36 research outputs found

    Agile and Pro-Active Public Administration as a Collaborative Networked Organization

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    In highly competitive, globalized economies and societies of always-on-line people intensively using the Internet and mobile phones, public administrations have to adapt to new challenges. Enterprises and citizens expect public administrations to be agile and pro-active to foster development. A way to achieve agility and pro-activity is application of a model of Collaborative Network Organizations in its two forms: Virtual Organizations (VO) and Virtual Organization Breeding Environments (VOBE). In the paper, advantages are shown of public administration playing a role of a Virtual Organization customer on the one hand, and a Virtual Organization member on the other hand. It is also shown how public administration playing a role of a Virtual Organization Breeding Environment may improve its agility and promote advanced technologies and management methods among local organizations. It is argued in the paper that public administration should provide a Virtual Organization Breeding Environment as a part of public services.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure


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    Knowledge Resources as an Economic Good in Knowledge Society

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    W artykule przestawiono problem wiedzy, która nie przestając być dobrem humanistycznym, staje się też dominującym dobrem ekonomicznym w gospodarce opartej na wiedzy. W niedalekiej przyszłości w społeczeństwie, w którym 50% ludzi będzie mieć wyższe wykształcenie i w związku z tym będzie chciało utrzymywać się z odkrywania, wykorzystywania i przekazywania wiedzy, musi ona być przedmiotem kupna i sprzedaży. W artykule wyjaśniono, dlaczego z ekonomicznego punktu widzenia nie jest możliwe zapewnienie wszystkim darmowego dostępu do wiedzy, finansowanego ze środków publicznych, z reklam lub z pośrednictwa. Dla pełności analizy przedstawiono także zagrożenia wynikające z nieograniczonej prywatyzacji wiedzy. We wnioskach wskazano na konieczność opracowania modelu gospodarczego, którego istotą jest kontrolowana sprzedaż wiedzy.In this paper the problem of knowledge is considered that becomes a dominating economic good in the knowledge based economy, while remaining a humanistic good as well. In close future, in a society where 50% of people will have university education and thus will like to sustain due to discovery, deployment and transfer of knowledge, the knowledge has to be a subject of sale and purchase. In this paper it is argued why from the economical point of view it is not possible to provide everybody with free of charge knowledge financed from public taxes, advertisement or intermediary. To complete analysis, threats following from unlimited privatization of knowledge are presented too. In conclusions, a need is expressed of development of a compromise economical model for knowledge based economy which consists of controlled knowledge sale

    Software Services for e-World: 10th IFIP WG 6.11 Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society, I3E 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 3-5, 2010, Proceedings

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    International audienceBook Front Matter of AICT 34

    The TSTS Method in Cultural Heritage Search

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    International audienceIn cultural heritage content management systems in which cultural objects are described with the use of their semantic, temporal and spatial properties, the search capabilities taking all those properties into consideration are very limited. The difficulty comes from the fact that concepts evolve over time and depend on location. In this paper the TSTS search method is presented based on the TST similarity measure that allows assessing the similarity factor between different resources in a knowledgebase. A ranked search result is generated basing on the semantic distance between the fuzzy set created for the user query and fuzzy sets describing potential results in the time-space continuum

    Challenges for higher education in the era of widespread access to Generative AI

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    The aim of this paper is to discuss the role and impact of Generavtie Arcftiial Intelligence (AI) systems in higher edu cation. The proliferation of AI models such as GPT-4, Open Assistant and DALL-E presents a paradigm shift in informa oitn acquisiotin and learning. This transformaotin poses sub stantial challenges for traditional teaching approaches and the role of educators. The paper explores the advantages and potential threats of using Generative AI in education and necessary changes in curricula. It further discusses the need to foster digital literacy and the ethical use of AI. The paper's findings are based on a survey conducted among university students exploring their usage and perception of these AI systems. Finally, recommendations for the use of AI in higher education are oefred, which emphasize the need to harness AI's potenatil while migtiantig its risks. This discourse aims at stimulating policy and strategy develop ment to ensure relevant and eefctive education in the rap idly evolving digital landscape