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    Servicio de Atenci贸n Psicol贸gica en el Hospital Marina Baixa (SAPMB) durante la Pandemia Covid-19

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    El presente trabajo pretende mostrar la puesta en marcha del Servicio de Atenci贸n Psicol贸gica en el Hospital Marina Baixa durante la pandemia COVID-19 (Villajoyosa, Alicante), as铆 como detallar la intervenci贸n realizada con diferentes tipos de afectados. El servicio se crea fundamentado en el papel clave de la prevenci贸n primaria, resaltando el cuidado emocional de las personas y ofreciendo intervenci贸n en crisis. Se propusieron objetivos como prestar apoyo psicol贸gico al personal interviniente en primera l铆nea, a personas ingresadas afectadas por el virus y a sus familiares. Con el personal sanitario se llevaron a cabo intervenciones grupales de regulaci贸n emocional basadas en Mindfulness e intervenciones telef贸nicas/presenciales con aquellos que lo requirieron. Respecto a los pacientes, la intervenci贸n consisti贸 en asistencia psicol贸gica de manera presencial y telef贸nica a pacientes positivos ingresados y los familiares de 茅stos. Se registraron el n煤mero de usuarios atendidos en las diferentes formas de intervenci贸n, que se tuvo que ir adaptando a las necesidades detectadas en la poblaci贸n atendida y a la evoluci贸n de la pandemia. Los resultados muestran como, mediante la creaci贸n de este servicio, se cumplieron los objetivos marcadosThis paper develops the start-up of the Psychological Care Service at the Marina Baixa Hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic (Villajoyosa, Alicante, Spain), as well as detailing intervention carried out with different types of affected people. The implementation of the service is based on the key role of primary prevention, highlighting the emotional care of people, and offering intervention in crisis. Objectives were proposed such as providing psychological support to first-line personnel, as well as hospitalized persons affected by the virus and their families. Emotional regulation interventions based on Mindfulness and telephone or face to face intervention were carried out with healthcare personnel, as well as telephone and face to face intervention, in some cases that required it, of patient admitted to both ward and intensive care unit. Number of users served in different intervention formats was recorded, which had to be adapted to needs detected in population served and to pandemic evolution. Results show that by creating this service objectives set were met