2,089 research outputs found

    An Improved Composite Hypothesis Test for Markov Models with Applications in Network Anomaly Detection

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    Recent work has proposed the use of a composite hypothesis Hoeffding test for statistical anomaly detection. Setting an appropriate threshold for the test given a desired false alarm probability involves approximating the false alarm probability. To that end, a large deviations asymptotic is typically used which, however, often results in an inaccurate setting of the threshold, especially for relatively small sample sizes. This, in turn, results in an anomaly detection test that does not control well for false alarms. In this paper, we develop a tighter approximation using the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) under Markovian assumptions. We apply our result to a network anomaly detection application and demonstrate its advantages over earlier work.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures; final version for CDC 201

    Botnet Detection using Social Graph Analysis

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    Signature-based botnet detection methods identify botnets by recognizing Command and Control (C\&C) traffic and can be ineffective for botnets that use new and sophisticate mechanisms for such communications. To address these limitations, we propose a novel botnet detection method that analyzes the social relationships among nodes. The method consists of two stages: (i) anomaly detection in an "interaction" graph among nodes using large deviations results on the degree distribution, and (ii) community detection in a social "correlation" graph whose edges connect nodes with highly correlated communications. The latter stage uses a refined modularity measure and formulates the problem as a non-convex optimization problem for which appropriate relaxation strategies are developed. We apply our method to real-world botnet traffic and compare its performance with other community detection methods. The results show that our approach works effectively and the refined modularity measure improves the detection accuracy.Comment: 7 pages. Allerton Conferenc

    Robust Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Networks

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    We propose two robust methods for anomaly detection in dynamic networks in which the properties of normal traffic are time-varying. We formulate the robust anomaly detection problem as a binary composite hypothesis testing problem and propose two methods: a model-free and a model-based one, leveraging techniques from the theory of large deviations. Both methods require a family of Probability Laws (PLs) that represent normal properties of traffic. We devise a two-step procedure to estimate this family of PLs. We compare the performance of our robust methods and their vanilla counterparts, which assume that normal traffic is stationary, on a network with a diurnal normal pattern and a common anomaly related to data exfiltration. Simulation results show that our robust methods perform better than their vanilla counterparts in dynamic networks.Comment: 6 pages. MED conferenc

    Data-driven Estimation of Origin-Destination Demand and User Cost Functions for the Optimization of Transportation Networks

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    In earlier work (Zhang et al., 2016) we used actual traffic data from the Eastern Massachusetts transportation network in the form of spatial average speeds and road segment flow capacities in order to estimate Origin-Destination (OD) flow demand matrices for the network. Based on a Traffic Assignment Problem (TAP) formulation (termed "forward problem"), in this paper we use a scheme similar to our earlier work to estimate initial OD demand matrices and then propose a new inverse problem formulation in order to estimate user cost functions. This new formulation allows us to efficiently overcome numerical difficulties that limited our prior work to relatively small subnetworks and, assuming the travel latency cost functions are available, to adjust the values of the OD demands accordingly so that the flow observations are as close as possible to the solutions of the forward problem. We also derive sensitivity analysis results for the total user latency cost with respect to important parameters such as road capacities and minimum travel times. Finally, using the same actual traffic data from the Eastern Massachusetts transportation network, we quantify the Price of Anarchy (POA) for a much larger network than that in Zhang et al. (2016).Comment: Preprint submitted to The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, July 9-14, 2017, Toulouse, Franc

    The price of anarchy in transportation networks by estimating user cost functions from actual traffic data

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    We have considered a large-scale road network in Eastern Massachusetts. Using real traffic data in the form of spatial average speeds and the flow capacity for each road segment of the network, we converted the speed data to flow data and estimated the origin-destination flow demand matrices for the network. Assuming that the observed traffic data correspond to user (Wardrop) equilibria for different times-of-the-day and days-of-the-week, we formulated appropriate inverse problems to recover the per-road cost (congestion) functions determining user route selection for each month and time-of-day period. In addition, we analyzed the sensitivity of the total user latency cost to important parameters such as road capacities and minimum travel times. Finally, we formulated a system-optimum problem in order to find socially optimal flows for the network. We investigated the network performance, in terms of the total latency, under a user-optimal policy versus a system-optimal policy. The ratio of these two quantities is defined as the Price of Anarchy (POA) and quantifies the efficiency loss of selfish actions compared to socially optimal ones. Our findings contribute to efforts for a smarter and more efficient city

    Distributed MPC for coordinated energy efficiency utilization in microgrid systems

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    To improve the renewable energy utilization of distributed microgrid systems, this paper presents an optimal distributed model predictive control strategy to coordinate energy management among microgrid systems. In particular, through information exchange among systems, each microgrid in the network, which includes renewable generation, storage systems, and some controllable loads, can maintain its own systemwide supply and demand balance. With our mechanism, the closed-loop stability of the distributed microgrid systems can be guaranteed. In addition, we provide evaluation criteria of renewable energy utilization to validate our proposed method. Simulations show that the supply demand balance in each microgrid is achieved while, at the same time, the system operation cost is reduced, which demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed policy.Accepted manuscrip
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