751 research outputs found

    Comparison of endometrial polyp recurrence in fertile women after office hysteroscopic endometrial polypectomy using two widely spread techniques

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    Aim: To compare the recurrence of benign endometrial polyps after office hysteroscopic polypectomy performed with a bipolar electrode (BE) or a small diameter hysteroscopic tissue removal system (HTRs). Methods: From July 2018 to December 2019 we evaluated the charts of 114 asymptomatic fertile women who underwent office hysteroscopic polypectomy, 1 year before, for a single large benign endometrial polyp (size between 10 and 20 mm) using a 4 mm continuous flow hysteroscope with a BE or a 5 mm HTRs. Patients, divided into two groups according to surgical procedure, each performed exclusively by one expert gynecologist, were scheduled for a 12-month postoperative transvaginal sonography to evaluate the recurrence of endometrial polyps. Results: Forty-eight women of the BE group and 42 of the HTRs group were considered for the 1-year transvaginal sonography follow-up. Five polyps were identified in the BE group and three in the HTRs group (5/48 vs 3/42, P = n.s.). All polyps were removed hysteroscopically (in three out of five and in two out of three cases, respectively, in the same places of the previous polypectomy) and evaluated as ‘benign’ by the pathologist. Conclusion: Office hysteroscopic endometrial polypectomy with small HTRs compared to BE revealed at a 1-year follow-up no difference in terms of complete removal and recurrence of polyps. HTRs polypectomy resulted in less pain and significantly quicker time of procedure compared to BE. This data should be kept in mind for patient comfort any time hysteroscopic polypectomy is planned in an office setting

    68Ga-DOTATOC PET/CT-Based Radiomic Analysis and PRRT Outcome: A Preliminary Evaluation Based on an Exploratory Radiomic Analysis on Two Patients

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    Aim: This work aims to evaluate whether the radiomic features extracted by 68Ga-DOTATOC-PET/CT of two patients are associated with the response to peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) in patients affected by neuroendocrine tumor (NET). Methods: This is a pilot report in two NET patients who experienced a discordant response to PRRT (responder vs. non-responder) according to RECIST1.1. The patients presented with liver metastasis from the rectum and pancreas G3-NET, respectively. Whole-body total-lesion somatostatin receptor-expression (TLSREwb-50) and somatostatin receptor-expressing tumor volume (SRETV wb-50) were obtained in pre- and post-PRRT PET/CT. Radiomic analysis was performed, extracting 38 radiomic features (RFs) from the patients' lesions. The Mann–Whitney test was used to compare RFs in the responder patient vs. the non-responder patient. Pearson correlation and principal component analysis (PCA) were used to evaluate the correlation and independence of the different RFs. Results: TLSREwb-50 and SRETVwb-50 modifications correlate with RECIST1.1 response. A total of 28 RFs extracted on pre-therapy PET/CT showed significant differences between the two patients in the Mann–Whitney test (p < 0.05). A total of seven second-order features, with poor correlation with SUVmax and PET volume, were identified by the Pearson correlation matrix. Finally, the first two PCA principal components explain 83.8% of total variance. Conclusion: TLSREwb-50 and SRETVwb-50 are parameters that might be used to predict and to assess the PET response to PRRT. RFs might have a role in defining inter-patient heterogeneity and in the prediction of therapy response. It is important to implement future studies with larger and more homogeneous patient populations to confirm the efficacy of these biomarkers

    Diversity of hydrolases from hydrothermal vent sediments of the Levante Bay, Vulcano Island (Aeolian archipelago) identified by activity-based metagenomics and biochemical characterization of new esterases and an arabinopyranosidase

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    A metagenomic fosmid expression library established from environmental DNA (eDNA) from the shallow hot vent sediment sample collected from the Levante Bay, Vulcano Island (Aeolian archipelago) was established in Escherichia coli. Using activity-based screening assays, we have assessed 9600 fosmid clones corresponding to approximately 350 Mbp of the cloned eDNA, for the lipases/esterases/lactamases, haloalkane and haloacid dehalogenases, and glycoside hydrolases. Thirty-four positive fosmid clones were selected from the total of 120 positive hits and sequenced to yield ca. 1360 kbp of high-quality assemblies. Fosmid inserts were attributed to the members of ten bacterial phyla, including Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Acidobateria, Firmicutes, Verrucomicrobia, Chloroflexi, Spirochaetes, Thermotogae, Armatimonadetes, and Planctomycetes. Of ca. 200 proteins with high biotechnological potential identified therein, we have characterized in detail three distinct α/β-hydrolases (LIPESV12_9, LIPESV12_24, LIPESV12_26) and one new α-arabinopyranosidase (GLV12_5). All LIPESV12 enzymes revealed distinct substrate specificities tested against 43 structurally diverse esters and 4 p-nitrophenol carboxyl esters. Of 16 different glycosides tested, the GLV12_5 hydrolysed only p-nitrophenol-α-(L)-arabinopyranose with a high specific activity of about 2.7 kU/mg protein. Most of the α/β-hydrolases were thermophilic and revealed a high tolerance to, and high activities in the presence of, numerous heavy metal ions. Among them, the LIPESV12_24 was the best temperature-adapted, retaining its activity after 40 min of incubation at 90 °C. Furthermore, enzymes were active in organic solvents (e.g., &gt;30% methanol). Both LIPESV12_24 and LIPESV12_26 had the GXSXG pentapeptides and the catalytic triads Ser-Asp-His typical to the representatives of carboxylesterases of EC

    Obstetric outcomes in pregnant COVID-19 women: the imbalance of von Willebrand factor and ADAMTS13 axis

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    Background: Thrombotic microangiopathy has been invoked as one of the most important mechanisms of damage in COVID-19 patients. Protease ADAMTS13 is a marker of microangiopathy responsible for controlling von Willebrand multimers size. Von Willebrand factor/ADAMTS13 ratio has been found impaired in COVID-19 patients outside pregnancy. Methods: We prospectively investigated 90 pregnant women admitted to two tertiary academic hospitals in Italy with a laboratory-confirmed diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Demographic, clinical information and routine laboratory data were collected at the hospital admission and until discharge. We investigated whether vonWillebrand /ADAMTS13 axis imbalance is a predictor of adverse outcomes. Logistic regression analysis, which controlled for potential confounders, was performed to evaluate the association between laboratory parameters and clinical outcomes. Results: Most&nbsp;women (55.6%) were parae, with median gestational age at admission of 39 weeks. At hospital admission, 63.3% were asymptomatic for COVID-19 and 24.4% showed more than one sign or symptom of infection. Nulliparae with group O showed Willebrand / ADA MTS-13 ratios significantly lower than non-O, whereas in multiparae this difference was not observed. Logistic regression showed that ratio von Willebrand to ADAMTS13 was significantly and independently associated with preterm delivery (OR 1.9, 95%CI 1.1–3.5). Conclusion: This study shows an imbalance of vonWillebrand /ADAMTS13 axis in pregnant women with COVID-19, leading to a significantly higher and independent risk of preterm delivery. Monitoring these biomarkers might support decision making process to manage and follow-up pregnancies in this setting

    P-wave excited baryons from pion- and photo-induced hyperon production

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    We report evidence for N(1710)P11N(1710)P_{11}, N(1875)P11N(1875)P_{11}, N(1900)P13N(1900)P_{13}, Δ(1600)P33\Delta(1600)P_{33}, Δ(1910)P31\Delta(1910)P_{31}, and Δ(1920)P33\Delta(1920)P_{33}, and find indications that N(1900)P13N(1900)P_{13} might have a companion state at 1970\,MeV. The controversial Δ(1750)P31\Delta(1750)P_{31} is not seen. The evidence is derived from a study of data on pion- and photo-induced hyperon production, but other data are included as well. Most of the resonances reported here were found in the Karlsruhe-Helsinki (KH84) and the Carnegie-Mellon (CM) analyses but were challenged recently by the Data Analysis Center at GWU. Our analysis is constrained by the energy independent πN\pi N scattering amplitudes from either KH84 or GWU. The two πN\pi N amplitudes from KH84 or GWU, respectively, lead to slightly different πN\pi N branching ratios of contributing resonances but the debated resonances are required in both series of fits.Comment: 22 pages, 28 figures. Some additional sets of data are adde

    Insolita causa di addome acuto in paziente adulto: l’ileo biliare

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    L’ileo biliare è una condizione morbosa rara descritta tra le complicanze della litiasi della colecisti. È causa dell’1-3% delle ostruzioni meccaniche del piccolo intestino. Interessa più frequentemente pazienti di età compresa tra 63 e 85 anni. La diagnosi pre-operatoria è generalmente posta con ritardo variabile da 1 a 10 giorni per l’assenza di una sintomatologia specifica. Caso clinico. Gli Autori riportano il caso di un uomo di 50 anni in cui è stata posta diagnosi di occlusione meccanica del piccolo intestino da voluminosa concrezione litiasica. L’occlusione ileale è stata dimostrata con la TC. Il paziente è stato sottoposto in urgenza ad intervento chirurgico, in un unico tempo, di enterolitotomia, colecistectomia e riparazione della fistola duodenale. Il decorso clinico è stato regolare e il paziente è stato dimesso in XIV giornata. Discussione. Nel nostro caso la diagnosi di ileo biliare è stata posta con un ritardo di 5 giorni. L’ecotomografia del fegato e delle vie biliari non è stata in grado di visualizzare la colecisti. La diagnosi è stata posta con la TC che si conferma gold standard diagnostico. Conclusioni. Lo stato clinico del paziente influenza la strategia chirurgica. Nel nostro paziente, considerato a basso rischio, è stato possibile l’intervento chirurgico in un unico tempo. La procedura in due tempi, enterolitotomia e successiva colecistectomia con riparazione della fistola, va riservata ai pazienti ad alto rischio

    Defining the characteristics of certified hernia centers in Italy: The Italian society of hernia and abdominal wall surgery workgroup consensus on systematic reviews of the best available evidences

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    Background: The terms “Hernia Center” (HC) and Hernia Surgeon” (HS) have gained more and more popularity in recent years. Nevertheless, there is lack of protocols and methods for certification of their activities and results. The Italian Society of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery proposes a method for different levels of certification. Methods: The national board created a commission, with the task to define principles and structure of an accreditation program. The discussion of each topic was preceded by a Systematic Review, according to PRISMA Guidelines and Methodology. In case of lack or inadequate data from literature, the parameter was fixed trough a Commission discussion. Results: The Commission defined a certification process including: “FLC - First level Certification”: restricted to single surgeon, it is given under request and proof of a formal completion of the learning curve process for the basic procedures and an adequate year volume of operations. “Second level certification”: Referral Center for Abdominal Wall Surgery. It is a public or private structure run by at least two already certified and confirmed FLC surgeons. “Third level certification”: High Specialization Center for Abdominal Wall Surgery. It is a public or private structure, already confirmed as Referral Centers, run by at least three surgeons (two certified and confirmed with FLC and one research fellow in abdominal wall surgery). Both levels of certification have to meet the Surgical Requirements and facilities criteria fixed by the Commission. Conclusion: The creation of different types of Hernia Centers is directed to create two different entities offering the same surgical quality with separate mission: the Referral Center being more dedicated to clinical and surgical activity and High Specialization Centers being more directed to scientific tasks