7 research outputs found

    The persistence of gender inequality in Zimbabwe: factors that impede the advancement of women into leadership positions in primary schools

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    We investigated and analysed the factors that women teachers consider asbarriers to their advancement to headship positions in Zimbabwean primary schools. Specifically, we sought to identify the factors perceived by women school heads to be causes of persistent under-representation of women in school headship positions. Data were collected through structured face-to-face interviews and focus group discussions with 13 experienced women school heads. The findings revealed that although the majority of the women teachers in the study sample were qualified for promotion to school headship positions, they had not attempted to apply for them. The majority of the women teachers in the study sample were adequately qualified for promotion to school headship positions. Indeed, a large number of them either had a university degree or were pursuing degree studies and also had extensive experience. But most of themhad not attempted to apply for school headship and hence were still classteachers. Gender stereotypes were shown to be one of the major causes ofpersistent under-representation of women in primary school headship. Theinfluence of gender role stereotypes was found to manifest in the form of low self esteem; lack of confidence; women’s perception that their role in the family overrides all other roles; and lack of support from the home and the workplace

    Striving to Achieve Gender Equity in Education: A Zimbabwean Experience – Successes and Challenges

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    Immediately after attaining independence in 1980, Zimbabwe, like most developing countries, alluded to the eradication of all forms of inequalities in its society, including gender inequalities in education. Such imbalances were caused mainly by the patriarchal family system as well as the colonial policies. This paper is an analytical exposition of the efforts made by the Zimbabwean government and international agencies in trying to redress gender inequalities in education, thus critically examining the achievements, challenges and constraints that have been encountered in trying to achieve gender equity in education.  Since 1980, a number of policies and strategies were put in place to promote gender equity in education and they included introduction of education for all, free primary education and attracting international agencies that support education in the country. Significant increase in the education of girls and women in terms of numbers was noted in all levels of education although equity is yet still to be achieved. Noted constraints to the achievement of equity included lack of funds as well as lack of mechanisms to enforce and monitor implementation of policies meant to promote education of girls and women. It was recommended that there is need to seriously consider enhancement of policies and strategies that promote the education of girl children and women