119 research outputs found

    Reconstitution of the malate/aspartate shuttle from mitochondria.

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    The isolated aspartate/glutamate carrier and oxoglutarate carrier from mitochondria were coreconstituted into phospholipid vesicles. Reconstitution of the functionally active carrier proteins with high protein/lipid ratios was achieved by detergent removal on hydrophobic ion-exchange columns. A simplified version of the mitochondrial malate/aspartate shuttle was constructed by inclusion of glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase and the substrates aspartate and oxaloacetate within the interior of the liposomes. Addition of external glutamate led to internal production of oxoglutarate which could be exchanged against externally added labeled malate. The reconstitution procedure was characterized with respect to the optimum ratio of reconstituted carrier proteins, the lipid concentration, and the concentration of internal substrates

    Relationships of Cysteine and Lysine residues with the substrate binding site of the mitochondrial ornithine/citrulline carrier: An inhibition kinetic approach combined with the analysis of the homology structural model

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    AbstractTo gain insights in the relationships of specific amino acid residues with the active site of the mitochondrial ornithine/citrulline carrier, we studied the effect of specific protein modifying reagents on the transport catalysed by the carrier reconstituted into liposomes. It was found that, besides the sulfhydryl reagents NEM, MTSEA, p-hydroxymercuribenzoate, diamide also the lysine reagents PLP, DIDS, SITS, the carboxyl reagents WRK, EDC and the arginine reagent methylglyoxal inhibited the carrier. NEM, MTSEA and PLP inhibited the ornithine/citrulline carrier with a completely competitive type of mechanism. A 1:1 interaction of NEM with the carrier molecule has been demonstrated. The results are in agreement with the localization of one sulfhydryl and at least one amino group in the substrate binding site. On the basis of the interferences between SH reagents and PLP in the transport inhibition, it has been deduced that the distance between the SH and the NH2 residues of the active site should be comparable to the distance between the γ-NH2 and COOH residues of the ornithine molecule. The structural model of the ornithine/citrulline carrier has been obtained by homology modelling using as template the ADP/ATP carrier structure. The combined analysis of the experimental data and the structural model allows to deduce that Cys-132 is located in the substrate binding site, flanked by at least one Lys residue

    Identification by Site-directed Mutagenesis and Chemical Modification of Three Vicinal Cysteine Residues in Rat Mitochondrial Carnitine/Acylcarnitine Transporter *

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    The proximity of the Cys residues present in the mitochondrial rat carnitine/acylcarnitine carrier (CAC) primary structure was studied by using site-directed mutagenesis in combination with chemical modification. CAC mutants, in which one or more Cys residues had been replaced with Ser, were overexpressed in Escherichia coli and reconstituted into liposomes. The effect of SH oxidizing, cross-linking, and coordinating reagents was evaluated on the carnitine/carnitine exchange catalyzed by the recombinant reconstituted CAC proteins. All the tested reagents efficiently inhibited the wild-type CAC. The inhibitory effect of diamide, Cu(2+)-phenanthroline, or phenylarsine oxide was largely reduced or abolished by the double substitutions C136S/C155S, C58S/C136S, and C58S/C155S. The decrease in sensitivity to these reagents was much lower in double mutants in which Cys(23) was substituted with Cys(136) or Cys(155). No decrease in inhibition was found when Cys(89) and/or Cys(283) were replaced with Ser. Sb(3+), which coordinates three cysteines, inhibited only the Cys replacement mutants containing cysteines 58, 136, and 155 of the six native cysteines. In addition, the mutant C23S/C89S/C155S/C283S, in which double tandem fXa recognition sites were inserted in positions 65-72, i.e. between Cys(58) and Cys(136), was not cleaved into two fragments by fXa protease after treatment with diamide. These results are interpreted in light of the homology model of CAC based on the available x-ray structure of the ADP/ATP carrier. They indicate that Cys(58), Cys(136), and Cys(155) become close in the tertiary structure of the CAC during its catalytic cycle

    The Human SLC1A5 (ASCT2) Amino Acid Transporter: From Function to Structure and Role in Cell Biology

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    SLC1A5, known as ASCT2, is a neutral amino acid transporter belonging to the SLC1 family and localized in the plasma membrane of several body districts. ASCT2 is an acronym standing for Alanine, Serine, Cysteine Transporter 2 even if the preferred substrate is the conditionally essential amino acid glutamine, with cysteine being a modulator and not a substrate. The studies around amino acid transport in cells and tissues began in the ‘60s by using radiolabeled compounds and competition assays. After identification of murine and human genes, the function of the coded protein has been studied in cell system and in proteoliposomes revealing that this transporter is a Na+ dependent antiporter of neutral amino acids, some of which are only inwardly transported and others are bi-directionally exchanged. The functional asymmetry merged with the kinetic asymmetry in line with the physiological role of amino acid pool harmonization. An intriguing function has been described for ASCT2 that is exploited as a receptor by a group of retroviruses to infect human cells. Interactions with scaffold proteins and post-translational modifications regulate ASCT2 stability, trafficking and transport activity. Two asparagine residues, namely N163 and N212, are the sites of glycosylation that is responsible for the definitive localization into the plasma membrane. ASCT2 expression increases in highly proliferative cells such as inflammatory and stem cells to fulfill the augmented glutamine demand. Interestingly, for the same reason, the expression of ASCT2 is greatly enhanced in many human cancers. This finding has generated interest in its candidacy as a pharmacological target for new anticancer drugs. The recently solved 3D structure of ASCT2 will aid in the rational design of such therapeutic compounds

    OCTN: A Small Transporter Subfamily with Great Relevance to Human Pathophysiology, Drug Discovery, and Diagnostics.

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    OCTN is a small subfamily of membrane transport proteins that belongs to the larger SLC22 family. Two of the three members of the subfamily, namely, OCTN2 and OCTN1, are present in humans. OCTN2 plays a crucial role in the absorption of carnitine from diet and in its distribution to tissues, as demonstrated by the occurrence of severe pathologies caused by malfunctioning or altered expression of this transporter. These findings suggest avoiding a strict vegetarian diet during pregnancy and in childhood. Other roles of OCTN2 are related to the traffic of carnitine derivatives in many tissues. The role of OCTN1 is still unclear, despite the identification of some substrates such as ergothioneine, acetylcholine, and choline. Plausibly, the transporter acts on the control of inflammation and oxidative stress, even though knockout mice do not display phenotypes. A clear role of both transporters has been revealed in drug interaction and delivery. The polyspecificity of the OCTNs is at the base of the interactions with drugs. Interestingly, OCTN2 has been recently exploited in the prodrug approach and in diagnostics. A promising application derives from the localization of OCTN2 in exosomes that represent a noninvasive diagnostic tool

    ASCT1 and ASCT2: Brother and Sister?

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    The SLC1 family includes seven members divided into two groups, namely, EAATs and ASCTs, that share similar 3D architecture; the first one includes high-affinity glutamate transporters, and the second one includes SLC1A4 and SLC1A5, known as ASCT1 and ASCT2, respectively, responsible for the traffic of neutral amino acids across the cell plasma membrane. The physiological role of ASCT1 and ASCT2 has been investigated over the years, revealing different properties in terms of substrate specificities, affinities, and regulation by physiological effectors and posttranslational modifications. Furthermore, ASCT1 and ASCT2 are involved in pathological conditions, such as neurodegenerative disorders and cancer. This has driven research in the pharmaceutical field aimed to find drugs able to target the two proteins.This review focuses on structural, functional, and regulatory aspects of ASCT1 and ASCT2, highlighting similarities and differences

    amino acid transporters in drug discovery

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    Administered drugs interact with membrane transporters of epithelia, Blood Brain Barrier and other districts influencing their delivery and efficacy. Drugs can also be used as inhibitors of transporters involved in human pathology. Drug-transporter interactions are responsible of off-target effects contributing to toxicity. High Throughput Screening technologies increased the potential applications in therapy or in predicting side effects. These strategies will be helpful in reducing animal experimentation. The identification of transporters important for drug absorption, delivery and side effect production and the best technologies for studying interactions are the main goals in this field. Amino acid transporters are not yet considered in human therapy in spite of their involvement in several pathologies. The function of the amino acid transporters EAAT1, ASCT2, GLYT2, GLYT1, B0AT1, LAT1 and LAT2 is so far well characterized. Some structural data on these transporters have also been obtained by bioinformatics. Interactions of these proteins with several drugs have been well defined at the molecular level. Large scale and, in some cases, high throughput screening of pharmacological compounds make these transporters of particular interest and potential application in human health
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