100 research outputs found

    Examining the political literacy levels of pre-service teachers according to some variablesÖğretmen adaylarının siyaset okuryazarlık düzeylerinin bazı değişkinlere göre incelenmesi

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    The purpose of this study; is to determine the political literacy levels of pre-service teachers of social studies and to demonstrate the effects of the several variables over the components of political literacy (knowledge and understanding- dispositions and values-skills and aptitudes). Researchers use political literacy scale which have 3 components for gathering data. The sample is 1187 pre-service teachers from 7 geographical regions and this sample chosen wia maximum variation sampling. After collecting the data, researchers found that pre-service teacher’s knowledge, disposition and skills were at a medium level. When the averages of total scores that pre-service teachers obtained from three different components forming the political literacy were examined, it was seen that their political literacy levels were at a medium level. When the relationship among the components forming the political literacy, it was found that there was a positive, low level and significant relationship between knowledge and disposition; a positive high level and significant relationship between knowledge and skill; a positive, high level and significant relationship between disposition and skill. ÖzetAraştırmanın amacı, sosyal bilgiler eğitiminde öğrenim gören öğretmen adaylarının mevcut siyasi okuryazarlık düzeylerini belirlemek, siyaset okuryazarlığını oluşturan bileşenler (bilgi- duyuşsal eğilim- davranış/beceri) üzerinde çeşitli değişkenlerin etkisini ortaya koymaktır. Bu araştırmanın örneklemini, 2014-2015 eğitim öğretim yılında 13 farklı üniversitenin sosyal bilgiler eğitiminin 3. ve 4. sınıflarında öğrenim gören 1187 öğretmen adayı oluşturmaktadır. Örneklem seçilirken maksimum örnekleme türü kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın bulgularına göre sosyal bilgiler öğretmen adaylarının bilgileri, duyuşsal eğilimleri ve beceri/davranışları orta düzeyde bulunmuştur. Öğretmen adaylarının siyaset okuryazarlığını oluşturan bu üç ayrı bileşenden aldıkları toplam puanların ortalamasına bakıldığında ise siyaset okuryazarlık düzeylerinin orta seviyede olduğu görülmektedir. Siyaset okuryazarlığını oluşturan bileşenler arasındaki ilişkiye bakıldığında; bilgi ile duyuşsal eğilim arasında pozitif yönde, düşük düzeyde anlamlı; bilgi ile beceri/davranış arasında pozitif yönde, yüksek düzeyde; beceri/davranış ile duyuşsal eğilim arasında pozitif yönde, yüksek düzeyde ilişki bulunmuştur

    The routine use of pediatric airway exchange catheter after extubation of adult patients who have undergone maxillofacial or major neck surgery: a clinical observational study

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    INTRODUCTION: We conducted the present study to determine the usefulness of routinely inserting a pediatric airway exchange catheter (PAEC) before tracheal extubation of adult patients who had undergone maxillofacial or major neck surgery and have risk factors for difficult reintubation. METHODS: A prospective, observational and clinical study was performed in the 25-bed general intensive care unit of a university hospital. Thirty-six adult patients who underwent maxillofacial or major neck surgery and had risk factors for difficult reintubation were extubated after insertion of the PAEC. RESULTS: Four of 36 (11.1%) patients required emergency reintubation after 2, 4, 6 and 18 hours after tracheal extubation, respectively. Reintubation of these patients, which was thought to be nearly impossible by direct laryngoscopy, was easily achieved over the PAEC. CONCLUSION: The PAEC can be a life-saving device during reintubation of patients with risk factors for difficult reintubation such as laryngeo-pharyngeal oedema due to surgical manipulation or airway obstruction resulting from haematoma and anatomic changes. We therefore suggest the routine use of the PAEC in patients undergoing major maxillofacial or major neck surgery

    Face allotransplantation for various types of facial disfigurements: A series of five cases

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146612/1/micr30272_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146612/2/micr30272.pd


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    Introduction: The incidence of skin lesions increases with advancing age, especially in the head and neck region. The aim of this study was to evaluate the demographic data of head and neck skin lesions in the geriatric age group and the preferred surgical approaches. Material-Method: The records of 170 patients of an age >65 years who underwent surgical excision and reconstruction for head and neck lesions in our clinic were retrospectively reviewed. The histopathological results of the lesions and the repair method used were evaluated according to age and localization. Results: The mean age of the patients was 71.42 ± 14.20 years. The histopathologic distribution of the lesions were 75 (44.2%) basal cell carcinoma, 30 (17.6%) squamous cell carcinoma and 65 (38.2%) benign. The most frequent localizations were nose and cheeks, and the most preferred reconstruction methods were primary closure and advancement flap. None of the patients had serious complications. Conclusion: Basal cell carcinoma is the most common lesion in the head and neck region in elderly individuals. The lesions in this region can be detected in the early stage since they are in the visible region. The Surgical excision and repair with local flaps in the treatment provide very successful cosmetic results

    Reliability and Validity of the Turkish Version of the Glasgow-Edinburgh Throat Scale: Use for a Symptom Scale of Globus Sensation in Turkish Population

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    Objective: In this study, we aimed to translate the Glasgow-Edinburgh Throat Scale (GETS) into Turkish and test its reliability and validity.Methods: A total of 69 patients with globus sensation and no signs of otolaryngologic or gastroenterological disease in etiology were included in the study. The patients were asked to complete the translated Turkish version (GETS-T) of GETS and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).Results: The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the patients in the study group was calculated based on the 12 questions in the GETS-T scale and found as 0.868. The correlation between the GETS-T total score and the total HADS score in the study group was found to be very low and statistically insignificant. As a result of factor analysis, it was found that the first 10 problems in GETS-T were divided into two sub-groups, unlike GETS.Conclusion: Translation of GETS into Turkish (GETS-T) showed high reliability and validity, suggesting that translation and cross-cultural adaptation was appropriate. The GETS-T can be used in studies about globus pharyngeus in future

    The assessment of twin pregnancies delivered in our clinic: three-year experience

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    Objective: Twin pregnancies constitute 1–2% of all pregnancies. With the recent developments in assisted reproductive technologies, the incidence of multiple pregnancy has increased. Preterm labor is held responsible for the poor neonatal outcomes primarily. In our study, we aimed to assess fetal-maternal outcomes of twin pregnancies seen in our clinic. Methods: One hundred and thirty twin pregnancy cases out of 4241 pregnant women who delivered in our clinic between 01.01.2017 and 01.01.2020 were included in the study. The labor records of the patients were reviewed retrospectively and their data for age, week of gestation, delivery type, birth weight, fetal sex, chorionicity characteristics and laboratory parameters were recorded. Definitive statistics and SPSS 21.0 for statistical analyses were used to evaluate the data obtained from the study. The data were presented as mean ± SD (standard deviation). Results: The incidence of twin pregnancy was found 3%. In the ultrasonographic imaging evaluated during diagnosis, 27.7% of the cases were monochorionic and 72% of them were dichorionic. Of the pregnant women, 12.3% were at term and 87.7% were at preterm period. When the preterm fetuses were evaluated, 37.7% of 114 preterm fetuses were delivered at late preterm period, 29.2% of them at mid-preterm period and 20.8% at premature preterm period. The rates of treatment pregnancy (pregnancy provided by ovulation induction and assisted reproductive technologies) and spontaneous twin pregnancy were 20% and 80%, respectively. Mean maternal age was found 31.3. When evaluated in terms of maternal morbidity, preterm labor and premature rupture of membrane were the most common problems. Mean newborn weight was 1832g and 59.3% of the newborns had low birth weight and 21.8% of them had very low birth weight. While one fetus had transverse presentation in 12.5% of the patients, at least one fetus had breech presentation in 53.1% of the cases and 34.4% of the cases had head-head presentation. Conclusion: Twin pregnancies are characterized by the increased feto-maternal risks. Therefore, both antenatal and intrapartum management should be maintained diligently

    BRAF V600E mutation in papillary thyroid cancer is correlated with adverse clinicopathological features but not with iodine exposure

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    Introduction: BRAFV600E activating mutation is the most frequent genetic abnormality in the pathogenesis of papillary thyroid carcinoma. We aimed to evaluate the association between BRAFV600E mutation and well-established prognostic clinicopathological characteristics as well as iodine exposure. Material and methods: From 2000 to 2012, the data of PTC patients admitted to Dr. Lutfi Kirdar Kartal Education and Research Hospital in Turkey were reviewed retrospectively. Clinicopathological parameters were collected. BRAFV600E mutation was analysed by DNA sequencing method in tumour specimens. We hypothesised that BRAFV600E mutation prevalence is positively correlated with prolonged iodine exposure and expected to be higher in the second half of the recruitment period due to the increment in time spent from the iodisation process of the table salt in our country. Thus, iodine exposure was categorised as short-term (2000–2006) and long-term (2006–2012). Results: A total of 197 patients were accrued. The study population predominantly consisted of conventional variant. A statistically significant relationship was observed between BRAFV600E mutation presence and age (p = 0.03), conventional variant PTC (p = 0.00002), T4 stage (p = 0.002), vascular invasion (p = 0.036), thyroid capsule invasion (p < 0.00001), extrathyroidal tissue invasion (p < 0.00001), and lymph node metastasis (p < 0.00001). When categorised as long-term and short-term, iodine exposure was not statistically significantly related with BRAFV600E mutation; however, there were far more PTC cases in the long-term group (86.3% vs. 13.7%). Conclusion: We revealed that BRAFV600E mutation is associated with adverse clinicopathological parameters. There appeared to be no relation between long-term iodine exposure and BRAFV600E.

    Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi’nde Örtü Altı Organik Domates Üretiminde Hastalık, Zararlı ve Yabancı Otların Mücadelesinin Yönetimi

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    Bu çalışma, 2004-2007 yılları arasında Alata Bahçe Kültürleri Araştırma Enstitüsü’ne ait organik-topraklı, topraksız kültür (organik-inorganik yetiştirme ortamları) ve kontrol seralarında yürütülmüş olup, örtü altı organik domates yetiştiriciliğinde karşılaşılan hastalık, zararlı ve yabancı otlara karşı organik tarıma uygun mücadele yöntemlerinin uygulanabilirliği, en uygun sulama programı araştırılmıştır. Organik-topraklı sera ve organik-inorganik kökenli dört farklı yetiştirme ortamlarından oluşan topraksız kültür seralarında her türlü girdiler ve yapılacak işlemler Tarım Bakanlığınca yayımlanan organik tarım yönetmeliğe uygun olarak seçilmiştir. Organik-topraklı seradan elde edilen ürüne ‘organik ürün’ sertifikası alımına yönelik gerekli denetlemeler danışman kuruluş tarafından yapılarak ürün sertifikalandırılmıştır. Örtü altı organik domates yetiştiriciliğinde kültürel önlemlerden solarizasyonun yanı sıra yararlı mikrorganizmalardan da yararlanılması ile hastalık, zararlı ve yabancı ot kontrollerinde mücadele sayısının azaltıldığı ve verimde geleneksel yetiştiriciliğe oranla ekonomik anlamda bir azalma görülmediği sonucuna varılmıştır. Organik topraklı, kontrol serası ve farklı yetiştirme ortamlarında organik domates yetiştiriciliğinde su kullanım etkinliği değerleri her üç deneme yılında da artan sulama suyuna bağlı olarak azalma göstermiştir. Organik-inorganik kökenli farklı yetiştirme ortamlarından oluşan topraksız kültür yetiştiriciliğinin ise gerek topraktan kaynaklanan hastalık, nematod ve yabancı ot çıkışının olmaması gerekse erkenci olması açısından dolayı özellikle toprağın bulaşık olduğu alanlarda organik-topraklı tarıma alternatif bir yetiştiricilik olabileceği kanısına varılmıştır