12 research outputs found

    Evaluation of radiological images of cases operated for nasal polyp

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    Objective: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the differential diagnosis of nasal polyps and infected nasal polyps before the operation with density measurement in paranasal sinus computed tomography examination. Methods: The study included 129 patients (93 men and 36 women; mean age 41.00 years; range 13 to 82 years) diagnosed as nasal polyps (nasal polyps group) and 26 patients (17 men, 9 women; mean age 42.50 years; range 16 to 74 years) diagnosed as infected nasal polyps. In the preoperative paranasal computed tomography examination, the nasal polyps density of the patients was scored according to the Lund-Mackey system. To measure the volume of inflammatory opacification, the soft tissue density ratio (%) was measured. Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio, mean platelet volume values, Lund-Mackey system, and soft tissue density ratio scores were statistically compared in all the groups. Results: The median mean platelet volume value was 9.40 (6.4-12.0) in the nasal polyps group and 10.20 (7.9-12.1) in the infected nasal polyps group with a statistically significant difference (P = .007). There was a significant positive correlation between infected nasal polyps and mean platelet volume (P = .006, r = 0.219**), Lund-Mackey system total, and soft tissue density ratio total (P = .000, r = 0.797**). According to the results of receiver operating curve analysis in patients with infected nasal polyps, sensitivity 61.5% and specificity 60.5% for mean platelet volume (P = .007, area under curve: 0.669 [0.574-0.763]) were found. The cut-off point for mean platelet volume value was > 9.95. Conclusion: If there is an infection in patients with nasal polyps, surgery should be considered after antibiotic therapy. The use of mean platelet volume as a marker of inflammation in these patients appears to be more reliable than the Lund-Mackey system and soft tissue density ratio scores

    Comparison of Mean Platelet Volume Values between Patients with Nasal Polyp and Healthy Individuals

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    Objective:Nasal Polyp (NP) and Allergic Rhinitis (AR) are frequently seen in common. It has been reported that there is an increase in the risk of atherosclerosis in allergic patients. In our study, we aimed to evaluate Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) values in patients with NP, which is used as a marker of atherosclerosis.Methods:Seventy-five patients who underwent functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) with a diagnosis of NP were reviewed. Seventy-five age-matched healthy individuals without AR made up the control group. Values of white blood cell (WBC), platelet (PLT), hemoglobilin (Hb) and MPV were evaluated.Results:MPV values were found to be low in patients with NP 7.89±1.02 fL compared to control group 8.32±1.42 fL. This finding was statistically significant.Conclusion:It was found that MPV values are significantly low in patients with NP than control group

    Effects of tinnitus masking therapy in tinnitus patients with and without hearing loss

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    Aim: The aim of the study is to determine the effects of tinnitus masking therapy on patients with and without hearing loss. Material and Methods: This study includes a total 34 of patients with tinnitus, between 27 and 70 years of age, 16 of whom with and 18 of whom without hearing loss. The patients with and above 25 dB were added to the group without hearing loss and those below 25 dB to the group with hearing loss. The patients had one session each day. Previously determined and appropriate for tinnitus mapping, sound was made to be listened through TDH 39-P model earphones for 30 minutes during the therapy. Before and after the ten-sessions therapies, the effects of masking therapy on the patients were assessed through Tinnitus Handicap Inventory. Result: Tinnitus Handicap Inventory scores were found significantly low in patients with and without hearing loss after tinnitus masking therapy (p =0.026 and p = 0.023). And, in comparison made between the groups, Tinnitus Handicap Inventory scores before and after tinnitus masking therapy were found to be similar(p<0.05). Conclusion: Both groups benefited from masking therapy at similar levels. Tinnitus masking therapy is effective on both patients with and without hearing loss. The success of masking therapy is related to proper patient selection. Regular follow-up is essential

    Incidence, etiology, and patterns of maxillofacial traumas in Syrian patients in Hatay, Turkey: A 3 year retrospective study

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    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to assess the demographics, clinical features, and treatment costs of maxillofacial trauma cases referred to our hospital during the Syrian civil war. METHODS: The study included 80 cases of maxillofacial trauma. Patients with additional pathologies were excluded from the study. The patients were examined with respect to their demographics and clinical characteristics, Injury Severity Score (ISS), Glasgow Coma Score (GCS), treatments applied, costs, and outcomes. RESULTS: A total of 80 patients included 76 (95%) males and 4 (5%) females, with the mean age of 29.05±9.97 years (range, 13–56 years), and 72 (90%) of them were Syrians injured in the war. The most common mechanism of trauma was the firearms injury in 72 (90%) cases, and the most frequently seen lesion was the mandible fracture (n=48, 60%). The ISS of all the patients was <16, as a severe trauma score. The GCS value was 8–12 in 4 (5%) patients, and 15 in 76 (95%). The most common treatment applied were the reduction and fixation, and graft-flap following fracture (n=12, 15%). The mean duration of hospitalization was 15.27±13.0 days (range, 2–60 days). All patients were discharged from hospital. The mean cost per case was calculated as 5,581.55±56.3 Turkish Lira (range, 772–18,697 TL) or 1,251.24±14.2 US Dollars (US$173–4,192). There was a significant correlation between the costs and the length of hospitalization (p<0.001, r=+0.729) and trauma scores (p=0.004, r=−0.616). CONCLUSION: Firearms-injured young males with mandible fractures were the most common group of maxillofacial trauma cases seen during the Syrian war. The intensity of patients and the cost of the hospital stay have significantly increased because of the ongoing conflict in the neighboring country of Syria

    Bez dışı kitle bulgularıyla tanı konulan tiroid bezi papiller mikrokarsinomları

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    Tiroid papiller mikrokarsinomları, boyunda lenfatik metastaz yapabildikleri gibi tiroglossal kist zemininde ya da ektopik tiroid bezlerinde de meydana gelebilirler. Bu olgu sunumunun amacı, tiroid bezinde ultrasonografi ile tespit edilebilecek düzeyde herhangi bir kitle bulunmayan ancak se rvikal lenf metastazı nedeniyle yapılan biyopside saptanan ve lateral yerleşimli tiroglossal kist zemininde gelişmiş tiroid papiller karsinomu olarak saptanan iki olguyu tartışmaktır. Sunulan her iki olguda da re -operasyonla yapılan total tiroidektomi spes menlerinde mikrokarsinomlar saptanmıştır. Boyun metastazlarında ve lateral yerleşimli de olsa kistik kitlelerde bu bulguların tiroid papiller karsinomla ilgili olabileceği akılda tutulmalıdır.Thyroid papillary microcarcinomas not only present with neck lympathic metastasis but also may occur in thyroglossal cysts or ectopic thyroid glands. The aim of this case report is to dis cuss two cases of thyroid papillary carcinomas with no mass detectable by thyroid gland ultrasonography but diagnosed with the biopsy of cervical lymphatic metastasis and occurred in ground of lateral sided thyroglossal cyst. It must be kept in mind that, in cervical metastasis and even laterally sided cystic masses, these symptoms may be associated with thyroid papillary carcinoma

    Nazal polip hastalarında mean platelet volüm değerlerinin sağlıklı bireylerle karşılaştırılması

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    Amaç: Nazal Polip (NP) Allerjik Rinit (AR) sıklıkla birlikte görülür. Allerjik hastalarda ateroskleroz riskinde artış olduğu bildirilmektedir. Çalışmamızda aterosklero- zun bir belirteci olarak kullanılan Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) değerlerini nazal polip hastalarında incelemeyi amaçladık. Yöntemler: Nazal polip tanısıyla fonksiyonel endoskopik sinüs cerrahisi (FESC) yapılan 75 hasta değerlendirildi. Aynı yaş grubundan AR şikayeti olmayan sağlıklı 75 bi- reyin verileri kontrol gurubu olarak incelendi. Beyaz kan hücresi (WBC), trombosit (PLT), Hemoglobülin (Hb) ve MPV değerleri ayrı ayrı kaydedildi. Bulgular: MPV değerleri nasal polipli hastalarda 7,89±1,02 fL, kontrol hastalarında 8,32±1,42 fL idi. İstatistiksel olarak anlamlılık tespit edildi. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda sonuç olarak NP hastalarındaki kontrol grubuna oranla MPV değeri düşük tespit edildi.Objective: Nasal Polyp (NP) and Allergic Rhinitis (AR) are frequently seen in common. It has been reported that there is an increase in the risk of atherosclerosis in aller- gic patients. In our study, we aimed to evaluate Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) values in patients with nasal polyp, which is used as a marker atherosclerosis. Methods: Seventy-fve patients who underwent func- tional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) with a di- agnosis of nasal polyp were reviewed. Seventy-fve age-matched healthy individuals without AR were employed as control group. Values of white blood cell (WBC), platelet (PLT), hemoglobilin (Hb) and MPV were evaluated. Results: MPV values were found to be low in patients with nasal polyp 7.89&plusmn;1.02 fL compared to control group 8.32&plusmn;1.42 fL. Tis fnding was statistically signifcant. Conclusion: It was found that MPV values are signif- cantly low in patients with NP than control group

    The importance of radiographic imaging in determining the direction of shooting in maxillofacial gunshot wounds

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the importanceof the initial radiographies of patients whose firstmedical intervention was made outside the country bordersand recovered after treatment in our hospital.Methods: The patients with maxillofacial trauma due togunshot and shrapnel injuries who were treated by Departmentof Otolaryngology in the last year were examinedretrospectively. Twenty two patients were includedto the study, who had injuries in another country and whowere received initial medical treatments there. The maxillofacialcomputed tomographies of patients which wereperformed before the treatment were evaluated accordingto the direction of movement of bone fracture fragments.Results: The youngest patient was 17 years old and theoldest one was 43 years old. All the patients were male. Itwas observed that all of the patients were referred to ourhospital after the first intervention had been made in othermedical centers. There was no reliable information aboutthe event of injury and type of used weapon. According tothe findings of the radiological images, the directions ofshootings were determined by the evaluation of the directionsof bone fragments in 19 (86.4%) patients.Conclusion: The initial radiographic images of dead ormedically treated patients with bone fractures due to gunshotinjuries, in cases with unidentified origins and injurymechanisms, play an important role in the determinationof the direction of shooting. The wounds have been identifiedwhether they are entry or exit wounds when the directionsof fire are determined.Key words: Gunshot, direction of fire, bone fractur

    The importance of radiographic imaging in determining the direction of shooting in maxillofacial gunshot wounds

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı ilk tıbbi müdahalesi ülke sınırları dışında yapılarak gönderilen ve hastanemizde tedavi görmüş olgularda atış yönünün tespitinde tedavi öncesi çekilen grafilerin etkinliğinin araştırılmasıdır. Yöntemler: Bir yıl içerisinde kulak burun boğaz servisinde tedavi görmüş ateşli silah ve şarapnel yaralanmasına bağlı maksillofasiyal travması bulunan olguların kayıtları geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Yurtdışında yaralanan ve ilk tıbbi tedavisi dış merkezlerde yapılan 22 olgu çalışma kapsamına alındı. Olgulara ait tedavi öncesi çekilen maksillofasiyal bilgisayarlı tomografilerde tespit edilen kemik kırıklarının hareket yönleri değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Olguların en küçük olanın yaşı 17, en büyük olgu 43 yaşında olduğu saptandı. Tüm olgular erkek cinsiyetinde olduğu belirlendi. Tüm olguların acil müdahaleleri dış merkezlerde yapıldıktan sonra hastanemize sevk edildiği görüldü. Olayın oluş şekli ve ne tür bir silah ile meydana geldiğine ait güvenilir bir bilgi yoktu. Hastaların radyolojik görüntülerinin değerlendirilmesi sonucunda; 19 olguda (%86,4) kırılan kemik parçalarının hareket yönüne göre atış yönünün tespiti yapıldı. Sonuç: Olayın orijini ve mekanizması belli olmayan, özellikle kemik kırığı bulunan ölümlü veya tıbbi müdahale görmüş ateşli silah yaralanması olgularında atış yönünün tespiti açısından çekilen ilk grafiler oldukça önemlidir. Atış yönünün belirlenmesi halinde hangi yaranın giriş, hangisinin çıkış yarasının olduğu da tespit edilmiş olacaktır.Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the importance of the initial radiographies of patients whose first medical intervention was made outside the country borders and recovered after treatment in our hospital. Methods: The patients with maxillofacial trauma due to gunshot and shrapnel injuries who were treated by Department of Otolaryngology in the last year were examined retrospectively. Twenty two patients were included to the study, who had injuries in another country and who were received initial medical treatments there. The maxillofacial computed tomographies of patients which were performed before the treatment were evaluated according to the direction of movement of bone fracture fragments. Results: The youngest patient was 17 years old and the oldest one was 43 years old. All the patients were male. It was observed that all of the patients were referred to our hospital after the first intervention had been made in other medical centers. There was no reliable information about the event of injury and type of used weapon. According to the findings of the radiological images, the directions of shootings were determined by the evaluation of the directions of bone fragments in 19 (86.4%) patients. Conclusion: The initial radiographic images of dead or medically treated patients with bone fractures due to gunshot injuries, in cases with unidentified origins and injury mechanisms, play an important role in the determination of the direction of shooting. The wounds have been identified whether they are entry or exit wounds when the directions of fire are determined