5,740 research outputs found

    Origin of 21+2_1^+ Excitation Energy Dependence on Valence Nucleon Numbers

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    It has been shown recently that a simple formula in terms of the valence nucleon numbers and the mass number can describe the essential trends of excitation energies of the first 2+2^+ states in even-even nuclei. By evaluating the first order energy shift due to the zero-range residual interaction, we find that the factor which reflects the effective particle number participating in the interaction from the Fermi orbit governs the main dependence of the first 2+2^+ excitation energy on the valence nucleon numbers.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Superfluid-insulator transition of the Josephson junction array model with commensurate frustration

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    We have studied the rationally frustrated Josephson-junction array model in the square lattice through Monte Carlo simulations of (2+1)(2+1)D XY-model. For frustration f=1/4f=1/4, the model at zero temperature shows a continuous superfluid-insulator transition. From the measurement of the correlation function and the superfluid stiffness, we obtain the dynamical critical exponent z=1.0z=1.0 and the correlation length critical exponent ν=0.4±0.05\nu=0.4 \pm 0.05. While the dynamical critical exponent is the same as that for cases f=0f=0, 1/2, and 1/3, the correlation length critical exponent is surprisingly quite different. When f=1/5f=1/5, we have the nature of a first-order transition.Comment: RevTex 4, to appear in PR

    Deletion of the S3–S4 Linker in theShaker Potassium Channel Reveals Two Quenching Groups near the outside of S4

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    When attached outside the voltage-sensing S4 segment of the Shaker potassium channel, the fluorescent probe tetramethylrhodamine (TMRM) undergoes voltage-dependent fluorescence changes (ΔF) due to differential interaction with a pH-titratable external protein-lined vestibule (Cha, A., and F. Bezanilla. 1998. J. Gen. Physiol. 112:391–408.). We attached TMRM at the same sites [corresponding to M356C and A359C in the wild-type (wt) channel] in a deletion mutant of Shaker where all but the five amino acids closest to S4 had been removed from the S3–S4 linker. In the deletion mutant, the maximal ΔF/F seen was diminished 10-fold, and the ΔF at M356C became pH independent, suggesting that the protein-lined vestibule is made up in large part by the S3–S4 linker. The residual ΔF showed that the probe still interacted with two putative quenching groups near the S4 segment. One group was detected by M356C-TMRM (located outside of S3 in the deletion mutant) and reported on deactivation gating charge movement when applying hyperpolarizing voltage steps from a holding potential of 0 mV. During activating voltage steps from a holding potential of −90 mV, the fluorescence lagged considerably behind the movement of gating charge over a range of potentials. Another putative quenching group was seen by probes attached closer to the S4 and caused a ΔF at extreme hyperpolarizations (more negative than −90 mV) only. A signal from the interaction with this group in the wt S3–S4 linker channel (at L361C) correlated with gating charge moving in the hyperpolarized part of the Q-V curve. Probe attached at A359C in the deletion mutant and at L361C in wt channel showed a biphasic ΔF as the probe oscillated between the two groups, revealing that there is a transient state of the voltage sensor in between, where the probe has maximal fluorescence. We conclude that the voltage sensor undergoes two distinct conformational changes as seen from probes attached outside the S4 segment

    The Field-Tuned Superconductor-Insulator Transition with and without Current Bias

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    The magnetic-field-tuned superconductor-insulator transition has been studied in ultrathin Beryllium films quench-condensed near 20 K. In the zero-current limit, a finite-size scaling analysis yields the scaling exponent product vz = 1.35 +/- 0.10 and a critical sheet resistance R_{c} of about 1.2R_{Q}, with R_{Q} = h/4e^{2}. However, in the presence of dc bias currents that are smaller than the zero-field critical currents, vz becomes 0.75 +/- 0.10. This new set of exponents suggests that the field-tuned transitions with and without dc bias currents belong to different universality classes.Comment: RevTex 4 pages, 4 figures, and 1 table minor change

    Mapping local optical densities of states in silicon photonic structures with nanoscale electron spectroscopy

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    Relativistic electrons in a structured medium generate radiative losses such as Cherenkov and transition radiation that act as a virtual light source, coupling to the photonic densities of states. The effect is most pronounced when the imaginary part of the dielectric function is zero, a regime where in a non-retarded treatment no loss or coupling can occur. Maps of the resultant energy losses as a sub-5nm electron probe scans across finite waveguide structures reveal spatial distributions of optical modes in a spectral domain ranging from near-infrared to far ultraviolet.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Phase Transitions in the Two-Dimensional XY Model with Random Phases: a Monte Carlo Study

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    We study the two-dimensional XY model with quenched random phases by Monte Carlo simulation and finite-size scaling analysis. We determine the phase diagram of the model and study its critical behavior as a function of disorder and temperature. If the strength of the randomness is less than a critical value, σc\sigma_{c}, the system has a Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) phase transition from the paramagnetic phase to a state with quasi-long-range order. Our data suggest that the latter exists down to T=0 in contradiction with theories that predict the appearance of a low-temperature reentrant phase. At the critical disorder TKT→0T_{KT}\rightarrow 0 and for σ>σc\sigma > \sigma_{c} there is no quasi-ordered phase. At zero temperature there is a phase transition between two different glassy states at σc\sigma_{c}. The functional dependence of the correlation length on σ\sigma suggests that this transition corresponds to the disorder-driven unbinding of vortex pairs.Comment: LaTex file and 18 figure

    Effect of in-plane line defects on field-tuned superconductor-insulator transition behavior in homogeneous thin film

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    Field-tuned superconductor-insulator transition (FSIT) behavior in 2D isotropic and homogeneous thin films is usually accompanied by a nonvanishing critical resistance at low TT. It is shown that, in a 2D film including line defects paralle to each other but with random positions perpendicular to them, the (apparent) critical resistance in low TT limit vanishes, as in the 1D quantum superconducting (SC) transition, under a current parallel to the line defects. This 1D-like critical resistive behavior is more clearly seen in systems with weaker point disorder and may be useful in clarifying whether the true origin of FSIT behavior in the parent superconductor is the glass fluctuation or the quantum SC fluctuation. As a by-product of the present calculation, it is also pointed out that, in 2D films with line-like defects with a long but {\it finite} correlation length parallel to the lines, a quantum metallic behavior intervening the insulating and SC ones appears in the resistivity curves.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure

    24^{24}Mg(pp, α\alpha)21^{21}Na reaction study for spectroscopy of 21^{21}Na

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    The 24^{24}Mg(pp, α\alpha)21^{21}Na reaction was measured at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in order to better constrain spins and parities of energy levels in 21^{21}Na for the astrophysically important 17^{17}F(α,p\alpha, p)20^{20}Ne reaction rate calculation. 31 MeV proton beams from the 25-MV tandem accelerator and enriched 24^{24}Mg solid targets were used. Recoiling 4^{4}He particles from the 24^{24}Mg(pp, α\alpha)21^{21}Na reaction were detected by a highly segmented silicon detector array which measured the yields of 4^{4}He particles over a range of angles simultaneously. A new level at 6661 ±\pm 5 keV was observed in the present work. The extracted angular distributions for the first four levels of 21^{21}Na and Distorted Wave Born Approximation (DWBA) calculations were compared to verify and extract angular momentum transfer.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Accelerators and Beam Utilization (ICABU2014

    Real-time, label-free, intraoperative visualization of peripheral nerves and microvasculatures using multimodal optical imaging techniques

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    Accurate, real-time identification and display of critical anatomic structures, such as the nerve and vasculature structures, are critical for reducing complications and improving surgical outcomes. Human vision is frequently limited in clearly distinguishing and contrasting these structures. We present a novel imaging system, which enables noninvasive visualization of critical anatomic structures during surgical dissection. Peripheral nerves are visualized by a snapshot polarimetry that calculates the anisotropic optical properties. Vascular structures, both venous and arterial, are identified and monitored in real-time using a near-infrared laser-speckle-contrast imaging. We evaluate the system by performing in vivo animal studies with qualitative comparison by contrast-agent-aided fluorescence imaging
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