30 research outputs found

    AIforCOVID: predicting the clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19 applying AI to chest-X-rays. An Italian multicentre study

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    Recent epidemiological data report that worldwide more than 53 million people have been infected by SARS-CoV-2, resulting in 1.3 million deaths. The disease has been spreading very rapidly and few months after the identification of the first infected, shortage of hospital resources quickly became a problem. In this work we investigate whether chest X-ray (CXR) can be used as a possible tool for the early identification of patients at risk of severe outcome, like intensive care or death. CXR is a radiological technique that compared to computed tomography (CT) it is simpler, faster, more widespread and it induces lower radiation dose. We present a dataset including data collected from 820 patients by six Italian hospitals in spring 2020 during the first COVID-19 emergency. The dataset includes CXR images, several clinical attributes and clinical outcomes. We investigate the potential of artificial intelligence to predict the prognosis of such patients, distinguishing between severe and mild cases, thus offering a baseline reference for other researchers and practitioners. To this goal, we present three approaches that use features extracted from CXR images, either handcrafted or automatically by convolutional neuronal networks, which are then integrated with the clinical data. Exhaustive evaluation shows promising performance both in 10-fold and leave-one-centre-out cross-validation, implying that clinical data and images have the potential to provide useful information for the management of patients and hospital resources

    Correlation Analysis on Anatomical Variants of Accessory Foramina in the Sphenoid Bone for Oncological Surgery

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    The sphenoid bone presents several anatomical variations, including accessory foramina, such as the foramen meningo-orbitale, the foramen of Vesalius, the canaliculus innominatus and the palatovaginal canal, which may be involved in tumor invasion or surgery of surrounding structures. Therefore, clinicians and surgeons have to consider these variants when planning surgical interventions of the cranial base. The prevalence of each variant is reported in the published literature, but very little information is available on the possible correlation among different variants. Here, 300 CT scans of patients (equally divided among males and females) were retrospectively assessed to investigate the presence of the foramen meningo-orbitale, the foramen of Vesalius, the canaliculus innominatus and the palatovaginal canal. Possible differences in the prevalence of each accessory foramen according to sex were assessed, as well as possible correlations among different variants through the Chi-square test (p p > 0.01). A significant positive correlation was found between the foramen of Vesalius and canaliculus innominatus, both in males and in females (p < 0.01). In detail, subjects with canaliculus innominatus in 85.7–100.0% of cases also showed the foramen of Vesalius, independently from sex and side. The present study provided novel data about the prevalence of four accessory foramina of the sphenoid bone in an Italian population, and a correlation between the foramen of Vesalius and the canaliculus innominatus was found for the first time. As these accessory foramina host neurovascular structures, the results of this study are thus useful for appropriate planning surgical procedures that are tailored to the anatomical configuration of the patient and for improving techniques to avoid accidental injuries in cranial base surgery. Knowledge of the topography, frequencies and the presence/absence of these additional foramina are pivotal for a successful procedure. Clinicians and surgeons may benefit from these novel data for appropriate recognition of the variants, decision-making, pre-operative and treatment planning, improvement of the procedures, screening of patients and prevention of misdiagnosis

    Computed Tomography Urography: State of the Art and Beyond

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    Computed Tomography Urography (CTU) is a multiphase CT examination optimized for imaging kidneys, ureters, and bladder, complemented by post-contrast excretory phase imaging. Different protocols are available for contrast administration and image acquisition and timing, with different strengths and limits, mainly related to kidney enhancement, ureters distension and opacification, and radiation exposure. The availability of new reconstruction algorithms, such as iterative and deep-learning-based reconstruction has dramatically improved the image quality and reducing radiation exposure at the same time. Dual-Energy Computed Tomography also has an important role in this type of examination, with the possibility of renal stone characterization, the availability of synthetic unenhanced phases to reduce radiation dose, and the availability of iodine maps for a better interpretation of renal masses. We also describe the new artificial intelligence applications for CTU, focusing on radiomics to predict tumor grading and patients’ outcome for a personalized therapeutic approach. In this narrative review, we provide a comprehensive overview of CTU from the traditional to the newest acquisition techniques and reconstruction algorithms, and the possibility of advanced imaging interpretation to provide an up-to-date guide for radiologists who want to better comprehend this technique

    Portable Dynamic Chest Radiography: Literature Review and Potential Bedside Applications

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    Dynamic digital radiography (DDR) is a high-resolution radiographic imaging technique using pulsed X-ray emission to acquire a multiframe cine-loop of the target anatomical area. The first DDR technology was orthostatic chest acquisitions, but new portable equipment that can be positioned at the patient’s bedside was recently released, significantly expanding its potential applications, particularly in chest examination. It provides anatomical and functional information on the motion of different anatomical structures, such as the lungs, pleura, rib cage, and trachea. Native images can be further analyzed with dedicated post-processing software to extract quantitative parameters, including diaphragm motility, automatically projected lung area and area changing rate, a colorimetric map of the signal value change related to respiration and motility, and lung perfusion. The dynamic diagnostic information along with the significant advantages of this technique in terms of portability, versatility, and cost-effectiveness represents a potential game changer for radiological diagnosis and monitoring at the patient’s bedside. DDR has several applications in daily clinical practice, and in this narrative review, we will focus on chest imaging, which is the main application explored to date in the literature. However, studies are still needed to understand deeply the clinical impact of this method

    3D-3D Superimposition of Pubic Bones: Expanding the Anthropological Toolkit for the Pair-Matching of Commingled Skeletal Remains

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    Virtual anthropology (VA) has recently produced an additional tool for the analysis of commingled remains and is based on the distance analysis between three-dimensional (3D) models of bones. To date, the pair-matching of the innominate bone through a 3D approach remains partially unexplored. Here, 44 abdominal CT scans (22 males and 22 females) were selected from a hospital database, and the pubic bones were segmented through ITK-SNAP software. The models were hollowed with Viewbox4 to minimize the amount of trabecular bone. The left pubic bones were mirrored and superimposed on the right ones, according to the smallest point-to-point difference between the two surfaces through VAM software. RMS distances between models were calculated through VAM, producing RMS values for 20 matches and 420 mismatches for each sex group. Differences in RMS distance values between matches and mismatches were investigated through Mann–Whitney tests (p p < 0.01) in both groups. The method yielded optimal results with high sensitivity (100.0%) and specificity (99.8% in males, 98.8% in females) rates according to the chosen threshold. This project contributes to the research field of VA with a valuable adjunct that may bolster and strengthen the results of the current visual and osteometric methods through a multidisciplinary approach

    Anatomy of the Mental Foramen: Relationship among Different Metrical Parameters for Accurate Localization

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    Purpose: The mental foramen (MF) is important in dental surgery procedures for preventing possible iatrogenic lesions and for anesthetic procedures. This paper aims at expanding knowledge on the metrical characteristics that are useful for the correct anatomical assessment of the MF. Materials and Methods: On 100 CBCT scans (50 males and 50 females), height, width, depth, linear distance from the inferior and superior mandibular edge and position according to teeth and dental apices were analyzed. Differences according to sex and the side for each metrical measurement and for teeth and dental apices were assessed through a two-way ANOVA test and Chi-square test, respectively. Pearson’s test and a one-way ANOVA test were used to test correlations among the chosen parameters (p p p < 0.01). Conclusions: Novel data about the anatomical position of the mental foramen are described, which are useful for the management of surgical procedures

    Artificial Intelligence in Lung Cancer Imaging: Unfolding the Future

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    Lung cancer is one of the malignancies with higher morbidity and mortality. Imaging plays an essential role in each phase of lung cancer management, from detection to assessment of response to treatment. The development of imaging-based artificial intelligence (AI) models has the potential to play a key role in early detection and customized treatment planning. Computer-aided detection of lung nodules in screening programs has revolutionized the early detection of the disease. Moreover, the possibility to use AI approaches to identify patients at risk of developing lung cancer during their life can help a more targeted screening program. The combination of imaging features and clinical and laboratory data through AI models is giving promising results in the prediction of patients&rsquo; outcomes, response to specific therapies, and risk for toxic reaction development. In this review, we provide an overview of the main imaging AI-based tools in lung cancer imaging, including automated lesion detection, characterization, segmentation, prediction of outcome, and treatment response to provide radiologists and clinicians with the foundation for these applications in a clinical scenario