82 research outputs found

    Heuristics for a green orienteering problem

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    We address a routing problem where a vehicle with limited time, loading capacity and battery autonomy can optionally serve a set of customers, each providing a profit. Such a problem is of particular relevance both because of its practical implications in sustainable transportation and its use as a sub-problem in Green Vehicle Routing column generation algorithms. We propose a dynamic programming approach to obtain both primal and dual bounds to the value of the optimal solutions, a fast greedy heuristics and a very large scale neighbourhood search procedure

    Inventory rebalancing in bike-sharing systems

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    We address an optimization problem arising in rebalancing operations of inventory levels in bike-sharing systems. Such systems are public services where bikes are available for shared use on a short term basis. To ensure the availability of bikes in each station and avoid disservices, the bike inventory level of each station must met a forecast value. This is achieved through the use of a fleet of vehicles moving bikes between stations. Our problem can be classified as a Split Pickup and Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem. We propose a formulation in which routes are decomposed in smaller structures and we exploit properties on the structure of the optimal solutions, to design an exact algorithm based on branch-and-price

    Dynamic cloudlet assignment problem: A column generation approach

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    Major interest in network optimization is currently given to the integration of clusters of virtualization servers, also referred to as 'cloudlets', into mobile access networks for improved performance and reliability. Mobile access points (APs) are assigned (i.e., route their packets) to one or more cloudlets, with a cost in terms of latency for the users they provide connections to. Assignment of APs to cloudlet can be changed over time, with a cloudlet synchronization cost. We tackle the problem of the optimal assignment of APs to cloudlets over time, proposing dedicated mathematical models and column generation algorithms

    A single machine on-time-in-full scheduling problem

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    A relevant feature in many production contexts is flexibility. This becomes a key issue, for instance, in the case of third-party cosmetics manufacturing [1]. There, the core business is the production of high quality, fully custom orders in limited batches. Competition is pushing companies to aggressive commercial policies, involving tight delivery dates. At the same time, the custom nature of the orders makes it impossible to keep materials in stock; lead times are always uncertain, often making release dates tight as well, and ultimately yielding unexpected peaks of production loads

    The multiple vehicle balancing problem

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    This paper deals with the multiple vehicle balancing problem (MVBP). Given a fleet of vehicles of limited capacity, a set of vertices with initial and target inventory levels and a distribution network, the MVBP requires to design a set of routes along with pickup and delivery operations such that inventory is redistributed among the vertices without exceeding capacities, and routing costs are minimized. The MVBP is NP\u2010hard, generalizing several problems in transportation, and arising in bike\u2010sharing systems. Using theoretical properties of the problem, we propose an integer linear programming formulation and introduce strengthening valid inequalities. Lower bounds are computed by column generation embedding an ad\u2010hoc pricing algorithm, while upper bounds are obtained by a memetic algorithm that separate routing from pickup and delivery operations. We combine these bounding routines in both exact and matheuristic algorithms, obtaining proven optimal solutions for MVBP instances with up to 25 stations

    Mobile Edge Cloud Network Design Optimization

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    Major interest is currently given to the integration of clusters of virtualization servers, also referred to as 'cloudlets' or 'edge clouds', into the access network to allow higher performance and reliability in the access to mobile edge computing services. We tackle the edge cloud network design problem for mobile access networks. The model is such that the virtual machines (VMs) are associated with mobile users and are allocated to cloudlets. Designing an edge cloud network implies first determining where to install cloudlet facilities among the available sites, then assigning sets of access points, such as base stations to cloudlets, while supporting VM orchestration and considering partial user mobility information, as well as the satisfaction of service-level agreements. We present link-path formulations supported by heuristics to compute solutions in reasonable time. We qualify the advantage in considering mobility for both users and VMs as up to 20% less users not satisfied in their SLA with a little increase of opened facilities. We compare two VM mobility modes, bulk and live migration, as a function of mobile cloud service requirements, determining that a high preference should be given to live migration, while bulk migrations seem to be a feasible alternative on delay-stringent tiny-disk services, such as augmented reality support, and only with further relaxation on network constraints

    A Branch-and-Cut-and-Price Algorithm for the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Technologies

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    Este artículo es parte de Topical Collection on Decomposition at 70We provide an exact optimization algorithm for the electric vehicle routing problem with multiple recharge technologies. Our branch-and-cut-and-price algorithm relies upon a path-based formulation, where each column in the master problem represents a sequence of customer visits between two recharge stations instead of a whole route. This allows for massive decomposition, and parallel implementation of the pricing phase, exploiting the large number of independent pricing sub-problems. The algorithm could solve instances with up to thirty customers, nine recharge stations, fve vehicles and three technologies to proven optimality. Near-optimal heuristic solutions were obtained with a general-purpose MIP solver from the columns generated at the root node.Depto. de Estadística e Investigación OperativaFac. de Ciencias MatemåticasTRUEComunidad de MadridGobierno de Españapu

    A Branch-and-Cut-and-Price Algorithm for the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Technologies

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    We provide an exact optimization algorithm for the electric vehicle routing problem with multiple recharge technologies. Our branch-and-cut-and-price algorithm relies upon a path-based formulation, where each column in the master problem represents a sequence of customer visits between two recharge stations instead of a whole route. This allows for massive decomposition, and parallel implementation of the pricing phase, exploiting the large number of independent pricing sub-problems. The algorithm could solve instances with up to thirty customers, nine recharge stations, fve vehicles and three technologies to proven optimality. Near-optimal heuristic solutions were obtained with a general-purpose MIP solver from the columns generated at the root node

    Selective and private access to outsourced data centers

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    The advancements in the Information Technology and the rapid diffusion of novel computing paradigms have accelerated the trend of moving data to the cloud. Public and private organizations are more often outsourcing their data centers to the cloud for economic and/or performance reasons, thus making data confidentiality an essential requirement. A basic technique for protecting data confidentiality relies on encryption: data are encrypted by the owner before their outsourcing. Encryption however complicates both the query evaluation and enforcement of access restrictions to outsourced data. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the issues and techniques related to the support of selective and private access to outsourced data in a scenario where the cloud provider is trusted for managing the data but not for reading their content. We therefore illustrate methods for enforcing access control and for efficiently and privately executing queries (at the server side) over encrypted data. We also show how the combined adoption of approaches supporting access control and for efficient query evaluation may cause novel privacy issues that need to be carefully handled
