94 research outputs found

    Unconventional Supersymmetry at the Boundary of AdS_4 Supergravity

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    In this paper we perform, in the spirit of the holographic correspondence, a particular asymptotic limit of N=2, AdS_4 supergravity to N=2 supergravity on a locally AdS_3 boundary. Our boundary theory enjoys OSp(2|2) x SO(1,2) invariance and is shown to contain the D=3 super-Chern Simons OSp(2|2) theory considered in [Alvarez:2011gd] and featuring "unconventional local supersymmetry". The model constructed in that reference describes the dynamics of a spin-1/2 Dirac field in the absence of spin 3/2 gravitini and was shown to be relevant for the description of graphene, near the Dirac points, for specific spatial geometries. Our construction yields the model in [Alvarez:2011gd] with a specific prescription on the parameters. In this framework the Dirac spin-1/2 fermion originates from the radial components of the gravitini in D=4.Comment: 23 page

    The Quantum Theory of Chern-Simons Supergravity

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    We consider AdS3AdS_3 NN-extended Chern-Simons supergravity (\`a la Achucarro-Tonswend) and we study its gauge symmetries. We promote those gauge symmetries to a BRST symmetry and we perform its quantization by choosing suitable gauge-fixings. The resulting quantum theories have different features which we discuss in the present work. In particular, we show that a special choice of the gauge-fixing correctly reproduces the Ansatz by Alvarez, Valenzuela and Zanelli for the graphene fermion.Comment: 25 pages. Some points clarified and conclusion section extended; content of sections 3 and 4 reorganized. Version to be published on JHE

    Unbraiding the braided tensor product

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    We show that the braided tensor product algebra A1⊗‾A2A_1\underline{\otimes}A_2 of two module algebras A1,A2A_1, A_2 of a quasitriangular Hopf algebra HH is equal to the ordinary tensor product algebra of A1A_1 with a subalgebra of A1⊗‾A2A_1\underline{\otimes}A_2 isomorphic to A2A_2, provided there exists a realization of HH within A1A_1. In other words, under this assumption we construct a transformation of generators which `decouples' A1,A2A_1, A_2 (i.e. makes them commuting). We apply the theorem to the braided tensor product algebras of two or more quantum group covariant quantum spaces, deformed Heisenberg algebras and q-deformed fuzzy spheres.Comment: LaTex file, 29 page

    A Dynamical 2-dimensional Fuzzy Space

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    The noncommutative extension of a dynamical 2-dimensional space-time is given and some of its properties discussed. Wick rotation to euclidean signature yields a surface which has as commutative limit the doughnut but in a singular limit in which the radius of the hole tends to zero.Comment: 13 pages, accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Deformed quantum mechanics and q-Hermitian operators

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    Starting on the basis of the non-commutative q-differential calculus, we introduce a generalized q-deformed Schr\"odinger equation. It can be viewed as the quantum stochastic counterpart of a generalized classical kinetic equation, which reproduces at the equilibrium the well-known q-deformed exponential stationary distribution. In this framework, q-deformed adjoint of an operator and q-hermitian operator properties occur in a natural way in order to satisfy the basic quantum mechanics assumptions.Comment: 10 page

    Twisting D(2,1; α) Superspace

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    We develop a three-dimensional N=4 theory of rigid supersymmetry describing the dynamics of a set of hypermultiplets (?I alpha alpha 'alpha?',phi I alpha A) on a curved AdS(3) worldvolume background, whose supersymmetry is captured by the supergroup D2(2,1;alpha). To unveil some remarkable features of this model, we perform two twists, involving the SL(2,R) factors of the theory. After the first twist, our spacetime Lagrangian exhibits a Chern-Simons term associated with an odd one-form field, together with a fermionic "gauge-fixing", in the spirit of the Rozansky-Witten model. The second twist allows to interpret the D2(2,1;alpha) setup as a framework capable of describing massive Dirac particles. In particular, this yields a generalisation of the Alvarez-Valenzuela-Zanelli model of "unconventional supersymmetry". We comment on specific values of the combination alpha+1, which in our model is related to a sort of gauging in the absence of dynamical gauge fields

    Quadrupole Instabilities of Relativistic Rotating Membranes

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    We generalize recent study of the stability of isotropic (spherical) rotating membranes to the anisotropic ellipsoidal membrane. We find that while the stability persists for deformations of spin l=1l=1, the quadrupole and higher spin deformations (l≥2l\geq 2) lead to instabilities. We find the relevant instability modes and the corresponding eigenvalues. These indicate that the ellipsoidal rotating membranes generically decay into finger-like configurations.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    N\mathcal{N}-Extended D=4D=4 Supergravity, Unconventional SUSY and Graphene

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    We derive a 2+12+1 dimensional model with unconventional supersymmetry at the boundary of an AdS4{\rm AdS}_4 N\mathcal{N}-extended supergravity, generalizing previous results. The (unconventional) extended supersymmetry of the boundary model is instrumental in describing, within a top-down approach, the electronic properties of graphene-like 2D materials at the two Dirac points, K{\bf K} and K′{\bf K}'. The two valleys correspond to the two independent sectors of the OSp(p∣2)×OSp(q∣2){\rm OSp}(p|2)\times {\rm OSp}(q|2) boundary model in the p=qp=q case, which are related by a parity transformation. The Semenoff and Haldane-type masses entering the corresponding Dirac equations are identified with the torsion parameters of the substrate in the model.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figur

    Z3_3-graded differential geometry of quantum plane

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    In this work, the Z3_3-graded differential geometry of the quantum plane is constructed. The corresponding quantum Lie algebra and its Hopf algebra structure are obtained. The dual algebra, i.e. universal enveloping algebra of the quantum plane is explicitly constructed and an isomorphism between the quantum Lie algebra and the dual algebra is given.Comment: 17 page
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