11,490 research outputs found

    Complete quantum teleportation using nuclear magnetic resonance

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    Quantum mechanics provides spectacular new information processing abilities (Bennett 1995, Preskill 1998). One of the most unexpected is a procedure called quantum teleportation (Bennett et al 1993) that allows the quantum state of a system to be transported from one location to another, without moving through the intervening space. Partial implementations of teleportation (Bouwmeester et al 1997, Boschi et al 1998) over macroscopic distances have been achieved using optical systems, but omit the final stage of the teleportation procedure. Here we report an experimental implementation of the full quantum teleportation operation over inter-atomic distances using liquid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The inclusion of the final stage enables for the first time a teleportation implementation which may be used as a subroutine in larger quantum computations, or for quantum communication. Our experiment also demonstrates the use of quantum process tomography, a procedure to completely characterize the dynamics of a quantum system. Finally, we demonstrate a controlled exploitation of decoherence as a tool to assist in the performance of an experiment.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures. Minor differences between this and the published versio

    Adaptive genomic structural variation in the grape powdery mildew pathogen, Erysiphe necator.

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    BackgroundPowdery mildew, caused by the obligate biotrophic fungus Erysiphe necator, is an economically important disease of grapevines worldwide. Large quantities of fungicides are used for its control, accelerating the incidence of fungicide-resistance. Copy number variations (CNVs) are unbalanced changes in the structure of the genome that have been associated with complex traits. In addition to providing the first description of the large and highly repetitive genome of E. necator, this study describes the impact of genomic structural variation on fungicide resistance in Erysiphe necator.ResultsA shotgun approach was applied to sequence and assemble the genome of five E. necator isolates, and RNA-seq and comparative genomics were used to predict and annotate protein-coding genes. Our results show that the E. necator genome is exceptionally large and repetitive and suggest that transposable elements are responsible for genome expansion. Frequent structural variations were found between isolates and included copy number variation in EnCYP51, the target of the commonly used sterol demethylase inhibitor (DMI) fungicides. A panel of 89 additional E. necator isolates collected from diverse vineyard sites was screened for copy number variation in the EnCYP51 gene and for presence/absence of a point mutation (Y136F) known to result in higher fungicide tolerance. We show that an increase in EnCYP51 copy number is significantly more likely to be detected in isolates collected from fungicide-treated vineyards. Increased EnCYP51 copy numbers were detected with the Y136F allele, suggesting that an increase in copy number becomes advantageous only after the fungicide-tolerant allele is acquired. We also show that EnCYP51 copy number influences expression in a gene-dose dependent manner and correlates with fungal growth in the presence of a DMI fungicide.ConclusionsTaken together our results show that CNV can be adaptive in the development of resistance to fungicides by providing increasing quantitative protection in a gene-dosage dependent manner. The results of this work not only demonstrate the effectiveness of using genomics to dissect complex traits in organisms with very limited molecular information, but also may have broader implications for understanding genomic dynamics in response to strong selective pressure in other pathogens with similar genome architectures

    Evidence that conflict regarding size of haemodynamic response to interventricular delay optimization of cardiac resynchronization therapy may arise from differences in how atrioventricular delay is kept constant.

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    Aims: Whether adjusting interventricular (VV) delay changes haemodynamic efficacy of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is controversial, with conflicting results. This study addresses whether the convention for keeping atrioventricular (AV) delay constant during VV optimization might explain these conflicts. / Method and results: Twenty-two patients in sinus rhythm with existing CRT underwent VV optimization using non-invasive systolic blood pressure. Interventricular optimization was performed with four methods for keeping the AV delay constant: (i) atrium and left ventricle delay kept constant, (ii) atrium and right ventricle delay kept constant, (iii) time to the first-activated ventricle kept constant, and (iv) time to the second-activated ventricle kept constant. In 11 patients this was performed with AV delay of 120 ms, and in 11 at AV optimum. At AV 120 ms, time to the first ventricular lead (left or right) was the overwhelming determinant of haemodynamics (13.75 mmHg at ±80 ms, P < 0.001) with no significant effect of time to second lead (0.47 mmHg, P = 0.50), P < 0.001 for difference. At AV optimum, time to first ventricular lead again had a larger effect (5.03 mmHg, P < 0.001) than time to second (2.92 mmHg, P = 0.001), P = 0.02 for difference. / Conclusion: Time to first ventricular activation is the overwhelming determinant of circulatory function, regardless of whether this is the left or right ventricular lead. If this is kept constant, the effect of changing time to the second ventricle is small or nil, and is not beneficial. In practice, it may be advisable to leave VV delay at zero. Specifying how AV delay is kept fixed might make future VV delay research more enlightening

    Semiclassical interferences and catastrophes in the ionization of Rydberg atoms by half-cycle pulses

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    A multi-dimensional semiclassical description of excitation of a Rydberg electron by half-cycle pulses is developed and applied to the study of energy- and angle-resolved ionization spectra. Characteristic novel phenomena observable in these spectra such as interference oscillations and semiclassical glory and rainbow scattering are discussed and related to the underlying classical dynamics of the Rydberg electron. Modifications to the predictions of the impulse approximation are examined that arise due to finite pulse durations

    Three-Dimensional Evolution of the Parker Instability under a Uniform Gravity

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    Using an isothermal MHD code, we have performed three-dimensional, high-resolution simulations of the Parker instability. The initial equilibrium system is composed of exponentially-decreasing isothermal gas and magnetic field (along the azimuthal direction) under a uniform gravity. The evolution of the instability can be divided into three phases: linear, nonlinear, and relaxed. During the linear phase, the perturbations grow exponentially with a preferred scale along the azimuthal direction but with smallest possible scale along the radial direction, as predicted from linear analyses. During the nonlinear phase, the growth of the instability is saturated and flow motion becomes chaotic. Magnetic reconnection occurs, which allows gas to cross field lines. This, in turn, results in the redistribution of gas and magnetic field. The system approaches a new equilibrium in the relaxed phase, which is different from the one seen in two-dimensional works. The structures formed during the evolution are sheet-like or filamentary, whose shortest dimension is radial. Their maximum density enhancement factor relative to the initial value is less than 2. Since the radial dimension is too small and the density enhancement is too low, it is difficult to regard the Parker instability alone as a viable mechanism for the formation of giant molecular clouds.Comment: 8 pages of text, 4 figures (figure 2 in degraded gif format), to appear in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, original quality figures available via anonymous ftp at ftp://ftp.msi.umn.edu/pub/users/twj/parker3d.uu or ftp://canopus.chungnam.ac.kr/ryu/parker3d.u

    Understanding independent living customers at Trafford Housing Trust : an evaluation

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    This report provides the findings of the evaluation of TrustCare, an independent arm of Trafford Housing Trust which offers independent living services. The report offers the findings of the evaluation reporting on each stage of the process and drawing on both quantitative (descriptive statistics) and qualitative data (semi-structured interviews) collected during July and August 2017

    Navigating new sexual partnerships in midlife: a socioecological perspective on factors shaping STI risk perceptions and practices

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    OBJECTIVE: Despite increases in STIs among those over 40, little is known about the social context of STI transmission among people experiencing relationship transition in midlife, and few sexual health promotion initiatives are targeted at this group. This study sought to identify factors shaping STI risk perceptions and practices among midlife individuals either contemplating or having sex with new partners following the end of a long-term relationship. METHODS: Participants were purposively selected from respondents to Britain's third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles, using three eligibility criteria: aged 40-59, reported experience of the end of a marital or cohabiting relationship with an opposite-sex partner in the past 5 years, and willingness to participate in a qualitative interview. Qualitative data were generated via face-to-face interviews with 10 women and 9 men and analysed inductively using thematic analysis, with themes then organised using a socioecological framework. RESULTS: Participants' accounts of new sexual partnerships in midlife indicate that STI risk perceptions and practices are shaped by factors operating at multiple levels across the socioecological arena (individual, partnership, peers and communities, societal). Constraints on, and resources for, the navigation of sexual safety include self-perceived STI risk rooted in past rather than present circumstances; legacies of mistrust within former relationships; intersecting gender-age dynamics in negotiation of risk prevention strategies with new partners; peers and younger relatives' influences on understandings of sexual risk and safety; postrelationship change in social networks that increase or mitigate vulnerability to sexual risk; age-related barriers to accessing condoms; and disconnection from safer sex messaging and services culturally coded as for the young. CONCLUSIONS: Improving sexual health among midlife adults requires age-sensitive interventions designed to address multilevel constraints, and harness positive influences, on the navigation of sexual safety at this stage of life

    The Natsal-SF measure of sexual function: comparison of three scoring methods

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    The Natsal-SF is a psychometrically-validated measure of sexual function for use in community health surveys, derived from 17 questions reflecting three components of sexual function. Scoring requires knowledge of complex statistical modelling and, given the methodological complexities, we assess the validity of two simplified scoring methods calculated using the factor loadings produced when originally modelling the Natsal-SF items. Method 1 uses these factor loadings to three decimal places while method 2 assigns whole numbers to each item based on the factor loadings. Scores from these simplified methods are compared to the original score using correlation coefficients, by comparing the distributions, and the scores of each method in a linear regression model with key variables. We found scores from the simplified methods both correlate highly with the original score, and the distributions of scores closely match. The simplified methods result in different regression coefficients for gender and relationship context, but estimate the coefficients of all other variables similarly to the original method. While the Natsal-SF should ideally be scored using latent variable modelling, the simplified methods perform well so can be used in similar contexts, increasing the utility of the Natsal-SF and enabling future studies to measure sexual function more comprehensively

    What factors are associated with reporting lacking interest in sex and how do these vary by gender? Findings from the third British national survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate factors associated with reporting lacking interest in sex and how these vary by gender. SETTING: British general population. DESIGN: Complex survey analyses of data collected for a cross-sectional probability sample survey, undertaken 2010-2012, specifically logistic regression to calculate age-adjusted OR (AOR) to identify associated factors. PARTICIPANTS: 4839 men and 6669 women aged 16-74 years who reported ≄1 sexual partner (opposite-sex or same-sex) in the past year for the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Lacking interest in sex for ≄3 months in the past year. RESULTS: Overall, 15.0% (13.9-16.2) of men and 34.2% (32.8-35.5) of women reported lacking interest in sex. This was associated with age and physical and mental health for both men and women, including self-reported general health and current depression. Lacking interest in sex was more prevalent among men and women reporting sexually transmitted infection diagnoses (ever), non-volitional sex (ever) and holding sexual attitudes related to normative expectations about sex. Some gender similarities in associated relationship and family-related factors were evident, including partner having had sexual difficulties in the last year (men: AOR 1.41 (1.07-1.86); women: AOR 1.60 (1.32-1.94)), not feeling emotionally close to partner during sex (men: 3.74 (1.76-7.93); women: 4.80 (2.99-7.69) and ease of talking about sex (men: 1.53 (1.23-1.90);women: 2.06 (1.77-2.39)). Among women only, lack of interest in sex was higher among those in a relationship of >1 year in duration and those not sharing the same level of interest (4.57 (3.87-5.38)) or preferences (2.91 (2.22-3.83)) with a partner. CONCLUSIONS: Both gender similarities and differences were found in factors associated with lacking interest in sex, with the most marked differences in relation to some relationship variables. Findings highlight the need to assess, and if appropriate, treat lacking interest in sex in a holistic and relationship-specific way

    Contaminants in Commercial Preparations of ‘Purified’ Small Leucine-Rich Proteoglycans May Distort Mechanistic Studies

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    This paper reports the perplexing results that came about because of seriously impure commercially available reagents. Commercial reagents and chemicals are routinely ordered by scientists and are expected to have been rigorously assessed for their purity. Unfortunately, we found this assumption to be risky. Extensive work was carried out within our laboratory using commercially-sourced preparations of the small leucine-rich proteoglycans, decorin and biglycan, to investigate their influence on nerve cell growth. Unusual results compelled us to analyse the composition and purity of both preparations of these proteoglycans using both mass spectrometry and Western blotting, with and without various enzymatic deglycosylations. Commercial ‘decorin’ and ‘biglycan’ were found to contain a mixture of proteoglycans including not only both decorin and biglycan but also fibromodulin and aggrecan. The unexpected effects of ‘decorin’ and ‘biglycan’ on nerve cell growth could be explained by these impurities. Decorin and biglycan contain either chondroitin or dermatan sulphate glycosaminoglycan chains whilst fibromodulin only contains keratan sulphate and the large (>2,500 kDa), highly glycosylated aggrecan, contains both keratan and chondroitin sulphate. The different structure, molecular weights and composition of these impurities significantly affected our work and any conclusions that could be made. These findings beg the question as to whether scientists need to verify the purity of each commercially obtained reagent used in their experiments. The implications of these findings are vast, since the effects of these impurities may already have led to inaccurate conclusions and reports in the literature with concomitant loss of researchers’ funds and time
