23 research outputs found
ESPAD Report 2019: Results From European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs
The main purpose of the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) is to collect comparable data on substance use and other forms of risk behaviour among 15- to 16-year-old students in order to monitor trends within, as well as between, countries. Between 1995 and 2019, seven waves of data collection were conducted across 49 European countries. This report presents selected key results. The full set of data on which the current report is based, including all of the standard tables, is available online (http://www.espad.org). All tables can be downloaded in Excel format and used for further analysi
Elaborazione delle informazioni visive multidimensionali: coppie di lettere e di facce.
Lo scopo generale di questa tesi, consiste nell’investigare come i vari attributi dimensionali influenzino l’elaborazione di uno stimolo multimensionale .
Si è utilizzato un paradigma di tipo same/different perché nella quotidianità ci si trova continuamente a dover decidere se due stimoli multidimensionali sono tra loro uguali o diversi in condizioni in cui la rapidità e la correttezza del giudizio possono essere determinanti ai fini di risposte sia cognitive che motorie.
Classicamente questo tipo di studi è stato condotto sulle lettere, dove le dimensioni dello stimolo sono rappresentate dalla forma, attributo più prettamente configurazionale, e dal significato.
Negli esperimenti sulle facce sono stati utilizzati due criteri di giudizio uno basato sul genere e uno basato sull’espressione.
I risultati mostrano un atteso vantaggio del giudizio di uguaglianza rispetto a quello di differenza e un’inaspettata prevalenza del giudizio basato sul genere rispetto a quello basato sulle espressioni.
Si evince inoltre che nel processamento dei volti, il tipo di emozione espressa dalle faccie (positiva o negativa) e il sesso (maschile o femminile) non influenza la velocità del giudizio di uguaglianza o differenza
Violent Behaviours among Adolescents and Young Adults: Association with Psychoactive Substance Use and Parenting Styles
This study extends existing research on the relationship between psychoactive substance use among young people and violent behaviour, by evaluating the possible effect of the modification of parenting in a nationally representative sample of 14,685 Italian students drawn from the 2019 wave of the ESPAD Italia survey (51% male; mean age about 17 years). Parental dimensions considered in the study were rule-setting, monitoring, and emotional support, as well as the possible absence of a parent. Relative risk ratios and binary logistic regressions were used to estimate the associations separately for adolescents (15–17) and young adults (18–19). Overall, parental rule-setting, perceived parental monitoring, and emotional support were protective factors for substance use, and the strength of this relationship increased with the frequency of use. Among adolescents, the absence of a parent represented a risk factor. In both age groups, the odds of engaging in violent behaviour was increased among those reporting alcohol intoxication and substance use and the greater the frequency of use, the greater the increase in the odds. As parental monitoring and emotional support decreased, the odds of engaging in violent behaviour increased (except in the case of lower parental support among young adults), while the opposite applies to parental rule-setting. The odds of engaging in violent behaviour were increased among those reporting the absence of a parent only in the adolescent age group. Parental rule-setting was found to have an effect only among adolescents, increasing the odds of violent behaviour among frequent drinkers. Our results might be helpful to signal adolescents who would be more prone to adopt violent behaviour in order to target prevention policies
The ARGA study with general practitioners: Impact of medical education on asthma/rhinitis management
Mortalità per malattie respiratorie in Italia (1990-2010). Parte I: Metodi e tassi grezzi nazionali e per regione
Negli anni ’70 e ’80, in Italia, si evidenziava un leggero ma costante decremento della mortalità per malattie
dell’apparato respiratorio (MAR, tumori esclusi) e un incremento della mortalità per broncopneumopatia
cronica ostruttiva. Scopo del presente lavoro è valutare l’andamento della mortalità per MAR, e in particolare
per malattie respiratorie croniche (MRC), negli anni ’90 e nel primo decennio del nuovo millennio. I risultati
sono presentati in due report distinti. Nel presente report (Parte I) si osserva che nel periodo 1990-2010, in
Italia, si è avuto un progressivo aumento di decessi per MAR e MRC. I tassi grezzi di mortalità per MAR, dopo
andamento altalenante fino all’inizio del nuovo millennio, tendono a lieve incremento. A livello di macro-aree
geografiche, i tassi sono più elevati al Nord e meno elevati al Sud e, nel periodo in esame, tendono a calare
in maniera evidente nelle Isole ed a crescere in maniera altrettanto evidente nel Centro. I tassi grezzi si sono
mantenuti abbastanza stabili sia nel Nord sia nel Sud. In generale, i tassi grezzi di mortalità per MRC, in calo
fino all’inizio del nuovo millennio, tendono poi a lieve incremento. Contrariamente a quanto accade per le
MAR, i tassi di mortalità per MRC risultano più elevati nel Sud (specialmente) e nelle Isole che nel Centro e nel
Nord. Nell’ultimo ventennio si registra un lieve decremento del tasso di mortalità per MRC in tutte le macroaree
geografiche, eccetto che nel Centro. Per una corretta valutazione dell’andamento della mortalità in Italia
è necessario considerare anche l’effetto confondente dell’età. Tassi standardizzati, oltre ad un confronto con
l’Europa, e conclusioni sono riportati nel nostro secondo report sulla mortalità in Italia (Parte II)
Mortalità per malattie respiratorie in Italia (1990-2010). Parte II: Tassi standardizzati, confronto con l’Europa e conclusioni.
Scopo del presente lavoro è valutare l’andamento della mortalità per MAR, e in particolare per malattie respiratorie
croniche (MRC), negli anni ’90 e nel primo decennio del nuovo millennio. I risultati sono presentati
in due report distinti. Nel primo report (Parte I) è stato messo in evidenza un aumento di decessi, nel periodo
analizzato, con tassi grezzi in lieve incremento nel nuovo millennio. Nel presente report (Parte II), dopo standardizzazione
per età, si osserva un calo di mortalità per MAR e MRC in tutte le macro-aree geografiche, in
entrambi i sessi ed in tutte le classi di età. L’apparente contraddizione tra aumento di decessi e diminuzione
di mortalità si spiega con l’incremento dell’indice di invecchiamento della popolazione (rapporto anziani/
giovani), che è cresciuto dal 90% nel 1990 fino al 144% nel 2010. Il calo di mortalità appare più evidente
nel Sud e nelle Isole che nel Centro-Nord, nei maschi, e nei soggetti della classe d’età 65-74 anni. Riguardo
alla mortalità per MAR, tra 41 paesi europei, l’Italia si trova al 31° posto per i maschi e al 33° posto per le
femmine. Riguardo alla mortalità per MRC, tra 34 paesi europei, si piazza al 19° e al 21° posto (per maschi e
femmine, rispettivamente). Il calo di mortalità, particolarmente elevato nei maschi, può essere dovuto in parte
al decremento nell’abitudine al fumo di tabacco. Dal 1957 al 1990 la prevalenza di fumatori maschi è scesa
da 65 a 38% e la differenza tra la percentuale di fumo attivo negli uomini e nelle donne è scesa da circa 60
a 13%. Tra i maschi, i residenti al Sud e nelle Isole hanno tassi standardizzati di mortalità superiori al valore
medio nazionale in tutto il ventennio considerato. Tra le femmine, ciò avviene fino al 2000; successivamente,
le donne residenti al Nord tendono ad avere valori più elevati
Respiratory symptoms/diseases prevalence is still increasing: A 25-yr population study
Background Few epidemiological surveys on general population samples estimated changes in prevalence of respiratory symptoms/diseases over a long time interval; our study aims to quantify the temporal changes in the prevalence rates of asthma, allergic rhinitis and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) after 25 years from baseline. Methods A general population sample participated in 3 cross-sectional surveys carried out in Central Italy (Pisa) in 1985-88 (n = 3865), 1991-93 (n = 2841), 2009-11 (n = 1620). 2276 (47%) subjects participated in at least 1 survey, 1723 (35.5%) in at least 2 surveys and 849 (17.5%) in all the 3 surveys. All subjects filled in a standardized questionnaire about health status and risk factors; a sub-sample performed spirometry. Chi-square test was used to compare adjusted prevalence rates of respiratory symptoms/diseases and descriptive characteristics among the surveys. Generalised estimating equations (GEE) were used to analyze the association between respiratory symptoms/diseases and risk factors. Results There was an increasing trend in prevalence rates of all respiratory symptoms/diseases throughout the surveys: current asthma attacks (1st-3rd survey prevalence: 3.4-7.2%), allergic rhinitis (16.2-37.4%), usual phlegm (8.7-19.5%) and COPD (2.1-6.8%) more than doubled. The GEE model confirmed these increasing trends, indicating higher risk of having respiratory symptoms/diseases in the second and third surveys. Conclusions While asthma and allergic rhinitis increasing trends were confirmed, with respect to other international studies, also a COPD increasing prevalence rates was shown
Consequences of COVID-19 pandemic on weight gain and physical activity: a prospective cohort study from Italy
Introduction: It is crucial to monitor changes in body weight and physical activity (PA) to understand if short-term effects of COVID-19 pandemic have had implications over time. Methods: This longitudinal study is based on data from 4,831 Italians aged 18-74 years interviewed during the first phase of COVID-19 pandemic (April-May 2020) and two years later (February-March 2022). Changes in body weight and PA were assessed through multivariable analyses in association with socio-demographic and psychological characteristics. Results: Over the two years, 17.4% reported a weight gain of at least 5 kg and 32.8% a decreased PA by at least 4 hours per week. Weight gain and decreased PA were more frequent in participants from the less wealthy areas, with lower educational level and those who reported a worsening in mental health. Conclusions: After two years from the start of the pandemic, in Italy we observed a trend toward a renormalization of body weight and PA. The segments of the population mostly affected by the pandemic are subjects with more disadvantaged socio-economic status and with an impaired mental health
The most important biological component of ambient air is pollen, and its allergens are the main cause of airborne allergic respiratory diseases (1). In Europe, emissions of some air pollutants have decreased over past decades (2). Nevertheless, this does not always produce a corresponding drop in atmospheric concentrations, especially for particulate matter and ozone, which have significant impact on human health (2). Chemical air pollutants and anthropogenic aerosols can alter the impact of allergenic pollen, while pollen production rises in higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations (3, 4). Changes in plant flowering season due to climate change will probably result in an increase in the duration and severity of the pollen season, alongside a higher frequency of episodes of urban air pollution (1). Therefore, exacerbations of allergic respiratory diseases will have a more pronounced effect in coming decades (5). In this context, AIS LIFE project (http://www.ais-life.eu) aims to develop an information base, to enable policy-makers dealing with environment and health issues to better manage pollen-related allergic respiratory diseases, improve the quality of life of patients suffering from them, reduce health system costs, and increase awareness among sufferers of pollen-related allergic respiratory diseases. Expected results: Establishment and consolidation of a multidisciplinary, transnational network of experts, with particular attention to pollen-related allergic respiratory health; implementation and dissemination of an Integrated Information System (IIS) and an enhanced Personalised Information Systems (PPI) in Italy, France and Austria; the widening of the Tuscan monitoring network for aerobiological components, by activating a sampling station in Pisa (Italy); educational campaigns (Italy, France and Austria) on the use of the Aerobiological Information System (AIS), promotion of improved lifestyles, and prevention of respiratory allergic diseases; raised awareness concerning the effects of interactions between pollens and chemicals on
allergic symptoms across Europe, to guide environmental and health policy decisions. The aerobiological monitoring is in function since 1st June 2014 in Italy, France and Austria, with the continuous collecting of the data on the most important allergenic botanical families and fungal spores: Asteraceae, Betulaceae, Corylaceae, Cupressaceae - Taxaceae, Fagaceae, Oleaceae, Platanaceae, Poaceae, Urticaceae and Alternaria. Acknowledgements: ARPAT and Consorzio LaMMA (Italy); ZAMG and MA22 (Austria); RNSA, Air Rhône-Alpes, Air Parif, Météo France and Infoclimat (France) are gratefully acknowledged for providing chemical, aerobiological, and climate modelling data
Indoor air quality, ventilation and respiratory health in elderly residents living in nursing homes in Europe
Few data exist on respiratory effects of indoor air quality and comfort parameters in the elderly. In the context of the GERIE study, we investigated for the first time the relationships of these factors to respiratory morbidity among elderly people permanently living in nursing homes in seven European countries. 600 elderly people from 50 nursing homes underwent a medical examination and completed a standardised questionnaire. Air quality and comfort parameters were objectively assessed in situ in the nursing home. Mean concentrations of air pollutants did not exceed the existing standards. Forced expiratory volume in 1 s/forced vital capacity ratio was highly significantly related to elevated levels of particles with a 50% cut-off aerodynamic diameter of <0.1 µm (PM0.1) (adjusted OR 8.16, 95% CI 2.24-29.3) and nitrogen dioxide (aOR 3.74, 95% CI 1.06-13.1). Excess risks for usual breathlessness and cough were found with elevated PM10 (aOR 1.53 (95% CI 1.15-2.07) and aOR 1.73 (95% CI 1.17-10.3), respectively) and nitrogen dioxide (aOR 1.58 (95% CI 1.15-2.20) and aOR 1.56 (95% CI 1.03-2.41), respectively). Excess risks for wheeze in the past year were found with PM0.1 (aOR 2.82, 95% CI 1.15-7.02) and for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and exhaled carbon monoxide with formaldehyde (aOR 3.49 (95% CI 1.17-10.3) and aOR 1.25 (95% CI 1.02-1.55), respectively). Breathlessness and cough were associated with higher carbon dioxide. Relative humidity was inversely related to wheeze in the past year and usual cough. Elderly subjects aged ≥80 years were at higher risk. Pollutant effects were more pronounced in the case of poor ventilation. Even at low levels, indoor air quality affected respiratory health in elderly people permanently living in nursing homes, with frailty increasing with age. The effects were modulated by ventilation