11 research outputs found

    Interferometric determination of the s- and d-wave scattering amplitudes in 87^{87}Rb

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    We demonstrate an interference method to determine the low-energy elastic scattering amplitudes of a quantum gas. We linearly accelerate two ultracold atomic clouds up to energies of 1.2 mK and observe the collision halo by direct imaging in free space. From the interference between ss- and dd- partial waves in the differential scattering pattern we extract the corresponding phase shifts. The method does not require knowledge of the atomic density. This allows us to infer accurate values for the ss- and d-wave scattering amplitudes from the zero-energy limit up to the first Ramsauer minimum using only the Van der Waals C6C_{6} coefficient as theoretical input. For the 87^{87}Rb triplet potential, the method reproduces the scattering length with an accuracy of 6%.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Shape oscillations in non-degenerate Bose gases - transition from the collisionless to the hydrodynamic regime

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    We investigate collective oscillations of non-degenerate clouds of Rb-87 atoms as a function of density in an elongated magnetic trap. For the low-lying M=0 monopole-quadrupole shape oscillation we measure the oscillation frequencies and damping rates. At the highest densities the mean-free-path is smaller than the axial dimension of the sample, which corresponds to collisionally hydrodynamic conditions. This allows us to cover the cross-over from the collisionless to the hydrodynamic regime. The experimental results show good agreement with theory. We also analyze the influence of trap anharmonicities on the oscillations in relation to observed temperature dependencies of the dipole and quadrupole oscillation frequencies. We present convenient expressions to quantify these effects.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Low-cost setup for generation of 3 GHz frequency difference phase-locked laser light

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    We have devised an all-optical setup for the generation of two phase-locked laser fields with a frequency difference of 3 GHz using only standard optics and two acousto-optical frequency shifters, that are operated at 253 MHz in sixtupel pass. The spectral width of the beat frequency is measured to be 300 Hz Í‘full width at half maximumÍ’ limited by the resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer. We routinely obtain an overall efficiency of more than 15% and demonstrate that the frequency shifted light can be further amplified by injecting it into additional ''slave'' lasers. This setup provides a low-cost alternative over conventional methods to generate laser fields with difference frequencies in the GHz domain, as for example, used in laser spectroscopy, laser cooling and trapping, and coherent manipulation of atomic quantum states

    Hydrodynamic behavior in expanding thermal clouds of Rb-87

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    We study hydrodynamic behavior in expanding thermal clouds of Rb-87 released from an elongated trap. At our highest densities the mean free path is smaller than the radial size of the cloud. After release the clouds expand anisotropically. The cloud temperature drops by as much as 30%. This is attributed to isentropic cooling during the early stages of the expansion. We present an analytical model to describe the expansion and to estimate the cooling. Important consequences for time-of-flight thermometry are discussed.Comment: 7 pages with 2 figure

    Hydrodynamic clouds and Bose-Einstein condensation

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    We discuss the characterization of dense elongated clouds of 87^{87}Rb in the context of the process of Bose-Einstein condensation under hydrodynamic conditions. The condensation is induced by shock-cooling of thermal clouds. This gives rise to strong temperature gradients and results in a non-equilibrium shape of the (quasi)condensate with strong phase fluctuations just after formation

    Early Pleistocene climate in western arid central Asia inferred from loess-palaeosol sequences

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    Arid central Asia (ACA) is one of the most arid regions in the mid-latitudes and one of the main potential dust sources for the northern hemisphere. The lack of in situ early Pleistocene loess/dust records from ACA hinders our comprehensive understanding of the spatio-temporal record of aeolian loess accumulation and long term climatic changes in Asia as a whole. Here, we report the results of sedimentological, chronological and climatic studies of early Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequences (LPS) from the northeastern Iranian Golestan Province (NIGP) in the western part of ACA. Our results reveal that: 1) Accumulation of loess on the NIGP commenced at ~2.4–1.8 Ma, making it the oldest loess known so far in western ACA; 2) the climate during the early Pleistocene in the NIGP was semi-arid, but wetter, warmer, and less windy than during the late Pleistocene and present interglacial; 3) orbital-scale palaeoclimatic changes in ACA during the early Pleistoceneare in-phase with those of monsoonal Asia, a relationship which was probably related to the growth and decay of northern hemisphere ice sheets