469 research outputs found

    The random link approximation for the Euclidean traveling salesman problem

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    The traveling salesman problem (TSP) consists of finding the length of the shortest closed tour visiting N ``cities''. We consider the Euclidean TSP where the cities are distributed randomly and independently in a d-dimensional unit hypercube. Working with periodic boundary conditions and inspired by a remarkable universality in the kth nearest neighbor distribution, we find for the average optimum tour length = beta_E(d) N^{1-1/d} [1+O(1/N)] with beta_E(2) = 0.7120 +- 0.0002 and beta_E(3) = 0.6979 +- 0.0002. We then derive analytical predictions for these quantities using the random link approximation, where the lengths between cities are taken as independent random variables. From the ``cavity'' equations developed by Krauth, Mezard and Parisi, we calculate the associated random link values beta_RL(d). For d=1,2,3, numerical results show that the random link approximation is a good one, with a discrepancy of less than 2.1% between beta_E(d) and beta_RL(d). For large d, we argue that the approximation is exact up to O(1/d^2) and give a conjecture for beta_E(d), in terms of a power series in 1/d, specifying both leading and subleading coefficients.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures; formatting and typos correcte

    Phase-Conjugated Inputs Quantum Cloning Machines

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    A quantum cloning machine is introduced that yields MM identical optimal clones from NN replicas of a coherent state and NN' replicas of its phase conjugate. It also optimally produces M=M+NNM'=M+N'-N phase-conjugated clones at no cost. For well chosen input asymmetries N/(N+N)N'/(N+N'), this machine is shown to provide better cloning fidelities than the standard (N+N)M(N+N') \to M cloner. The special cases of the optimal balanced cloner (N=NN=N') and the optimal measurement (M=M=\infty) are investigated.Comment: 4 pages (RevTex), 2 figure

    The optimal cloning of quantum coherent states is non-Gaussian

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    We consider the optimal cloning of quantum coherent states with single-clone and joint fidelity as figures of merit. Both optimal fidelities are attained for phase space translation covariant cloners. Remarkably, the joint fidelity is maximized by a Gaussian cloner, whereas the single-clone fidelity can be enhanced by non-Gaussian operations: a symmetric non-Gaussian 1-to-2 cloner can achieve a single-clone fidelity of approximately 0.6826, perceivably higher than the optimal fidelity of 2/3 in a Gaussian setting. This optimal cloner can be realized by means of an optical parametric amplifier supplemented with a particular source of non-Gaussian bimodal states. Finally, we show that the single-clone fidelity of the optimal 1-to-infinity cloner, corresponding to a measure-and-prepare scheme, cannot exceed 1/2. This value is achieved by a Gaussian scheme and cannot be surpassed even with supplemental bound entangled states.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, revtex; changed title, extended list of authors, included optical implementation of optimal clone

    Quantum Distribution of Gaussian Keys with Squeezed States

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    A continuous key distribution scheme is proposed that relies on a pair of canonically conjugate quantum variables. It allows two remote parties to share a secret Gaussian key by encoding it into one of the two quadrature components of a single-mode electromagnetic field. The resulting quantum cryptographic information vs disturbance tradeoff is investigated for an individual attack based on the optimal continuous cloning machine. It is shown that the information gained by the eavesdropper then simply equals the information lost by the receiver.Comment: 5 pages, RevTe

    Quantum uncertainty relation saturated by the eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator

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    We re-derive the Schr\"{o}dinger-Robertson uncertainty principle for the position and momentum of a quantum particle. Our derivation does not directly employ commutation relations, but works by reduction to an eigenvalue problem related to the harmonic oscillator, which can then be further exploited to find a larger class of constrained uncertainty relations. We derive an uncertainty relation under the constraint of a fixed degree of Gaussianity and prove that, remarkably, it is saturated by all eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator. This goes beyond the common knowledge that the (Gaussian) ground state of the harmonic oscillator saturates the uncertainty relation.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Majorization relations and entanglement generation in a beam splitter

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    We prove that a beam splitter, one of the most common optical components, fulfills several classes of majorization relations, which govern the amount of quantum entanglement that it can generate. First, we show that the state resulting from k photons impinging on a beam splitter majorizes the corresponding state with any larger photon number k > k, implying that the entanglement monotonically grows with k. Then we examine parametric infinitesimal majorization relations as a function of the beam-splitter transmittance and find that there exists a parameter region where majorization is again fulfilled, implying a monotonic increase of entanglement by moving towards a balanced beam splitter. We also identify regions with a majorization default, where the output states become incomparable. In this latter situation, we find examples where catalysis may nevertheless be used in order to recover majorization. The catalyst states can be as simple as a path-entangled single-photon state or a two-mode squeezed vacuum state

    Schmidt balls around the identity

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    Robustness measures as introduced by Vidal and Tarrach [PRA, 59, 141-155] quantify the extent to which entangled states remain entangled under mixing. Analogously, we introduce here the Schmidt robustness and the random Schmidt robustness. The latter notion is closely related to the construction of Schmidt balls around the identity. We analyse the situation for pure states and provide non-trivial upper and lower bounds. Upper bounds to the random Schmidt-2 robustness allow us to construct a particularly simple distillability criterion. We present two conjectures, the first one is related to the radius of inner balls around the identity in the convex set of Schmidt number n-states. We also conjecture a class of optimal Schmidt witnesses for pure states.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Scheme for the implementation of a universal quantum cloning machine via cavity-assisted atomic collisions in cavity QED

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    We propose a scheme to implement the 121\to2 universal quantum cloning machine of Buzek et.al [Phys. Rev.A 54, 1844(1996)] in the context of cavity QED. The scheme requires cavity-assisted collision processes between atoms, which cross through nonresonant cavity fields in the vacuum states. The cavity fields are only virtually excited to face the decoherence problem. That's why the requirements on the cavity quality factor can be loosened.Comment: to appear in PR

    Scaling Separability Criterion: Application To Gaussian States

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    We introduce examples of three- and four-mode entangled Gaussian mixed states that are not detected by the scaling and Peres-Horodecki separability criteria. The presented modification of the scaling criterion resolves this problem. Also it is shown that the new criterion reproduces the main features of the scaling pictures for different cases of entangled states, while the previous versions lead to completely different outcomes. This property of the presented scheme is evidence of its higher generality.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Polarization state of a biphoton: quantum ternary logic

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    Polarization state of biphoton light generated via collinear frequency-degenerate spontaneous parametric down-conversion is considered. A biphoton is described by a three-component polarization vector, its arbitrary transformations relating to the SU(3) group. A subset of such transformations, available with retardation plates, is realized experimentally. In particular, two independent orthogonally polarized beams of type-I biphotons are transformed into a beam of type-II biphotons. Polarized biphotons are suggested as ternary analogs of two-state quantum systems (qubits)