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    In this study, it was aimed to determine whether the body image of the university student athletes changes according to gender, sports branch and sports education status. Body Perception Scale filled by a total of 540 people, 227 males and 313 females. T-test, one-way analysis of variance and LSD tests were used in statistical processes. A statistically significant difference was found between body Image scores of men and women according to gender (p < 0.05). A statistically significant difference was found between total body image scores according to Body Mass Index (p < 0.05). The scores of the groups with low and high body mass index were found to be higher than the groups with Body Mass Index between 20-25 kg/m2. Body image scores of university student athletes who did not receive sports training were found to be statistically higher than individual athletes and team athletes who received sports education (p < 0.001). In conclusion, in university student athletes, women are worse than men, and those whose body mass index is below normal and higher than normal are less satisfied with their bodies than normal ones. In addition, university students who take sports education have better body image scores. It can be said that sports education has a positive effect on body image score. It is recommended that university student athletes who do not have sports education should be given courses and seminars for sports education. Article visualizations


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    ÖZETİnfluenza salgınları tipik olarak kış aylarında ortaya çıkar ve salgınlara neden olabilir. Bu salgınlar esnasında virüsile ilgili komplikasyonlardan kaynaklanan hastalık ve ölüm oranları dünya çapında çarpıcı bir şekilde artabilir. Virüstüm yaş gruplarında hastalığa neden olur. Enfeksiyon oranları çocuklar arasında yüksek olmakla birlikte 65 yaş veüzerindeki kişiler veya herhangi bir yaşta komplikasyon riskini arttıran tıbbi durumları olan kişiler arasında enyüksektir. İnfluenza virüsünün en sık görülen komplikasyonu pnömonidir, daha nadir olarak da görülenkomplikasyon ise miyokarditdir. Akut miyokardit, klinik şiddete bağlı olarak büyük ölçüde değişkenlik gösteren vemortalitesi yüksek olan bir influenza enfeksiyonunun komplikasyonudur.Bizim hastamız da üst solunum yoluenfeksiyonu(ÜSYE) sonrası halsizlik şikayeti ile acil servise başvurdu.Şikayetleri birkaç gündür olan nonspesifikşikayetlerdi. Vitallerinde hipotansif (TA:90/50mmHg) olması dışında anlamlı bulgu yoktu. Hastanın fizikmuayenesi normaldi. Çekilen EKG’sinde D 2-3 ve AvF derivasyonlarında ST elevasyonu görüldü ve perikardittegörülen ST segment değişiklikleriyle uyumlu olduğu düşünüldü. Yapılan kan tetkiklerinde troponin değeri4000(ng/L) olması üzerine akut koroner sendrom, perimiyokardit ön tanılarıyla kardiyolojiye konsülte edildi.Konsültasyon sonucu hasta koroner yoğun bakım ünitesine perimiyokardit ön tanısı ile interne edildi. Yoğunbakım takiplerinde genel durumu giderek kötüleşen hasta fulminan miyokardit olarak kabul edildi ve takibinin 3.gününde ex oldu. Halsizlik şikayeti ile gelen hastalarda yeterli anamnez alınmalı ve fizik muayene eksiksizyapılmalıdır. İnfluenzanın nadir komplikasyonlarından olan miyokardit ölümcül seyredebilmektedir.</p

    Covid-19 related anxiety levels of emergency service personnel: A cross-sectional studyfrom Turkey

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    COVID-19 pandemic significantly affects the mental health of the personnel working in the frontline of the healthcare system. The present study aimed to determine theprevalence of anxiety and risk factors in people who served in the emergency health system during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was designed as a cross-sectionalonline survey conducted on healthcare staff working in emergency services throughout the country between May 15 and June 15, 2020. The questionnaire form consistedof two parts. The first part included sociodemographic questions (13 questions), while the second part consisted of 20 questions found in STAI (State-Trait AnxietyInventory) anxiety. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the potential risk factors for anxiety symptoms in the participants. Relationshipsbetween risk factors and their consequences were stated as rates (ORs) and 95% CI. A total 1014 completed the survey. Among the respondents, 54.3% male, 41.3%18–29 age group, 60.4% married, 44.9% doctors, and 63.4% working in the city center. Analysis showed that anxiety triggering factors included being a female (OR, 1.50;95% CI, 1.13–1.99; p = 0.004), working as an emergency medical technician (OR, 7.42; 95% CI, 1.09–50.53; p = 0.041), large family (OR, 1.69; 95% CI, 1.06–2.70; p= 0.041), few children (OR, 1.28; 95% CI, 0.84–2.15; p = 0.068), and working in the town center (OR, 1.43; 95% CI, 1.06–1.93; p = 0.017). Our results showed that theanxiety level is high for a significant portion of the emergency staff during the pandemic and that risk-enhancing factors exist in their home and work lives during thisperiod. It is important to carry out supportive administrative studies aimed at reducing stress and anxiety levels, especially for the health staff working in the frontlineduring the pandemic