1 research outputs found

    Generalidades de la farmacovigilancia

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    No aplicaRelatar la historia y evoluci贸n de la farmacovigilancia, desde sus principios en los a帽os sesenta, donde el detonante que hizo surgir dicha ciencia fueron las reacciones adversas a la talidomida; causante de un desastre de grandes proporciones que cambi贸 el campo de la investigaci贸n farmacol贸gica, porque fue aqu铆 donde los ensayos cl铆nicos controlados se hicieron obligatorios para comprobar la seguridad, efectividad y eficacia de los medicamentos que iban a ser comercializados. Adem谩s se describe el marco legal de la farmacovigilancia en nuestro pa铆s, sus m茅todos, principios, la labor del Regente de Farmacia y su relaci贸n con la materia y la evaluaci贸n de seguridad y efectividad de los tratamientos farmacol贸gicos.Report the history and evolution of pharmacovigilance, since its beginnings in the sixties, where the trigger that gave rise to this science was the adverse reactions to thalidomide; that caused a disaster of great proportions that changed the field of pharmacological research because it was here where controlled clinical trials were made mandatory to verify the safety, effectiveness and efficacy of the drugs that were to be marketed; It also describes the legal framework of Pharmacovigilance in our country, its methods, principles, the work of the Regent of Pharmacy and its relationship with the matter and the evaluation of safety and effectiveness of pharmacological treatments