5 research outputs found

    Clinical aspects of selective grinding of the dental over-contacts in the prosthetic treament of the partial edentation

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    Rezumat. Au fost selectaţi, examenaţi clinic şi paraclinic 132 pacienţi, cu vîrsta cuprinsă între 34—58 ani, cu diferite forme clinice ale edentaţiei parţiale în ocluzia ortognată. S-a constatat, că în evoluţia sa edentaţia parţială produce suprasolicitarea funcţională a dinţilor restanţi ulterior reflectată prin apariţia supracontactelor dento-dentare. Obţinerea unui echilibru ocluzal optimal în tratamentul protetic al acestei patologii necesită şlefuirea selectivă a supracontactelor dentare, cît şi individualizarea reliefului ocluzal a lucrărilor protetice.Summary. There were selected and examined clinically and paraclinically patiens aged between and years, with different clinical forms of partial edentation and with ortognatic occlusion. It was found that in its evolution, partial edentation causes functional overloading of the remaining teeth, reflected afterwards by the appearance of the dento-dental over-contacts. Achieving of an optimal occlusal balance in prosthetic treatment of this pathology requires the selective grinding of the dental over-contacts, as well as the individualization of the occlusal relief of the prosthetic works

    Vezicare® (Solifenacin) efficiency in the treatment of urge urinary incontinence in women

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    Secţia Urologie, IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Catedra Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală, USMF „N.Testemiţanu, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (1-13 iunie 2011)Summary. The imperative incontinence of urine at women is one of the actual problems in modern uroginecology. Research objective is to define clinical efficiency of a medical product Solifenacin (Vezicare®) in conservative treatment of imperative incontinence of urine in women. The treatment full effect was observed in 12 patients (60 %), partial – at 8 patients (40 %), absence of effect from treatment has not been noted

    Canephron drug in urinary lithiasis complex therapy

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    Catedra Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală, USMF „N. Testemiţanu”, Secţia Urologie IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (1-13 iunie 2011)Summary. Conservative treatment of urinary lithiasis has a particular value in case of small, non-obstructive, uninfected reno-uretheral calculi, with short time persistence in the ureter, which are highly probable to be eliminated spontaneously. Herbal drugs play a special role in renal lithiasis treatment. This document refers to a study on a group of 237 patients with reno-ureteral lithiasis, treated in the Urology and Surgical Nephrology Clinic of SMPU „N. Testemitanu”, Republican Clinical Hospital within the period 2008 - 2009. The Canephron N drug effectiveness in the complex treatment of reno-ureteral lithiasis was assessed. The examination of these patients showed that the administration of the complex therapy with Canephron N in reno-ureteral lithiasis favors the spontaneous elimination of small calculi, significantly decreases the level of leucocyturia, especially associated with urinary infection and may be administered in prophylactic purpose in urinary lithiasis

    Dynamics of exopancreatic indexes regarding the volume of radical operation in case of gastric cancer and the conservativ treatment

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    Catedra Hematologie şi Oncologie USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” IMSP Institutul Oncologic, laboratorul gastropulmonologieIn our study we have included 11 patients with gastric cancer radicaly operated, who manifested an acute pancreatitis in the postoperative period. The patients have been examined in the aspect of changing the enzimatic indexes: α-amilase, lipase, C-reactive protein and pancreatic amilase (P-amilase). The first group consisted of 4 patients with direct and large injury of pancreas within the radical enlarged and combined operations, were treated with contrical and sandostatin. The second group was formed of 7 patients, who ungergone radical enlarged operations, were treated only with contrical, so being motivated the easier evolution of acute postoperative pancreatitis, due to a minimal injury of pancreas. The radical enlarged and combined operations in gastric cancer increase the period of hyperfermentemia and increase the risk of severe evolution of acute postoperative pancreatitis. Values of plasmatic amilase to grow up beginning from the operation day and during the first two days after operation, but the period of hyper-α-amilazemia is longer in case of radical enlarged and combined operations. Values of lipase grow too during the first days after operations, despite the data from literature, but the period of hiperlipazemia is longer in cases of radical enlarged and combined operations. C-reactive protein increases during the first postoperative days and maintains until the moment when patients go home. In cases of radical enlarged operations with minimal injury of pancreas, contrical is recommended to be administered intraoperatively and during the first postoperative days it is enough for reglation of exopancreatic disorders. In cases of radical enlarged and combined operation with large direct injury of pancreas or parapancreatic tissue, the administration of sandostatine in the first days after operations is recommended. În studiul clinic am inclus 11 pacienți operați radical pe motiv de cancer gastric, care au manifestat, în perioada postoperatorie, pancreatită acută. Bolnavii au fost investigați în aspectul modificării indicilor enzimatici: α-amilaza, lipaza, proteina C-reactivă și amilaza pancreatică (Pamilaza). Grupul I format din 4 pacienți cu traumatizarea mai profundă a pancreasului în cadrul operațiilor lărgite (limfodisecţie D1 –D3) şi combinate, au fost tratați cu contrical și sandostatin. Grupul II format din 7 pacienți, au suportat operații radicale lărgite, tratați doar cu contrical, astfel fiind argumentată evoluția ușoară a PAPO, rezultată în urma unui traumatism minimal al organului. Operațiile radicale lărgite şi combinate pe motiv de cancer gastric majorează durata hiperfermentemiei și crește riscul evoluției PAPO spre forme severe. Valorile amilazei plazmatice cresc chiar din ziua operației și primele 2 zile ale perioadei postoperatorii, iar durata hiper-α-amilazemiei este mai mare în cazul operațiilor radicale lărgite şi combinate. Valorile lipazei sporesc la fel din primele zile după operație, spre deosebire de datele literaturii, iar durata hiperlipazemiei este mai mare în cazul operațiilor radicale lărgite şi combinate. Proteina Creactivă crește în primele 10 zile postoperator și se menține până la externare. În cadrul operațiilor lărgite, unde traumatismul pancreasului este mai mic, contricalul administrat intraoperator și în primele zile postoperatorii este suficient pentru reglarea disfuncției exopancreasului. În cazul operațiilor radicale lărgite, în timpul cărora are loc un traumatism mai masiv şi direct al pancreasului, sau a țesutului parapancreatic, este argumentată administrarea și a sandostatinei, îndeosebi, din primele zile după operație