13 research outputs found

    Uloga i promicanje sestrinstva

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    Nurses have great influence on health care system. As they face many different states of affairs nowadays, it is necessary to find a way to promote and enable their profession. The significant interaction between nurses and patients and other medical professions makes them a powerful marketing tool of a medical institution. Therefore, the promotion of their image is necessary because of authorizing their professional status. There are numerous ways of creating and improving their image. Some of them include implementation of marketing principles and the Internet as well. This paper presents the web page promotion of nursing, i.e. the Nursing and Related Professions of the Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center homepage, as a tool of nursing promotion.Medicinske sestre imaju velik utjecaj na zdravstveni sustav. Zbog brojnih okolnosti u kojima se one danas nalaze potrebno je pronalaziti načine za njihovu promociju i osnaživanje sestrinske struke. Značajna interakcija medicinskih sestara s bolesnicima i ostalim zdravstvenim strukama čini ih snažnim marketinÅ”kim alatom zdravstvene ustanove, a izgradnja i promocija imidža je neophodna u jačanju statusa struke. Brojni su načini izgradnje imidža struke i preporuke za njegovo unaprjeđenje. Jedan od načina je i koriÅ”tenje marketinÅ”kih načela te promocija imidža putem interneta. U radu je prikazana web stranica Ā«Sestrinstvo i srodne profesije KBC Sestre milosrdniceĀ» kao jedno od sredstava za promociju sestrinstva

    Promjene tijekom studija u stavovima studenata sestrinstva prema sestrinstvu

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    The aim of this study was to determine the attitudes of nursing students towards nursing, and changes in their attitudes during the study. A quantitative study with pre-post survey was conducted among nursing students enrolled in first study year in the academic year 2012/2013 (N=115) and third study year in the academic year 2014/2015 (N=106). Students voluntarily and anonymously completed a questionnaire consisting of demographic information and the Nursing Image Questionnaire, which includes 30 items that assess how an individual looks at the roles and tasks, values, social stereotypes of nursing, professionalism and performance of nurses. The results indicated that students had positive attitude towards nursing at the beginning and during the study. During the study, there was a positive change in attitudes in the majority of items of the questionnaire, whereas at the end of the study lower attitude was expressed in only four items. The study conducted among nursing students indicated that studentsā€™ attitudes changed during the study, influenced by the acquisition of knowledge and skills. During the study, students acquire a more realistic perception of nursing, and adoption of professional values emerges.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi stavove studenata na studiju sestrinstva prema sestrinstvu te promjene njihovih stavova tijekom studija. Provedeno je kvantitativno istraživanje s ispitivanjem prije i poslije studija među studentima na redovnom studiju sestrinstva koji su akademske godine 2012./2013. upisali prvu godinu studija (N=115), a u akademskoj godini 2014./2015. treću godine studija (N=106). Studenti su dobrovoljno i anonimno ispunili upitnik koji obuhvaća demografske podatke i Upitnik stavova o sestrinstvu (Nursing Image Questionnaire). Upitnik stavova o sestrinstvu obuhvaća 30 čestica koje mjere kako pojedinac gleda na uloge i zadaće medicinskih sestara, vrijednosti, druÅ”tvene stereotipe prema sestrinstvu, profesionalizam i karakteristike sestara/sestrinstva. Rezultati ukazuju na to da studenti na početku i tijekom studija imaju pozitivan stav prema sestrinstvu. Tijekom studija doÅ”lo je do pozitivne promjene stavova u većini čestica upitnika, dok je u samo 4 čestice na kraju studija izražen niži stav. Istraživanje provedeno među studentima na studiju sestrinstva ukazuje na to da sestavovi studenata mijenjaju tijekom prvostupničkog studija pod utjecajem usvajanja znanja i vjeÅ”tina. Tijekom studija studenti usvajaju realističniju sliku sestrinstva te dolazi do usvajanja profesionalnih vrijednosti

    Zdrava okolina u bolnicama: kako spriječiti sindrom sagorijevanja kod medicinskih sestara ā€“ pregled literature

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    Healthy settings involve a holistic and multidisciplinary method that integrates actions towards risk factors. In hospital settings, a high level of stress can lead to depression, anxiety, decreased job satisfaction and lower loyalty to the organization. Burnout syndrome can be defined as physical, psychological and emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and low sense of personal accomplishment. The aim of this literature review was to make systematic literature analysis to provide scientific evidence for the consequences of constant exposure to high levels of stress and for the methods to be used to prevent burnout syndrome among health care workers. The Medline database was searched to identify relevant studies and articles published during the last 15 years. The key words used in this survey were burnout syndrome, prevention, nurses, and healthy settings. The 6 eligible studies were included in literature review. Evidence showed nurses to be exposed to stress and to have symptoms of burnout syndrome. As a result of burnout syndrome, chronic fatigue and reduced working capacity occur, thus raising the risk of adverse events. In conclusion, the occurrence of burnout syndrome is a major problem for hospitals and healthcare system. Action plan for hospital burnout syndrome prevention would greatly reduce the incidence and improve the quality of health care.Zdrava okolina predstavlja pristup promicanja zdravlja koji uključuje holistički i multidisciplinarni pristup integrirajući akcije prema svim čimbenicima rizika. U bolničkoj okolini visoka razina stresa može dovesti do depresije, anksioznosti, smanjenog zadovoljstva poslom, ali i smanjene privrženosti radnoj organizaciji. Sindrom sagorijevanja može se definirati kao tjelesna i duÅ”evna iscrpljenost, osjećaj depersonalizacije i smanjeni osjećaj osobnog zadovoljstva. Ovaj pregledni članak daje sustavni pregled literature o posljedicama stalne izloženosti visokim razinama stresa kao i metodama kojima se može spriječiti sindrom sagorijevanja kod zdravstvenih radnika. Pretražena je baza podataka Medline kako bi se pronaÅ”le relevantne studije i članci objavljeni u posljednjih 15 godina. Ključne riječi u pretraživanju bile su sindrom sagorijevanja, prevencija, medicinske sestre i zdrava okolina. Pretragom je pronađeno 6 znanstvenih istraživanja koja su uključena u analizu. Dostupna literatura je pokazala kako medicinske sestre posljedično izloženosti stresu imaju simptome sindroma sagorijevanja. Kao posljedica sindroma sagorijevanja javlja se kronični umor, smanjena radna sposobnost te visok rizik za neželjene događaje. Zaključuje se kako pojava simptoma sindroma sagorijevanja predstavlja velik problem za bolnice i zdravstveni sustav. Izrada akcijskog plana prevencije sindroma sagorijevanja u bolnicama uvelike bi smanjila pojavnost te unaprijedila kvalitetu pružene zdravstvene skrbi

    Aktualno sagledavanje Potterove globalne bioetike kao mosta između kliničke (personalizirane) i javnozdravstvene etike

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    In the context of modern scientific and technological developments in biomedicine and health care, and the potential consequences of their application on humans and the environment, Potterā€™s global bioethics concept resurfaces. By actualizing Potterā€™s original thoughts on individual bioethical issues, the universality of two of his books, which today represent the backbone of the world bioethical literature, ā€œBioethics ā€“ Bridge to the Futureā€ and ā€œGlobal Bioethics: Building on the Leopold Legacyā€, is emphasized. Potterā€™s global bioethics today can legitimately be viewed as a bridge between clinical personalized ethics on the one hand and ethics of public health on the other.U kontekstu suvremenih znanstveno-tehnoloÅ”kih dostignuća u biomedicini i zdravstvu i potencijalnih posljedica primjene za čovjeka i okoliÅ” na povrÅ”inu isplivava Potterov globalni bioetički koncept. Aktualizirajući izvorne Potterove misli na pojedine bioetičke teme ukazuje se na svevremenost dviju njegovih knjiga koje i danas predstavljaju okosnicu svjetske bioetičke literure: ā€œBioethics ā€“ Bridge to the Futureā€ te ā€œGlobal Bioethics: Building on the Leopold Legacyā€. Potterova globalna bioetika danas se legitimno može promatrati kao most između kliničke personalizirane etike s jedne strane odnosno etike javnog zdravstva s druge


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    Elektronički zapis u sestrinstvu je skup svih elektronički pohranjenih podataka o nekoj osobi iz područja zdravstvene njege. Taj je skup podataka zapisan na elektroničkom mediju i na primjeren način organiziran. Različiti međusobno povezani podatci, popunjeni znakovi i polja, pripadni zapisi, uz datoteku kao skup zapisa, na određeni način tvore bazu podataka. Upis podataka iz područja zdravstvene njege provodi se već kod prijma u bolnicu, tijekom boravka pacijenta na odjelu, potom se njihovom obradom periodično i po potrebi, primjenom odgovarajućeg stručnog sestrinskog znanja, sažima sestrinska dijagnoza kao temelj za odlučivanje o ciljevima i postupcima koji će se primijeniti kod pacijenta. Kompletiran elektronički oblik povezuje se s elektroničkim zapisima drugih bolnica i zdravstvenih ustanova. To će omogućiti svim zdravstvenim djelatnicima pristup sestrinskim, medicinskim i drugim zdravstvenim podatcima, uz poÅ”tivanje visokih standarda zaÅ”tite podataka.Electronic record in nursing is a set of all electronically stored data on a person in the field of health care. This set of data is written on the electronic media and properly organized. Various data, symbols, fields and corresponding records interconnected with the file as a set of records in some way constitute a database. Data entry in the field of health care is carried out from patient admis-sion, stay at the ward through periodical treatment as applicable, and, if necessary, applying appropriate professional nursing knowledge summarizing the nursing diagnosis as a basis for deciding on the objectives and procedures to be used. Complete electronic form will be associated with electronic records of other hospitals and health care institutions. All health professionals will be able to access nursing, medical and other health information in compliance with the high standards of data protection

    The role and promotion nursing

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    Nurses have great influence on health care system. As they face many different states of affairs nowadays, it is necessary to find a way to promote and enable their profession. The significant interaction between nurses and patients and other medical professions makes them a powerful marketing tool of a medical institution. Therefore, the promotion of their image is necessary because of authorizing their professional status. There are numerous ways of creating and improving their image. Some of them include implementation of marketing principles and the Internet as well. This paper presents the web page promotion of nursing, i.e. the Nursing and Related Professions of the Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center homepage, as a tool of nursing promotion

    Changes in Nursing Studentsā€™ Attitudes Towards Nursing During Undergraduate Study

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    The aim of this study was to determine the attitudes of nursing students towards nursing, and changes in their attitudes during the study. A quantitative study with pre-post survey was conducted among nursing students enrolled in first study year in the academic year 2012/2013 (N=115) and third study year in the academic year 2014/2015 (N=106). Students voluntarily and anonymously completed a questionnaire consisting of demographic information and the Nursing Image Questionnaire, which includes 30 items that assess how an individual looks at the roles and tasks, values, social stereotypes of nursing, professionalism and performance of nurses. The results indicated that students had positive attitude towards nursing at the beginning and during the study. During the study, there was a positive change in attitudes in the majority of items of the questionnaire, whereas at the end of the study lower attitude was expressed in only four items. The study conducted among nursing students indicated that studentsā€™ attitudes changed during the study, influenced by the acquisition of knowledge and skills. During the study, students acquire a more realistic perception of nursing, and adoption of professional values emerges

    Healthy Settings in Hospital ā€“ How to Prevent Burnout Syndrome in Nurses: Literature Review

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    Healthy settings involve a holistic and multidisciplinary method that integrates actions towards risk factors. In hospital settings, a high level of stress can lead to depression, anxiety, decreased job satisfaction and lower loyalty to the organization. Burnout syndrome can be defined as physical, psychological and emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and low sense of personal accomplishment. The aim of this literature review was to make systematic literature analysis to provide scientific evidence for the consequences of constant exposure to high levels of stress and for the methods to be used to prevent burnout syndrome among health care workers. The Medline database was searched to identify relevant studies and articles published during the last 15 years. The key words used in this survey were burnout syndrome, prevention, nurses, and healthy settings. The 6 eligible studies were included in literature review. Evidence showed nurses to be exposed to stress and to have symptoms of burnout syndrome. As a result of burnout syndrome, chronic fatigue and reduced working capacity occur, thus raising the risk of adverse events. In conclusion, the occurrence of burnout syndrome is a major problem for hospitals and healthcare system. Action plan for hospital burnout syndrome prevention would greatly reduce the incidence and improve the quality of health care

    Aktualno sagledavanje Potterove globalne bioetike kao mosta između kliničke (personalizirane) i javnozdravstvene etike

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    In the context of modern scientific and technological developments in biomedicine and health care, and the potential consequences of their application on humans and the environment, Potterā€™s global bioethics concept resurfaces. By actualizing Potterā€™s original thoughts on individual bioethical issues, the universality of two of his books, which today represent the backbone of the world bioethical literature, ā€œBioethics ā€“ Bridge to the Futureā€ and ā€œGlobal Bioethics: Building on the Leopold Legacyā€, is emphasized. Potterā€™s global bioethics today can legitimately be viewed as a bridge between clinical personalized ethics on the one hand and ethics of public health on the other.U kontekstu suvremenih znanstveno-tehnoloÅ”kih dostignuća u biomedicini i zdravstvu i potencijalnih posljedica primjene za čovjeka i okoliÅ” na povrÅ”inu isplivava Potterov globalni bioetički koncept. Aktualizirajući izvorne Potterove misli na pojedine bioetičke teme ukazuje se na svevremenost dviju njegovih knjiga koje i danas predstavljaju okosnicu svjetske bioetičke literure: ā€œBioethics ā€“ Bridge to the Futureā€ te ā€œGlobal Bioethics: Building on the Leopold Legacyā€. Potterova globalna bioetika danas se legitimno može promatrati kao most između kliničke personalizirane etike s jedne strane odnosno etike javnog zdravstva s druge