1 research outputs found

    Reflections on Equity in Higher Education in Ecuador and Argentina

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    El trabajo de investigaci贸n se propone como una reflexi贸n sobre la equidad en la educaci贸n superior, tomando en comparaci贸n la realidad de dos pa铆ses latinoamericanos. Para ello, se plantea como pregunta de investigaci贸n: 驴Qu茅 elementos de convergencia existen entre el criterio de equidad en la educaci贸n superior de Ecuador y Argentina? A partir de la interrogante, el objetivo del estudio es describir el criterio de equidad en la educaci贸n superior de Ecuador y Argentina como elemento para la determinaci贸n de puntos de convergencia entre las dos realidades. La metodolog铆a fue dise帽ada a partir de la educaci贸n comparada, para lo cual se defini贸 una pregunta general, se seleccionaron las unidades de an谩lisis para comparaci贸n, se obtuvieron resultados por medio de la revisi贸n cr铆tica de diferentes fuentes de informaci贸n y se propusieron conclusiones comparativas. De forma concluyente y partir de los resultados se plantea que Argentina y Ecuador tienen la convergencia en:  (a) concepto de equidad como parte del sistema educativo universitario, (b) legislaci贸n sobre equidad en el sistema educativo universitario y (c) desaf铆os de la equidad en la educaci贸n superior. Sin embargo, la diferencia es muy marcada en la forma de acceso a la educaci贸n superior y el criterio de gratuidad.The research work is proposed as a reflection on equity in higher education, comparing the reality of two Latin American countries. To this end, the research question is: What elements of convergence exist between the criterion of equity in higher education between Ecuador and Argentina? Based on this question, the objective of the study is to describe the criterion of equity in higher education in Ecuador and Argentina as an element for the determination of points of convergence between the two realities. The methodology was designed on the basis of comparative education, for which a general question was defined, the units of analysis for comparison were selected, results were obtained through the critical review of different sources of information and comparative conclusions were proposed. Conclusively, and based on the results, Argentina and Ecuador converge in: (a) the concept of equity as part of the university education system, (b) legislation on equity in the university education system and (c) challenges of equity in higher education. However, the difference is very marked in the form of access to higher education and the criterion of free education