2,740 research outputs found

    Efficient Transductive Online Learning via Randomized Rounding

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    Most traditional online learning algorithms are based on variants of mirror descent or follow-the-leader. In this paper, we present an online algorithm based on a completely different approach, tailored for transductive settings, which combines "random playout" and randomized rounding of loss subgradients. As an application of our approach, we present the first computationally efficient online algorithm for collaborative filtering with trace-norm constrained matrices. As a second application, we solve an open question linking batch learning and transductive online learningComment: To appear in a Festschrift in honor of V.N. Vapnik. Preliminary version presented in NIPS 201

    On-line PCA with Optimal Regrets

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    We carefully investigate the on-line version of PCA, where in each trial a learning algorithm plays a k-dimensional subspace, and suffers the compression loss on the next instance when projected into the chosen subspace. In this setting, we analyze two popular on-line algorithms, Gradient Descent (GD) and Exponentiated Gradient (EG). We show that both algorithms are essentially optimal in the worst-case. This comes as a surprise, since EG is known to perform sub-optimally when the instances are sparse. This different behavior of EG for PCA is mainly related to the non-negativity of the loss in this case, which makes the PCA setting qualitatively different from other settings studied in the literature. Furthermore, we show that when considering regret bounds as function of a loss budget, EG remains optimal and strictly outperforms GD. Next, we study the extension of the PCA setting, in which the Nature is allowed to play with dense instances, which are positive matrices with bounded largest eigenvalue. Again we can show that EG is optimal and strictly better than GD in this setting

    Bandits with heavy tail

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    The stochastic multi-armed bandit problem is well understood when the reward distributions are sub-Gaussian. In this paper we examine the bandit problem under the weaker assumption that the distributions have moments of order 1+\epsilon, for some ϵ∈(0,1]\epsilon \in (0,1]. Surprisingly, moments of order 2 (i.e., finite variance) are sufficient to obtain regret bounds of the same order as under sub-Gaussian reward distributions. In order to achieve such regret, we define sampling strategies based on refined estimators of the mean such as the truncated empirical mean, Catoni's M-estimator, and the median-of-means estimator. We also derive matching lower bounds that also show that the best achievable regret deteriorates when \epsilon <1

    On the Complexity of Learning with Kernels

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    A well-recognized limitation of kernel learning is the requirement to handle a kernel matrix, whose size is quadratic in the number of training examples. Many methods have been proposed to reduce this computational cost, mostly by using a subset of the kernel matrix entries, or some form of low-rank matrix approximation, or a random projection method. In this paper, we study lower bounds on the error attainable by such methods as a function of the number of entries observed in the kernel matrix or the rank of an approximate kernel matrix. We show that there are kernel learning problems where no such method will lead to non-trivial computational savings. Our results also quantify how the problem difficulty depends on parameters such as the nature of the loss function, the regularization parameter, the norm of the desired predictor, and the kernel matrix rank. Our results also suggest cases where more efficient kernel learning might be possible

    Online Learning with Switching Costs and Other Adaptive Adversaries

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    We study the power of different types of adaptive (nonoblivious) adversaries in the setting of prediction with expert advice, under both full-information and bandit feedback. We measure the player's performance using a new notion of regret, also known as policy regret, which better captures the adversary's adaptiveness to the player's behavior. In a setting where losses are allowed to drift, we characterize ---in a nearly complete manner--- the power of adaptive adversaries with bounded memories and switching costs. In particular, we show that with switching costs, the attainable rate with bandit feedback is Θ~(T2/3)\widetilde{\Theta}(T^{2/3}). Interestingly, this rate is significantly worse than the Θ(T)\Theta(\sqrt{T}) rate attainable with switching costs in the full-information case. Via a novel reduction from experts to bandits, we also show that a bounded memory adversary can force Θ~(T2/3)\widetilde{\Theta}(T^{2/3}) regret even in the full information case, proving that switching costs are easier to control than bounded memory adversaries. Our lower bounds rely on a new stochastic adversary strategy that generates loss processes with strong dependencies

    Cooperative Online Learning: Keeping your Neighbors Updated

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    We study an asynchronous online learning setting with a network of agents. At each time step, some of the agents are activated, requested to make a prediction, and pay the corresponding loss. The loss function is then revealed to these agents and also to their neighbors in the network. Our results characterize how much knowing the network structure affects the regret as a function of the model of agent activations. When activations are stochastic, the optimal regret (up to constant factors) is shown to be of order αT\sqrt{\alpha T}, where TT is the horizon and α\alpha is the independence number of the network. We prove that the upper bound is achieved even when agents have no information about the network structure. When activations are adversarial the situation changes dramatically: if agents ignore the network structure, a Ω(T)\Omega(T) lower bound on the regret can be proven, showing that learning is impossible. However, when agents can choose to ignore some of their neighbors based on the knowledge of the network structure, we prove a O(χ‾T)O(\sqrt{\overline{\chi} T}) sublinear regret bound, where χ‾≥α\overline{\chi} \ge \alpha is the clique-covering number of the network

    Online Learning of Noisy Data with Kernels

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    We study online learning when individual instances are corrupted by adversarially chosen random noise. We assume the noise distribution is unknown, and may change over time with no restriction other than having zero mean and bounded variance. Our technique relies on a family of unbiased estimators for non-linear functions, which may be of independent interest. We show that a variant of online gradient descent can learn functions in any dot-product (e.g., polynomial) or Gaussian kernel space with any analytic convex loss function. Our variant uses randomized estimates that need to query a random number of noisy copies of each instance, where with high probability this number is upper bounded by a constant. Allowing such multiple queries cannot be avoided: Indeed, we show that online learning is in general impossible when only one noisy copy of each instance can be accessed.Comment: This is a full version of the paper appearing in the 23rd International Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2010
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