9 research outputs found

    Risk factors for suicide in Hungary: a case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hungary previously had one of the highest suicide rates in the world, but experienced major social and economic changes from 1990 onwards. We aimed to investigate the antecedents of suicide in Hungary. We hypothesised that suicide in Hungary would be associated with both risk factors for suicide as identified in Western studies, and experiences related to social and economic restructuring.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We carried out a controlled psychological autopsy study. Informants for 194 cases (suicide deaths in Budapest and Pest County 2002–2004) and 194 controls were interviewed by clinicians using a detailed schedule.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Many of the demographic and clinical risk factors associated with suicide in other settings were also associated with suicide in Hungary; for example, being unmarried or having no current relationship, lack of other social contacts, low educational attainment, history of self-harm, current diagnosis of affective disorder (including bipolar disorder) or personality disorder, and experiencing a recent major adverse life event. A number of variables reflecting experiences since economic restructuring were also associated with suicide; for example, unemployment, concern over work propects, changes in living standards, practising religion. Just 20% of cases with evidence of depression at the time of death had received antidepressants.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Suicide rates in Hungary are falling. Our study identified a number of risk factors related to individual-level demographic and clinical characteristics, and possibly recent societal change. Improved management of psychiatric disorder and self-harm may result in further reductions in suicide rates.</p

    Estimates of costs for modelling return on investment from smoking cessation interventions

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    © 2018 The Authors. Background and aims: Modelling return on investment (ROI) from smoking cessation interventions requires estimates of their costs and benefits. This paper describes a standardized method developed to source both economic costs of tobacco smoking and costs of implementing cessation interventions for a Europe-wide ROI model (EQUIPTMOD). Design: Focused search of administrative and published data. A standardized checklist was developed in order to ensure consistency in methods of data collection. . Setting and participants: Adult population (15+ years) in Hungary, Netherlands, Germany, Spain and England. For passive smoking related costs, child population (0-15 years) was also included. Measurements: Costs of treating smoking attributable diseases; productivity losses due to smoking attributable absenteeism; and costs of implementing smoking cessation interventions. . Findings: Annual costs (per case) of treating smoking attributable lung cancer were between €5,074 (Hungary) and €52,106 (Germany); coronary heart disease between €1,521 (Spain) and €3,955 (Netherlands); chronic obstructive pulmonary disease between €1,280 (England) and €4,199 (Spain); stroke between €1,829 (Hungary) and €14,880 (Netherlands). Costs (per recipient) of smoking cessation medications were estimated to be: for standard duration of varenicline between €225 (England) and €465 (Hungary); for bupropion between €25 (Hungary) and €220 (Germany). Costs (per recipient) of providing behavioral support were also wide-ranging: one-to-one behavioural support between €34 (Hungary) and €474 (Netherlands); and group-based behavioural support between €12 (Hungary) and €257 (Germany). The costs (per recipient) of delivering brief physician advice were: €24 (England); €9 (Germany); €4 (Hungary); €33 (Netherlands); and €27 (Spain). Conclusions: Costs of treating smoking-attributable diseases as well as the costs of implementing smoking cessation interventions vary substantially across Hungary, Netherlands, Germany, Spain and England. Estimates for the costs of these diseases and interventions can contribute to return on investment estimates in support of national or regional policy decisions

    The effects of the globalization process on the transition to adulthood in Hungary

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Auswirkungen des Globalisierungsprozess auf den Uebergang ins Erwachsenenalter in Ungarn. Globalisierung in einer post-kommunistischen Gesellschaft kann als das gemeinsame Resultat lokaler und internationaler Prozesse betrachtet werden, die in Zusammenhang mit dem Auftauchen der Marktwirtschaft und der Privatisierung stehen und mit nationalen und multinationalen Akteuren als Hauptbeteiligten stattfinden. Dieser Beitrag zum ersten GLOBALIFE-Workshop (2001) erforscht die Auswirkungen dieser Entwicklungen auf den Uebergang ins Erwachsenenalter. Drei Arten voneinander abhaengiger Veraenderungen werden dabei analysiert: (1) der Uebergang von Schule ins Berufsleben; (2) die erste partnerschaftliche Bindung und (3) die erste Elternschaft. Die Forschungsarbeit hat ihren Fokus auf dem Verhalten der 'Globalisierungs-Kohorte', die zwischen 1971 und 1980 geboren ist und in den 90er Jahren, nach dem Zusammenbruch des Kommunismus, ihre Ausbildung beendet hat. Als Datenquelle wird das 'Hungarian Statistical Office' herangezogen. Ein 'Person-Periode-File' wurde konstruiert und eine diskrete Zeit-Ereignisanalyse (discrete-time event history analysis) durchgefuehrt. Die Ergebnisse machen deutlich, dass der Eintritt in das Berufsleben in den 90er Jahren mit mehr Unsicherheiten verbunden war. Die Zeitdauer, in der nach Beendigung der Ausbildung Arbeit gesucht wurde, verlaengerte sich und die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Arbeit unter flexiblen oder sogar prekaeren Bedingungen stattfand, erhoehte sich. Die Unsicherheiten in Bezug auf den Eintritt ins Berufsleben verzoegerte die erste partnerschaftliche Bindung. Als Folge der schlechteren Arbeitsmarktintegration ist die nicht-eheliche Partnerschaft eine haeufigere Form der Bindung geworden. Der Mangel an oekonomischer Stabilitaet trug auch zu Aenderungen im Charakter dieser Bindungen bei. Die erste Elternschaft verzoegerte sich ebenfalls. (ICDUebers)'Globalization in a post-communist society can be considered as the joint outcome of local and international processes related to an emerging market economy and privatization, with national and multinational actors as the main players. This contribution to the first GLOBALIFE workshop (2001) investigates the effects of these developments on the transition from youth to adulthood in Hungary. Three types of interdependent changes are analyzed: transition from school to first job, entry into first partnership, and entry into parenthood. The research focuses on the behavior of the 'globalization cohort' born between 1971 and 1980 which completed their education in the 1990s, after the collapse of communism. Hungarian Central Statistical Office data were used for bringing together a pooled file where young respondents aged up to 29 are over-represented. A person-period file was constructed and discrete-time event history analysis was performed. The results reveal that entry into the labor force has become more uncertain in Hungary in the 1990s. Job search periods after the completion of education expanded and flexibility of employment as well as chances of starting the career in precarious jobs increased for the youngsters. Uncertainties related to labor market entry caused a delay in partnership formation. In consequence of the poorer labor market integration and emerging role incompatibilities, cohabitation has become a more frequent form of partnership. The lack of economic stability also contributed to the changes in the character of unions. Entry into parenthood was similarly postponed due to the more flexible forms of employment as well as of type of marriage.' (author's abstract)German title: Die Effekte der Globalisierung auf den Uebergang ins Erwachsenenalter in UngarnAvailable from http://alia.soziologie.uni-bielefeld.de/ / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman