15 research outputs found

    Advanced Videoconferencing based on WebRTC

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    Lately, videoconference applications have experienced an evolution towards the World Wide Web. New technologies have given browsers real-time communications capabilities. In this context, WebRTC aims to provide this functionality by following and defining standards. Being a new effort, WebRTC still lacks advanced videoconferencing services such as session recording, media mixing and adjusting to varying network conditions. This paper analyzes these challenges and proposes an architecture based on a traditional communications entity, the Multipoint Control Unit or MCU as a solution

    Opportunities and Challenges of Implementing P2P Streaming Applications in the Web

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    P2P applications are increasingly present on the web. We have identified a gap in current proposals when it comes to the use of traditional P2P overlays for real-time multimedia streaming. We analyze the possibilities and challenges to extend WebRTC in order to implement JavaScript APIs for P2P streaming algorithms

    Business model with discount incentive in a P2P-cloud multimedia streaming system

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    Today P2P faces two important challenges: design of mechanisms to encourage users' collaboration in multimedia live streaming services; design of reliable algorithms with QoS provision, to encourage the multimedia providers employ the P2P topology in commercial live streaming systems. We believe that these two challenges are tightly-related and there is much to be done with respect. This paper analyzes the effect of user behavior in a multi-tree P2P overlay and describes a business model based on monetary discount as incentive in a P2P-Cloud multimedia streaming system. We believe a discount model can boost up users' cooperation and loyalty and enhance the overall system integrity and performance. Moreover the model bounds the constraints for a provider's revenue and cost if the P2P system is leveraged on a cloud infrastructure. Our case study shows that a streaming system provider can establish or adapt his business model by applying the described bounds to achieve a good discount-revenue trade-off and promote the system to the users

    Dynamic media stream mobility with TURN

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    Multi party videoconference systems use MCU (Multipoint Control Unit) devices to forward media streams. In this paper we describe a mechanism that allows the mobility of such streams between MCU devices. This mobility is especially useful when redistribution of streams is needed due to scalability requirements. These requirements are mandatory in Cloud scenarios to adapt the number of MCUs and their capabilities to variations in the user demand. Our mechanism is based on TURN (Traversal Using Relay around NAT) standard and adapts MICE (Mobility with ICE) specification to the requirements of this kind of scenarios. We conclude that this mechanism achieves the stream mobility in a transparent way for client nodes and without interruptions for the users

    dOTM: a mechanism for distributing centralized multi-party video conferencing in the cloud

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    One of the key factors for a given application to take advantage of cloud computing is the ability to scale in an efficient, fast and reliable way. In centralized multi-party video conferencing, dynamically scaling a running conversation is a complex problem. In this paper we propose a methodology to divide the Multipoint Control Unit (the video conferencing server) into more simple units, broadcasters. Each broadcaster receives the media from a participant, processes it and forwards it to the rest. These broadcasters can be distributed among a group of CPUs. By using this methodology, video conferencing systems can scale in a more granular way, improving the deployment

    Videoconferencia con Isabel en la Web 2.0

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    Este artículo presenta una arquitectura que transforma una aplicación tradicional de videoconferencia en un servicio Web accesible desde cualquier navegador, de tal forma que cambia el modelo de uso y propone un nuevo sistema de colaboración en tiempo real que cuenta con las ventajas intrínsecas de cualquier servicio de la web 2.0. Además esta solución facilita la transición hacia un servicio típico de Cloud Computing en el que se utilizan y se liberan recursos de videoconferencia dependiendo de la demanda en cada moment

    Identidad Extendida en Redes Sociales

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    Hoy experimentamos la popularización de las plataformas web de gestión de redes sociales. La tendencia más clara va hacia la integración de las plataformas orientadas al contenido y las centradas en la gestión de contactos. Aun así, estas plataformas web siguen siendo aplicaciones aisladas que no comparten sus datos. La actividad de los usuarios en cada plataforma permanece inconexa. Este artículo propone una arquitectura distribuida de plataformas para la gestión online de redes sociales. Nuestra propuesta parte de un esquema de identidad centrado en el usuario y lo extiende agregándole información del usuario. Además, pretende cubrir la brecha entre la identidad distribuida y las capacidades para la publicación distribuida en múltiples plataformas de contenidos

    Testing a Cloud Provider Network for Hybrid P2P and Cloud Streaming Architectures

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    The number of online real-time streaming services deployed over network topologies like P2P or centralized ones has remarkably increased in the recent years. This has revealed the lack of networks that are well prepared to respond to this kind of traffic. A hybrid distribution network can be an efficient solution for real-time streaming services. This paper contains the experimental results of streaming distribution in a hybrid architecture that consist of mixed connections among P2P and Cloud nodes that can interoperate together. We have chosen to represent the P2P nodes as Planet Lab machines over the world and the cloud nodes using a Cloud provider's network. First we present an experimental validation of the Cloud infrastructure's ability to distribute streaming sessions with respect to some key streaming QoS parameters: jitter, throughput and packet losses. Next we show the results obtained from different test scenarios, when a hybrid distribution network is used. The scenarios measure the improvement of the multimedia QoS parameters, when nodes in the streaming distribution network (located in different continents) are gradually moved into the Cloud provider infrastructure. The overall conclusion is that the QoS of a streaming service can be efficiently improved, unlike in traditional P2P systems and CDN, by deploying a hybrid streaming architecture. This enhancement can be obtained by strategic placing of certain distribution network nodes into the Cloud provider infrastructure, taking advantage of the reduced packet loss and low latency that exists among its datacenters

    Videoconference capacity Leasing on Hybrid Clouds.

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    This paper proposes a new methodology focused on implementing cost effective architectures on Cloud Computing systems. With this methodology the paper presents some disadvantages of systems that are based on single Cloud architectures and gives some advices for taking into account in the development of hybrid systems. The work also includes a validation of these ideas implemented in a complete videoconference service developed with our research group. This service allows a great number of users per conference, multiple simultaneous conferences, different client software (requiring transcodification of audio and video flows) and provides a service like automatic recording. Furthermore it offers different kinds of connectivity including SIP clients and a client based on Web 2.0. The ideas proposed in this article are intended to be a useful resource for any researcher or developer who wants to implement cost effective systems on several Cloud

    Adaptive cross-device videoconferencing solution for wireless networks based on QoS monitoring

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    The increase in CPU power and screen quality of todays smartphones as well as the availability of high bandwidth wireless networks has enabled high quality mobile videoconfer- encing never seen before. However, adapting to the variety of devices and network conditions that come as a result is still not a trivial issue. In this paper, we present a multiple participant videoconferencing service that adapts to different kind of devices and access networks while providing an stable communication. By combining network quality detection and the use of a multipoint control unit for video mixing and transcoding, desktop, tablet and mobile clients can participate seamlessly. We also describe the cost in terms of bandwidth and CPU usage of this approach in a variety of scenarios