this study is to highlight the importance of the Master Builder Vicente López Cardera, who was caught up in a historical change of such magnitude that his powers were reduced as he was no longer able to design and direct works of the first order, such as churches, López Cardera resisted being an assistant to the academic architects and continued to sign the projects for the public works that were put out to tender in the then kingdom of Cordoba, whether they were new council buildings, as he did with the projects for Pozoblanco town hall, with the work on the walls along the banks of the Guadalquivir as it passes through Cordoba or the new tower of the church of La Magdalena, even though he knew that the Royal Academy would surely disapprove of his projects. But López Cardera came from a family of master builders and had known the omnipotence to design, plan and build cathedrals and palaces, bridges and all kinds of civil works, which master builders had enjoyed for several centuries up to a time very close to his own. In his memory were the works designed and built by Juan Antonio Camacho de Saavedra, master builder of the Marquisate of Priego and the Bishopric of Cordoba in the 18th century, only a few decades ago, and he was not resigned to the new employment situation of master builders

    Graphic Engineering in the Sustainable Preservation of the Municipal Heritage of Montilla (Cordoba, Spain) from the 18th Century: Master Builder Vicente López Cardera in Montilla

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    The change of territorial organisation in the 18th century in Spain was strongly related to the preservation of the local heritage. Academic architects, military engineers, and master builders coexisted to carry out the design and management of municipal construction works. The evolution of the figure of the master builder and the confrontation with architects and the guilds since the creation of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando posed an inflection point in this aspect. The first aim of the present study was to highlight the figure of Vicente López Cardera, master builder in the Council and Diocese of Córdoba between the late 18th century and the early 19th century, through his work on the municipal interventions in the maintenance of the construction works and infrastructures in Montilla (Córdoba, Spain) around the year 1794. The second aim of the study was to emphasise the role of graphic engineering in the conservation of municipal heritage in the Modern Age through the study of drawings and plans provided by him in the analysed documentation. His thinking in the approach to these works fits with the ideas of social hygienic improvements that began with the Enlightenment as well as with the concept of sustainable development in culture; hence, his work is relevant in the sustainable development planning of cities in the present. With this study, missing heritage elements are also revealed, opening future lines of research that lead to their virtual reconstruction and the promotion of tourism in rural areas

    Healthcare workers hospitalized due to COVID-19 have no higher risk of death than general population. Data from the Spanish SEMI-COVID-19 Registry

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    Aim To determine whether healthcare workers (HCW) hospitalized in Spain due to COVID-19 have a worse prognosis than non-healthcare workers (NHCW). Methods Observational cohort study based on the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry, a nationwide registry that collects sociodemographic, clinical, laboratory, and treatment data on patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in Spain. Patients aged 20-65 years were selected. A multivariate logistic regression model was performed to identify factors associated with mortality. Results As of 22 May 2020, 4393 patients were included, of whom 419 (9.5%) were HCW. Median (interquartile range) age of HCW was 52 (15) years and 62.4% were women. Prevalence of comorbidities and severe radiological findings upon admission were less frequent in HCW. There were no difference in need of respiratory support and admission to intensive care unit, but occurrence of sepsis and in-hospital mortality was lower in HCW (1.7% vs. 3.9%; p = 0.024 and 0.7% vs. 4.8%; p<0.001 respectively). Age, male sex and comorbidity, were independently associated with higher in-hospital mortality and healthcare working with lower mortality (OR 0.211, 95%CI 0.067-0.667, p = 0.008). 30-days survival was higher in HCW (0.968 vs. 0.851 p<0.001). Conclusions Hospitalized COVID-19 HCW had fewer comorbidities and a better prognosis than NHCW. Our results suggest that professional exposure to COVID-19 in HCW does not carry more clinical severity nor mortality