54 research outputs found

    Elevated Incidence of Dental Caries in a Mouse Model of Cystic Fibrosis

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    Saliva bicarbonate constitutes the main buffering system which neutralizes the pH fall generated by the plaque bacteria during sugar metabolism. We found that the saliva pH is severely decreased in a mouse model of cystic fibrosis disease (CF). Given the close relationship between pH and caries development, we hypothesized that caries incidence might be elevated in the mouse CF model.). are enhanced at low pH values, we speculate that the decrease in the bicarbonate content and pH buffering of the saliva is at least partially responsible for the increased severity of lesions observed in the CF mouse

    Biologiczna różnorodność fauny motyli na obszarach pogórniczych

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    In this research we study butterflies diversity and abundance in North Czech Coal Basin (NCCB) and Landscape protected area Ceske stredohori (LP A). Butterflies are very sensitive species for changes in aricultural management (Denis 2004). They can be used as bioindicators and umbrella species. We study 4 localities - each of them includes 3 study plots. Two localities are situated in LPA and two are situated at dumps of (NCCB). We compare three different succesion stages (low xerotherm grassland, mezophilus grassland, areas with trees and bushes) on two different types of landscape (seminatural biotops x reclamations). In 2009 there were done four observations on each locality and two visits were done in 2010. Higher number of species was found in LPA and also more of rare and endangered species were observed there compare to dumps. Altough dumps seem to be good potential habitats for butterflies. Important for all localities is, if there is an active antropogenic management or not.W tym badaniu oceniono różnorodność i ilość motyli na terytorium Zagłębia Węglowego Czech Północnych (North Czech Coal Basin, NCCB) oraz obszaru chronionego Ceske stredohori (LPA). Motyle to rząd (owadów) uskrzydlonych bardzo wrażliwy na zmiany w sposobie zarządzania rolnego (Denis 2004). Gatunki motyli mogą być wykorzystywane jako biologiczne wskaźniki. Badamy cztery lokalizacje, z których każda składa się z trzech działek badawczych. Dwie lokalizacje znajdują się w LPA, a dwie pozostałe na zwałowiskach NCCB. Porównujemy trzy różne etapy sukcesji (niskie murawy kserotermiczne, murawy mezofilne, obszary z drzewami i krzewami) w ramach dwóch, odmiennych typów krajobrazu (seminaturalne biotopy x rekultywacja). W 2009 roku dokonano czterech obserwacji w każdej lokalizacji, a w 2010 roku przeprowadzone zostały dwie wizyty. Większa liczba gatunków została zaobserwowana w LPA. Ponadto w porównaniu ze zwałowiskami odkryto tam więcej gatunków rzadkich i zagrożonych. Niemniej zwałowiska wydają się być odpowiednim, potencjalnym siedliskiem dla motyli. Ważne dla wszystkich lokalizacji jest to, czy aktywne zarządzanie antropogeniczne ma miejsce czy nie

    Optic Pathway Glioma: Long-Term Visual Outcome in Children Without Neurofibromatosis Type-1

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Little is known about the visual outcome of children affected by an optic pathway glioma (OPG). PROCEDURES: We evaluated the long-term visual outcome of 32 consecutive children affected by OPG without neurofibromatosis type-1 referred to the Pediatric Department of Padua University and managed according to standardized strategies. RESULTS: Eight children received chemotherapy, 10 radiotherapy, 7 both chemotherapy and radiotherapy, whereas 7 were untreated. At presentation, visual acuity (VA) was normal in 22 children (13 unilaterally and 9 bilaterally), and reduced in 10. At follow-up, VA had improved in 6 patients; it was stable in 8 and worse in 18. Visual field, assessed in 29 children, was normal in 9 and reduced in 20. The number of children with some grade of visual impairment increased from 7 to 10 during follow-up. Of the 17 children in whom the tumor became significantly smaller, VA improved in 6, was stable in 3, and worse in 8. Of the 6 children with improved VA, 5 received radiotherapy, and their papilla was normal or mildly pale. After a median follow-up of 6 years, 26 patients are alive with stable disease. CONCLUSIONS: The visual prognosis of children with OPG is unsatisfactory. Older children treated with radiotherapy seem to have a better visual outcome than younger children. Severe optic pallor at diagnosis or during follow-up may be indicative of a negative prognosis. PMID: 20979170 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

    Unilateral laryngeal paralysis in a newborn with congenital varicella syndrome

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    We report a case of a newborn with unilateral laryngeal paralysis due to congenital varicella syndrome. The patient needed neonatal resuscitation with positive pressure ventilation for severe respiratory failure. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy showed left unilateral laryngeal paralysis. From the first week of life he presented left Horner's syndrome and difficult swallowing. He was hospitalised during the first 3 months of life for recurrent aspiration pneumonia and failure to thrive. At 11 months an ophthalmic evaluation with Ret-Cam showed a chorioretinal scar in the macular region that allowed the final diagnosis

    Congestive heart failure in a veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus): A case report

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    A two-year-old male veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus) was referred for a gular oedema and bilateral blepharoedema. The echocardiography revealed a ventricular hypertrophy, pericardial effusion, and valvular regurgitation of the right atrioventricular valve. Treatment with hydrochlorothiazide, enalapril, and carvedilol was commenced. Within 3 weeks of treatment, the valvular regurgitation was noticeably decreased. In the 4th week of treatment, the echocardiography revealed a reduction in the myocardium hypertrophy. After an additional month of home treatment, the patient was presented with anorexia and decreased activity. Despite the supportive care, the patient died. The histopathology revealed mild to moderate fibrosis of the epicardium. Moderate to severe fibrosis, degeneration of the myofibrils, fatty atrophy, interstitial oedema and mild calcification was seen in the atria. The tunica intima, media and adventitia of the major cardiac vessels were moderately fibrotic, swollen and interfused by myxoedema. The kidney histopathology revealed moderate sclerosis and atrophy of the glomeruli, vacuolation of the tubular epithelium, fibrosis, and infiltration of the leucocytes in the interstitium. The therapeutic protocol with hydrochlorothiazide, ACE inhibitor enalapril and n-blocker carvedilol reduced the myocardium hypertrophy and the valvular regurgitation; however, the prolonged use of diuretics jeopardized the renal function in our patient. Frequent blood analyses are necessary using diuretics in reptile patients

    Elution kinetics of vancomycin and gentamicin from carriers and their effects on mesenchymal stem cell proliferation: an in vitro study

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    Background Musculoskeletal infections remain a major complication in orthopedic surgery. The local delivery of antibiotics provides the high levels required to treat an infection without systemic toxicity. However, the local toxicity of antibiotic carriers to the mesenchymal stem cells, as a result of both the peak concentrations and the type of carrier, may be significant. Methods To address this concern, the elution kinetics of vancomycin and gentamicin from several commercially available antibiotic carriers and several carriers impregnated by a surgeon (10 ml of each sterile carrier were manually mixed with a 500 mg vancomycin and an 80 mg gentamicin solution, and the duration of impregnation was 30 min) were assessed. Moreover, the effects of these antibiotic carriers on stem cell proliferation were investigated. The following two types of stem cells were used: bone marrow and dental pulp stem cells. Results The high eluted initial concentrations from antibiotic impregnated cancellous allogeneic bone grafts (which may be increased with the addition of fibrin glue) did not adversely affect stem cell proliferation. Moreover, an increased dental pulp stem cell proliferation rate in the presence of antibiotics was identified. In contrast to allogeneic bone grafts, a significant amount of antibiotics remained in the cement. Despite the favorable elution kinetics, the calcium carriers, bovine collagen carrier and freeze-dried bone exhibited decreased stem cell proliferation activity even in lower antibiotic concentrations compared with an allogeneic graft. Conclusions This study demonstrated the benefits of antibiotic impregnated cancellous allogeneic bone grafts versus other carriers

    Nonorganic (Psychogenic) Visual Loss in Children: A Retrospective Series

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    BACKGROUND: Few studies provide follow-up information or systematic investigation of prognostic parameters of nonorganic (psychogenic) visual loss in children. METHODS: A retrospective case series analysis was performed on 58 patients younger than 16 years old who had nonorganic visual loss and underwent at least a 3-month follow-up clinic visit and/or telephone interview between 1992 and 2007 at a single institution in Italy. All patients underwent a full neurologic, ophthalmologic, and orthoptic evaluation. Visual electrophysiologic tests were performed in many patients as part of the evaluation. Neuroimaging was performed and psychiatric referral was made only as needed. We collected data on the age at onset, time to diagnosis of nonorganic visual loss, type and duration of visual symptoms, and concomitant psychologic or psychosocial difficulties. RESULTS: Visual deficits consisted mostly of reduced visual acuity (76%) and visual field defects (48%). The diagnosis of nonorganic visual loss could be reached with confidence by means of observing inconsistent performance on a wide array of visual function tests, and, in doubtful cases, by means of electrophysiologic investigations. The mean time from onset to diagnosis was 3.1 months. The mean duration of visual symptoms from reported onset to disappearance was 7.4 months. Complete resolution of all visual symptoms occurred in 93% of patients and did so within 12 months of diagnosis in 85% of patients. There was no correlation between the duration of visual symptoms and age at onset, sex, time to diagnosis, type of ocular symptoms, or presence of psychosocial or psychologic difficulties. CONCLUSIONS: Our study extends the follow-up information and confirms the findings of previous investigators in showing that nonorganic visual loss in children generally resolves spontaneously within 1 year and that no major psychiatric disorders are present or will appear after diagnosis. However, psychosocial stressors are often present and may predispose to this manifestation. There are no obvious predictors of rate of recovery
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