275 research outputs found

    The emission line spectrum of the UV deficient quasar Ton 34: evidence of shock excitation?

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    Emission lines in quasars are believed to originate from a photoionized plasma. There are, however, some emission features which appear to be collisionally excited, such as the FeII multiplet bands. Shortward of Ly_alpha, there also are a few permitted lines of species from low to intermediate ionization. Ton 34 (z=1.928) exhibits the steepest far-UV continuum decline known (Fnu propto nu^{-5.3}) shortward of 1050A. This object also emits unusually strong low to intermediate excitation permitted lines shortward of the Lyman limit. Using archive spectra of Ton 34 from HST, IUE and Palomar, we measure the fluxes of all the lines present in the spectra and compare their relative intensities with those observed in composite quasar spectra. Our analysis reveals unusual strengths with respect to Ly_alpha of the following low to intermediate excitation permitted lines: OII+OIII (835A), NIII+OIII (686-703A) and NIII+NIV (765A). We compare the observed line spectrum with both photoionization and shock models. Photoionization cannot reproduce the strengths of these far-UV lines. Shocks with Vs ~ 100 km/s turn out to be extremely efficient emitters of these lines and are favored as excitation mechanism.Comment: 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Host Galaxies of low z Radio-loud Quasars: A search of HST archives

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    We searched the HST archives for unpublished WFPC2 images of low redshift (z<0.5) radio loud quasars (RLQ). This led to the identification of 11 objects. We present here the results of the analysis of these images from which we derive the properties of their host galaxies. All objects are clearly resolved and their surrounding nebulosity is consistent with an elliptical galaxy model. These new data, together with previous published HST observations, form a sample of 34 sources which significantly expands all previous studies of low redshift RLQ based on HST data. For this full sample we derive the average absolute magnitude of the host galaxies =-24.01+/-0.48, and the effective radius =10.5+/-3.7kpc. No significant correlation is found between the nucleus and the host galaxy luminosity. Using the relationship between black hole mass (M_BH) and bulge luminosity we investigate the relation between M_BH and total radio power for RLQ and compare with other classes of radio sources. The overall distribution of AGN in the plane M_BH-P(radio) exhibits a trend for increasing M_BH with increasing P(radio) but with a substantial spread. RLQ occupy the region of most powerful sources and most massive BH. The quasars appear to emit over a wide range of power with respect to their Eddington luminosity as deduced by the estimated M_BH.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, ApJ in pres

    Comment on "Correlation of the Highest-Energy Cosmic Rays with Nearby Extragalactic Objects"

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    We argue that the data published by the Pierre Auger Collaboration (arXiv:0711.2256) disfavor at 99% confidence level their hypothesis that most of the highest-energy cosmic rays are protons from nearby astrophysical sources, either Active Galactic Nuclei or other objects with a similar spatial distribution.Comment: 1000 words, 2 figures, scicite.st

    The nature of the absorbing torus in compact Radio Galaxies

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    We present BeppoSAX observations of the two radio galaxies PKS 1934-63 and S5 1946+708. Strong Iron Kalpha lines are detected in both objects indicating that the two sources are absorbed by column densities higher than 10^24 cm^(-2). Combining radio continuum, HI absorption and X-ray data we can constrain the physical state and the dimensions of the absorber. We find that the putative obscuring torus is molecular and located at a distance higher than 20 pc from the center in S5 1946+70. In PKS 1934-63 no radio nucleus has been observed. If this is due to free-free absorption a radius of only a few pc is inferred. Since the Kalpha lines have been detected only at 90% confidence, we also discuss the implications if they would be not as strong as found from our data. From our results it appears that the combination of hard X-ray data and spatially resolved HI absorption measurements provides a powerful diagnostic for conditions in the absorbing ``torus''.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Deep Chandra and multicolor HST observations of the jets of 3C 371 and PKS 2201+044

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    This paper presents multiwavelength imaging and broad-band spectroscopy of the relativistic jets in the two nearby radio galaxies 3C 371 and PKS 2201+044, acquired with Chandra, HST, VLA, and Merlin. Radio polarization images are also available. The two sources stand out as "intermediate'' between FRIs and FRIIs; their cores are classified as BL Lacs, although broad and narrow optical emission lines were detected at times. The multiwavelength images show jet morphologies with the X-ray emission peaking closer to the nucleus than the longer wavelengths. The jets are resolved at all wavelengths in a direction perpendicular to the jet axis. The jets SEDs are consistent with a single spectral component from radio to X-rays, interpreted as synchrotron emission. The SEDs show a progressive softening from the inner to the outer regions of the jet, indicating that the electron break energy moves to lower energies with distance from the core. Overall, the X-ray and multiwavelength properties of the jets of 3C 371 and PKS 2201+044 appear intermediate between those of FRIs and FRIIs.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 28 pages (emulateapj5), 17 figure

    QSO's from Galaxy Collisions with Naked Black Holes

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    In the now well established conventional view (see Rees [1] and references therein), quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) and related active galactic nuclei (AGN) phenomena are explained as the result of accretion of plasma onto giant black holes which are postulated to form via gravitational collapse of the high density regions in the centers of massive host galaxies. This model is supported by a wide variety of indirect evidence and seems quite likely to apply at least to some observed AGN phenomena. However, one surprising set of new Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations [2-4] directly challenges the conventional model, and the well known evolution of the QSO population raises some additional, though not widely recognized, difficulties. We propose here an alternative possibility: the Universe contains a substantial independent population of super-massive black holes, and QSO's are a phenomenon that occurs due to their collisions with galaxies or gas clouds in the intergalactic medium (IGM). This hypothesis would naturally explain why the QSO population declines very rapidly towards low redshift, as well as the new HST data.Comment: plain TeX file, no figures, submitted to Natur

    Diagnostics of the structure of AGN's broad line regions with reverberation mapping data: confirmation of the two-component broad line region model

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    We re-examine the ten Reverberation Mapping (RM) sources with public data based on the two-component model of the Broad Line Region (BLR). In fitting their broad H-beta lines, six of them only need one Gaussian component, one of them has a double-peak profile, one has an irregular profile, and only two of them need two components, i.e., a Very Broad Gaussian Component (VBGC) and an Inter-Mediate Gaussian Component (IMGC). The Gaussian components are assumed to come from two distinct regions in the two-component model; they are Very Broad Line Region (VBLR) and Inter-Mediate Line region (IMLR). The two sources with a two-component profile are Mrk 509 and NGC 4051. The time lags of the two components of both sources satisfy tIMLR/tVBLR=VVBLR2/VIMLR2t_{IMLR}/t_{VBLR}=V^2_{VBLR}/V^2_{IMLR}, where tIMLRt_{IMLR} and tVBLRt_{VBLR} are the lags of the two components while VIMLRV_{IMLR} and VVBLRV_{VBLR} represent the mean gas velocities of the two regions, supporting the two-component model of the BLR of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). The fact that most of these ten sources only have the VBGC confirms the assumption that RM mainly measures the radius of the VBLR; consequently, the radius obtained from the R-L relationship mainly represent the radius of VBLR. Moreover, NGC 4051, with a lag of about 5 days in the one component model, is an outlier on the R-L relationship as shown in Kaspi et al. (2005); however this problem disappears in our two-component model with lags of about 2 and 6 days for the VBGC and IMGC, respectively.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in the Special Issue of Science in China (G) "Astrophysics of Black holes and Related Compact Objects

    Fabry Perot Halpha Observations of the Barred Spiral NGC 3367

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    We report the gross properties of the velocity field of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 3367. The following values were found: inclination with respect to the plane of the sky, i=30 deg; position angle (PA) of receding semi major axis PA=51 and systemic velocity V(sys)=3032 km/s. Large velocity dispersion are observed of upt o 120 km/s in the nuclear region, of up to 70 km/s near the eastern bright sources just beyond the edge of the stellar bar where three spiral arms seem to start and in the western bright sources at about 10 kpc. Deviations from normal circular velocities are observed from all the disk but mainly from the semi circle formed by the string of south western Halpha sources. An estimate of the dynamical mass is M(dyn)=2x10^11 Msolar.Comment: Accepted to be published in May 2001 issue in the A.J. 19 pages, 7 figure

    EUVE J0425.6-5714: A Newly Discovered AM Herculis Star

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    We detected a new AM Her star serendipitously in a 25 day observation with the EUVE satellite. A coherent period of 85.82 min is present in the EUVE Deep Survey imager light curve of this source. A spectroscopic identification is made with a 19th magnitude blue star that has H and He emission lines, and broad cyclotron humps typical of a magnetic cataclysmic variable. A lower limit to the polar magnetic field of 46 MG is estimated from the spacing of the cyclotron harmonics. EUVE J0425.6-5714 is also detected in archival ROSAT HRI observations spanning two months, and its stable and highly structured light curve permits us to fit a coherent ephemeris linking the ROSAT and EUVE data over a 1.3 yr gap. The derived period is 85.82107 +/- 0.00020 min, and the ephemeris should be accurate to 0.1 cycles until the year 2005. A narrow but partial X-ray eclipse suggests that this object belongs to the group of Am Her stars whose viewing geometry is such that the accretion stream periodically occults the soft X-ray emitting accretion spot on the surface of the white dwarf. A non-detection of hard X-rays from ASCA observations that are contemporaneous with the ROSAT HRI shows that the soft X-rays must dominate by at least an order of magnitude, which is consistent with a known trend among AM Her stars with large magnetic field. This object should not be confused with the Seyfert galaxy 1H 0419-577 (= LB 1727), another X-ray/EUV source which lies only 4' away, and was the principal target of these monitoring observations.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, to appear in PASP, Dec. 1998 issu

    Five new INTEGRAL unidentified hard X-Ray sources uncovered by Chandra

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    The IBIS imager on board INTEGRAL, with a sensitivity better than a mCrab in deep observations and a point source location accuracy of the order of few arcminutes, has localized so far 723 hard X-ray sources in the 17--100 keV energy band, of which a fraction of about 1/3 are still unclassified. The aim of this research is to provide sub-arcsecond localizations of the unidentified sources, necessary to pinpoint the optical and/or infrared counterpart of those objects whose nature is so far unknown. The cross-correlation between the new IBIS sources published within the fourth INTEGRAL/IBIS Survey catalogue and the CHANDRA/ACIS data archive resulted in a sample of 5 not yet identified objects. We present here the results of CHANDRA X-ray Observatory observations of these five hard X-ray sources discovered by the INTEGRAL satellite. We associated IGR J10447-6027 with IR source 2MASSJ10445192-6025115, IGR J16377-6423 with the cluster CIZA J1638.2-6420, IGR J14193-6048 with the pulsar with nebula PSR J1420-6048 and IGR J12562+2554 with the Quasar SDSSJ125610.42+260103.5. We suggest that the counterpart of IGR J12288+0052 may be an AGN/QSO type~2 at a confidence level of 90%.Comment: ApJ accepte
