61 research outputs found

    Transfer of Health for All policy – What, how and in which direction? A two-case study

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    BACKGROUND: This article explores the transfer of World Health Organization's (WHO) policy initiative Health for All by the Year 2000 (HFA2000) into national contexts by using the changes in the public health policies of Finland and Portugal from the 1970's onward and the relationship of these changes to WHO policy development as test cases. Finland and Portugal were chosen to be compared as they represent different welfare state types and as the paradigmatic transition from the old to new public health is assumed to be related to the wider welfare state development. METHODS: The policy transfer approach is used as a conceptual tool to analyze the possible policy changes related to the adaptation of HFA into the national context. To be able to analyze not only the content but also the contextual conditions of policy transfer Kingdon's analytical framework of policy analysis is applied. CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis suggests that no significant change of health promotion policy resulted from the launch of HFA program neither in Finland nor in Portugal. Instead the changes that occurred in both countries were of incremental nature, in accordance with the earlier policy choices, and the adaptation of HFA program was mainly applied to the areas where there were national traditions

    Lending to Households in Europe (1995-2014): ECRI Statistical Package 2015

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    The ECRI Statistical Package on Lending to Households in Europe is a collection of data on lending to non-financial corporations and households, including consumer credit, housing and other loans, in Europe, covering 40 countries: the 28 EU member states, three EU candidate countries (Croatia, Turkey and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), the EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland), four additional key global economies (the United States, Australia, Canada and Japan) and, for the first time, two emerging economies (India and Russia). Its purpose is to provide reliable statistical information allowing users to make meaningful comparisons between these countries. Accordingly, definitions of concepts and aggregates from national authorities are provided. The package contains nominal and real data on major time series such as outstanding consumer credit, loans for house purchase, loans to non-financial corporations and annual final consumption expenditures of households. Data are presented in euro and in national currency. In addition, ratios of household indebtedness are calculated and illustrated by graphs. It also includes breakdowns of the various credit statistics by maturity and currency. For some countries, tables presenting the composition of consumer credit stocks by lender and by instrument are also available. For more info on ECRI and a more detailed description of the ECRI Statistical Package series see the ECRI website:ECRI website

    Britons in Brussels Officials in the European Commission and Council Secretariat

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    3.00SIGLELD:8490.534(7) / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Funding the arts in Europe

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    4.50Available from British Library Lending Division - LD:8490.534(8) / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo

    Analysis of EU-CEEC migration with special reference to agricultural labour

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    'A descriptive approach of labour migration is analysed in a context of regional agricultural labour movement following the enlargement of the European Union. Considering the different agricultural systems of the candidate countries and their need of restructuring their agricultural sector, it has been found that fears of mass migration of agricultural labour from CEEC to the EU after enlargement are ill-founded, because the extension of the Common Agricultural Policy to candidate countries will slow down migration of agricultural labour, due to the provision of income support and also to the strengthening of rural economies via the Rural Development scheme. After providing some evidence of this findings, the migration flow is analysed through an impact study using country specific agricultural labour data in Central and Eastern Europe over the 1992-2000 period.' (author's abstract)Das Arbeitspapier analysiert einen deskriptiven Ansatz zur Arbeitsmigration im Kontext der regionalen agrikulturellen Arbeitsmigration im Anschluss an die EU-Osterweiterung. Ausgehend von den verschiedenen agrikulturellen Bedingungen in den Mitgliedslaendern und dem Erfordernis zu Restrukturierung ihres Agrarsektors zeigt die Studie, dass die Furcht vor einer Massenmigration von landwirtschaftlichen Arbeitskraeften im Rahmen der Osterweiterung unbegruendet ist, da die EU-Agrarpolitik gerade die landwirtschaftlichen Oekonomien staerkt und so den Beitrittslaendern insgesamt zu Gute kommt. Vor diesem allgemeinen Hintergrund werden die Migrationsstroeme an Hand der Arbeitsmarktdaten des Agrarsektors in Mittel- und Osteuropa im Zeitraum von 1992 bis 2000 analysiert. (ICAUebers)German title: Analyse der Wanderung zwischen Ost- und Mitteleuropa und der EU unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Arbeitsmigration in der LandwirtschaftSIGLEAvailable from Hamburgisches Welt-Wirtschafts-Archiv -HWWA-, Hamburg (DE) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman


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    What were the determinants of US-Japanese relative exports to EU countries from the mid1970s to the mid-1990s? The study uses a highly disaggregated data set to find some evidence of hysteresis in trade flows and the role of product quality

    Ten years after: what is special about transition countries?

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    'Most countries commonly classified as 'in transition' are still recognisably different from other countries with a similar income per capita in some respects: a larger share of their work force is in industry, they use more energy, they have a more extensive infrastructure and invest more in schooling. However, in terms of the 'software' necessary for a market economy, two groups emerge: the countries that are candidates for EU membership seem to have partly completed the transition. By contrast, the countries from the former Soviet Union that form the CIS and the Balkan countries, are still lagging behind especially in terms of the enforcement of property rights and the development of financial markets.' (author's abstract)Die meisten der sich in der Transition befindlichen Laender Mittel- und Osteuropas unterscheiden sich merklich von Laendern, die ein aehnliches Einkommen pro Kopf aufweisen: Ein groesserer Anteil arbeitet im industriellen Sektor, sie verbrauchen mehr Energie, sie besitzen eine entwickeltere Infrastruktur und investieren mehr in die Bildung. Gemessen an den Erfordernissen der 'Software' einer Markwirtschaft entwickeln sich zwei Formen: Die Kandidaten, die fuer eine Osterweiterung der EU in Frage kommen, haben ihre Transition bzw. Transformation weitgehend abgeschlossen. Demgegenueber hinken die Laender der ehemaligen Sowjetunion und des Balkans hinter den Anforderungen einer entwickelten Marktwirtschaft hinterher, da die juristische Absicherung der Eigentumsrechte und die Entwicklung der Finanzmaerkte sich noch in einem 'unterentwickelten' Stadium befinden. (ICAUebers)German title: Zehn Jahre danach: was ist in den Transitionslaendern anders?SIGLEAvailable from http://www.hwwa.de/Publikationen/Discussion Paper/2000/86.pdf / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman