34 research outputs found

    Seasonal comparison of organic matter mıneralization in different aged Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. plantations in East Mediterranean region.

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    TEZ10252Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2013.Kaynakça (s. 67-82) var.ix, 83 s. : res. (bzs. rnk.), tablo ; 29 cm.Tarsus-Karabucak’ta 3 farklı yaGtaki (5, 7 ve 10 yaş) Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. (Okaliptüs) plantasyonları (S3) ile bitiGiğindeki ağaç kesimi (S2) ve toprak sürümü (S1) ile müdahale edilen parsellerinden her 3 yıl boyunca 3 ayda bir toplam 9 kez toprak örnekleri alınmıGtır. Bu alanlarda mevsimsel değiGimlerin olası etkilerini ve bunlara sistemin cevabını ortaya koymak amacıyla toprakların fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri ile dehidrogenaz aktivitesi ve karbon mineralizasyonu (28°C, 30 gün) incelenmiGtir. Toprakların karbon (%C) ve azot (%N) içeriklerindeki dönemsel artıG ve azalıGların topraklara yapılan müdahalelerden çok, örnek alım dönemleri arasındaki mevsimsel farklılıklardan kaynaklandığı belirlenmiGtir. Dehidrogenaz aktiviteleri parseller arasında genelde birbirine yakın olup düGük düzeylerdedir. Sonbaharda ve ilkbaharda yüksek olan karbon mineralizasyonu kıG ve yaz aylarında daha düGük olmuG, 5 yaşta 7 ve 10 yaşa göre genelde daha yüksek bulunmuGtur. Parsellerin karbon mineralizasyon sonuçları S3 > S2 > S1 olarak sıralanmıGtır. Okaliptüs topraklarında karbon mineralizasyonu üç yılda çok fazla değiGmemiG olup bu sonuç karbonun toprakta tutulması bakımından önemlidir.A total of nine soil samples were taken from three different aged (5, 7 and 10 years old) Eucalyptus camaldulensis tree once in every three months, one from the planted area (S3), one from a near intervened area by cutting trees (S2) and one from the plowed area (S1). Physical and chemical properties of soils together with dehydrogenase activity and carbon mineralization (28oC, 30 days) were investigated to show the effects of seasonal changes and its response to the system. The reason for the observed periodical fluctuations in carbon (%) and nitrogen (%) contents of soil were due to seasonal differences between sampling periods rather than land management practices on soils. Dehydrogenase activities were similar and low at all parcels. Carbon mineralization levels were high in autumn and spring compared with winter and summer, while being higher in 5 year old plantation then in 7 and 10 years. Carbon mineralization rates of the parcels were in the order S3 > S2 > S1. Carbon mineralization in Eucalyptus soils showed no significant differences during the three years of study, which is important in soil carbon sequestration.Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi tarafından desteklenmiştir. Proje No: FEF2010D14

    Doğu Akdeniz bölgesinde yetişen iki farklı bitki toprağına eklenen bakteri kültürlerinin organik madde mineralizasyonuna etkileri

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    TEZ6006Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2006.Kaynakça (s.41-47) var.vii, 48 s. : rnk. ; 29 cm.Carbon mineralization in Calabrian Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) and Kermes Oak (Quercus coccifera L.) soils from Çukurova University campus which is under the Mediterranean climate was investigated. Mineralization was measured in natural soil and soils mixed with steriled and unsteriled poultry compost in 1/6, 1/10, 1/12 compost/soil ratios. Moreover, Mineralization was measured after adding pure cultures of Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. bacteria to sterile soil and sterile (soil+ compost) mixture. In both soils, the microbial activity increased by addition of compost. This increases, 1/10 and 1/12 ratio of composts' microbial activity were higher than in 1/6. A similar increase was observed when Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. Were added singly or in mixture. The ratio of carbon mineralization on Quercus coccifera soil was higher than the Pinus brutia soil both by additions of compost and bacteria.Bu çalısmada Akdeniz iklimi etkisindeki Çukurova Üniversitesi kampusunda yetisen Kızılçam (Pinus brutia Ten.) ve Kermes mesesi (Quercus coccifera L.) agaçları topraklarında karbon mineralizasyonu sadece toprakta, topraklara farklı oranlarda (kompost/toprak oranı: 1/6; 1/10; 1/12) steril edilen ve edilmeyen tavuk kompostu karıstırılmıs halde, ayrıca iki saf bakteri susu (Bacillus sp. Ve Pseudomonas sp.) ayrı ayrı ve birlikte dogrudan steril toprak ve toprak+ steril kompost karısımına eklenerek incelenmistir. Her iki toprakta da kompost ilaveleriyle mikrocanlı faaliyeti artmıstır. Bu artıs 1/10 ve 1/12 oranlı kompostta, 1/6 oranlı komposta göre daha fazla olmustur. Aynı sekilde hem Bacillus sp. hem de Pseudomonas sp.'nin ayrı ayrı ve birlikte bulundukları ortamlarda da benzer bir artıs gözlenmistir. Kompost ve Bakteri ilaveleri sonucu Quercus coccifera topragındaki karbon minerallesme oranı Pinus brutia topragına göre daha yüksek bulunmustur.Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje No:FEF2004YL6

    How lime dust does affect carbon mineralization of Eucalyptus camaldulensis soil?

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    Eucalyptus camaldulensis is a well adapted perennial plant to changes in the environmental conditions. The objective of this reseach was to exhibit how soil carbon mineralizaton of Eucalyptus growing into lime factory garden are affected by the additions of its unwashed and washed leaf and shoot (containing half of total soil organic carbon) from lime dust under the same laboratory conditions (45 days and 28 °C). Leaf, shoot and soil of Eucalyptus were sampled from two different sites with (lime factory garden) and without (campus of Osmaniye Korkut Ata University) lime dust in Osmaniye. Carbon mineralization of soils was determined with CO2 respiration method. The high cumulative C(CO2) values was observed in soil added unwashed Eucayptus leaf and shoot of the lime factory while the lowest value was at soil no added of lime factory. This finding showed that lime added with unwashed leaf and shoot of Eucalyptus improved and favorable conditions for microbial activity into 45 days. Carbon mineralization ratio (%) of no added campus soil was the highest than both no added lime factory soil (P = 0.003) and the other additions (P = 0.000 for all of them). It might be explained with stifling effect of added carbon amount of organic matter originating from Eucalyptus leaf and shoot on soil microorganisms

    Carbon mineralization of kermes oak soils added to the different compost rates

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    Kompostlanmış tavuk gübresi mikroorganizmalar tarafından biyolojik olarak parçalanabilen bir organik maddedir. Mikroorganizmalar bu organik maddeyi ayrıştırırken CO2 ve inorganik maddelere dönüştürürler. Bu çalışmanın amacı aynı laboratuar koşulları altında (sabit nem, 28oC) üç farklı oranda steril ve steril olmayan kompostlanmış tavuk gübresi [(K=kompost, T=toprak), K+T1:6, K+T1:10 ve K+T1:12] ilavesinin kermes meşesi (Quercus coccifera L., Fagaceae) topraklarının karbon mineralizasyonunu nasıl etkilediğini belirlemektir. Tüm örneklerin karbon (C) mineralizasyonu 30 gün boyunca CO2 respirasyon yöntemiyle belirlenmiştir. Kumulatif C(CO2) değerleri tüm kompost denemelerinde inkübasyon süresiyle birlikte net olarak artmıştır. Bu artış hem 1:10 hem de 1:12 oranında steril ve steril olmayan kompost ilaveli toprak karışımında 1:6 oranında steril ve steril olmayan kompost ilaveli ve kompost ilavesiz topraktan anlamlı düzeyde daha yüksektir (P < 0.001). Bu sonuçlara göre, hem 1:10 hem de 1:12 kompost:toprak oranlarının mikroorganizmalar ve onların aktiviteleri için 1:6 oranlıya göre daha uygun toprak koşulları sağladığı sonucuna varmak mümkündür

    Microbial Activity and Communities in Soils of Euphorbia paralias and Primula vulgaris spp. vulgaris (Saimbeyli- Adana,Turkey) under the Effects of Different Soil Moistures

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    Understanding of effects of soil moisture on soil microbial activity under global warming is critical to contribute in predictions of feedbacks to atmospheric CO2 concentrations from soil carbon. Soils of Euphorbia paralias (Sea Spurge) and Primula vulgaris spp. vulgaris (Primrose) Huds. were taken from Saimbeyli (Adana-Turkey) in June 2016 and some of their physical and chemical properties were determined. Soils were moistured at their 80% (FC80), 60% (FC60) and 40% (FC40) of field capacities and carbon mineralization (Cmin) were monitored for 63 days at 28°C. Total soil aerobic bacteria and fungi populations were determined 15th and 30th days of Cmin. At the end of incubation, Cmin was highest at FC80 and lowest at FC40 in all soils and there were found significant differences between all treatments in each soil (p< 0.05). In addition, soil aerobic bacteria and fungi population were decreased as moisture decreasing but they were higher on 15th day than 30th day. Significant differences were generally found between FC80 and FC40 on 15th day of soil microbial populations (p< 0.05). In this study, it’s suggested that soil moisture is the regulating factor in soil organic carbon mineralization by affecting soil aerobic bacteria and fungi populations. Th is study was funded by Cukurova University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit with project number FYL-2016-7445

    The Effect on Soil Carbon Mineralization of Different Doses of Epoxiconazole and Carbendazim Suspension Used in Wheat Cultivation

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    In this study, the effects on soil carbon mineralization of different doses [recommended dose (RD), ×2 RD and ×4 RD] of epoxiconazole + carbendazim fungicide suspension used for destroying the powdery mildew and yellow rust diseases in the cultivation of wheat being a common agriculture product in Osmaniye were determined in soils before and after wheat spraying and the campus soil of Osmaniye Korkut Ata University. Carbon mineralization of three different soils moistened at 80 % of the field capacity were observed under controlled conditions (28 °C and 45 days) and CO2 respiration method. At the end of the 45 days incubation period, the highest and statistically significant value of cumulant carbon mineralization was observed in applied wheat soil (AWS ×2 RD). This value (7.756 mg C (CO2) / 100 g) was significantly different in both a group and among the other groups (P <0.001). This result shows that epoxiconazole + carbendazim fungicide suspension added at 2 times level of the recommended dose was only used as a carbon source for microorganisms in the research soils. In the light of this finding, it might be said that the amount of carbon added to the soil with other doses of the chemical was not enough to increase microorganism activity

    Effects of Soil and Forest Management Systems under Mediterranean Soil Conditions on Soil and Plant Carbon Capture

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    Forest ecosystems store a significant amount of C as lignin and other relatively resistant C compounds. Also forest soils are keeping organic carbon as organic material. It is important to keep the atmospheric CO2 in the plant tissue for long term sequestration. The forest C is sequestered not only in the harvestable timber and other branched. Since there is a relationship between atmospheric CO2 and climate change, more work is done on C fixation through photosynthesis to keep more carbon in the soil. We conducted a long term eucalyptus (E. camaldulensis) forest and soil management experiment which was carried out on three age groups 5, 7 and 10 years old eucalyptus plantation. There were three different treatments such as shaved and ploughed, shaved and without plowing, and without shaving control treatments. During three years Three year soil, plant, and residue sample were collected. Soil mycorrhizae spore, carbon, nitrogen, potassium, iron, copper, manganese and zinc concentration were determined. Also soil and plant carbon fixation was determined. Also during 20 mounts soil microbial activity and CO2 flux were determined. The resulted are showing that 10 years old three plants have more biomass and fixed more carbon. The soil organic carbon (SOC) stock was calculated for each ages and management systems. Soils have collected at 5 years old eucalyptus plantation have total 40.46 ton ha-1 SOC, and respectively to 7 and 10 years old plantations they have accumulated 56.04 and 82.66 ton ha- 1 SOC. SOC through the soil profile decreased, which is depending on root development. Also mycorrhiza spores decreased with soil depth through the soil profile

    Effects of Some Heavy Metals on Soil Carbon Mineralization in Osmaniye Organized Industrial Zone

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    Introduction: Heavy metals are natural components of the environment, but are of concern as they are being added to soil, water and air in increasing amounts. They enter the soil through various sources, including wastes from mines and smelters, atmospheric deposition, and sewage sludge. The present investigation was conducted to assess the effects of heavy metals on carbon mineralization. Material and Methods: In this study, it was determined some heavy metal contents [Cu, Mn, Fe, Zn (ppm)] in three soil samples from three different point of Osmaniye Organized Industial Zone which is observed to have been exposed to heavy metal pollution and one soil sample from Osmaniye Korkut Ata University campus which are not exposed to the heavy metal pollution. The effect of these metals on carbon mineralization (28° C, 45 days) was studied comparatively. At the end of the 45 days carbon mineralization determined by CO2 respiration method. Results: The carbon mineralization [First area, 14.96 mg/C(CO2)/100 g dry soil] of the soil in sampled nearly the Osmaniye Organized Industial Zone Toşçelik Industrial Production Facilities was significantly lower than (P = 0.000) university campus soil [fourth area, 29.96 mg/C(CO2)/100 g dry soil]. The similarity were also observed among the carbon mineralization rates of four different soils and three different soil of the Organize Industrial Zone were found significantly lower than the campus soil (P = 0.000). Discussion: It was a possible result that microorganisms living in Osmaniye Organized Industial Zone soils affected negatively from the current heavy metals. Tolerance and adaptation of the microbial community is likely to be related to the concentration and the type of metal. According to the results, carbon mineralization can be considered as possible indicator of soil pollution by means of heavy metals

    Effects of stubble burning on nitrogen mineralization in wheat soil

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    Nitrogen mineralization is the process which soil total nitrogen (N) is conversion into plant available inorganic forms. Several factors affect nitrogen mineralization rates, particularly temperature, moisture and soil depth. An understanding of these parameters is necessary to supply crop N demands for plant production with total N in the soil. Wheat is one of the most important plant that growing in Turkey and plays a vital role as a food source for providing the food grain production. This production require healthy and fertile soils which should have nitrogen contents in a normal level for optimum crop yield. The aim of this study was to determine the nitrogen mineralization in different depths (0 - 5 and 5 - 10 cm) of wheat soils (Triticum vulgare Vill.) which were sampled before and after stubble burning in Çukurova (Adana, Turkey). Some physical, chemical and biological properties of wheat soils in effects of stubble burning were determined. Soils were sandy loam (SL) and slightly alkali while no significant differences were observed between each parameters (P > 0.05). Soil organic C and total N were decreased as soil depth increases. Both ammonium (NH4-N) and nitrate (NO3-N) contents were increased with increasing time (11, 26 and 42 days) while NO3-N contents in the soil after stubble burning (0-5 cm) was higher than control soil (0-5 cm). In conclusion, nitrogen mineralization should be considered as an important indicator for soil fertility after stubble burning effects

    Artan azot ve çinko uygulamalarının kinoa bitkisinin büyeme dönemleri üzerine etkisi

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    Kinoa, protein içeriğinin ve kalitesinin tahıllara göre yüksek olduğu ve protein sentezindeki görevleri nedeniyle azot (N) ve çinko (Zn)’nun kinoa bitkisinin beslenmesindeki etkisinin araştırılması önemlidir. Dünyada ve Türkiye’de insanlarda çok yaygın noksanlığı görülen Zn’nun taneye taşınmasında bitkinin N’la beslenmesinin önemli olduğu, ayrıca N beslenmesinin optimizasyonuyla birlikte bitkilerin yeşil aksamda ve tanede önemli düzeyde Zn biriktirebildiği bildirilmiştir. Bu amaçla, sera koşullarında farklı dozlarda N (100, 250, 500, 750, 1000 mg kg-1) ve farklı Zn uygulama metodlarının [(Çinkosuz(Zn0), Topraktan 5 mg kg-1 Zn(ZnT), Yapraktan %0.2 Zn(ZnY), Topraktan 5 mg kg-1 + Yapraktan %0.2 Zn (ZnTY)] sapa kalkma, çiçeklenme başlangıcı, çiçeklenme ve tohum oluşum dönemlerinde kinoanın yeşil aksam kuru madde verimi, yeşil aksam N ve Zn konsantrasyonu ile tohum verimi, bindane ağırlığı, tohumun N ve Zn konsantrasyonlarına etkisi belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, N dozu artışına paralel olarak tüm gelişim dönemlerinde yeşil aksam kuru madde veriminin ve sapa kalkma dönemi hariç yeşil aksam N konsantrasyonunun arttığı saptanmıştır. Bu artışlar en yüksek dane oluşumu öncesi dönemde olup, kontrol uygulamasına göre en yüksek N konsantrasyon artışı 500 mg kg-1 N uygulamasında (%195) ve en yüksek kuru madde verim artışı ise 250 mg kg-1 N uygulamasında (%310) bulunmuştur. Farklı Zn uygulama metodlarının ise yeşil aksam N konsantrasyonu üzerine etkisinin sadece çiçekleme döneminde önemli olduğu saptanmıştır. Ayrıca artan dozda uygulanan N ve farklı Zn uygulama metodları bitkinin Zn konsantrasyonunu arttırmış olup en yüksek artış çiçeklenme döneminde (500 mg kg-1 N – ZnTY) elde edilmiştir. Artan N dozlarının artışına paralel olarak tohumun N konsantrasyonu, kuru madde verimi ve bindane ağırlığı artmıştır. Farklı Zn uygulama metodlarıyla ise tohumun belirlenen tüm parametrelerinde artışlar meydana gelmiş, tüm Zn uygulamaları arasında en yüksek verim sırasıyla Zn0 <ZnT <ZnY <ZnTY olduğu görülmüştür (P<0.01). Yapılan korelasyon analizinde tohum verimi, bindane ve N konsantrasyonu arasında istatistiksel olarak önemli pozitif ilişki bulunmuştur. Bu çalışmada genel olarak, kinoanın tüm gelişim dönemlerinde artan dozda N ve farklı Zn uygulama metodlarının bitki verimini ve Zn konsantrasyonlarını arttırdığı, en uygun Zn uygulama metodununsa ZnTY uygulaması olduğu belirlenmiştir