2 research outputs found

    Efectos de un programa de Arteterapia sobre la sintomatolog铆a cl铆nica de pacientes con esquizofrenia

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    In this investigation we designed and applied an art therapy program of twelve sessions, where the participants performed, both freely and guided, two-dimensional graphic expressions with the purpose of reducing the schizophrenia鈥檚 clinical symptomatology. It was evaluated in pre and post test sessions using the Social Cognition Scale (GEOPTE) and Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). The quantitative analysis shows difference with statistical significance in only one dependant variable鈥檚 components, referred to the Report of Social Cognition by the institution鈥檚 health staff. Te results are discussed taking into consideration qualitative information collected in a naturalistic way.En esta investigaci贸n en se dise帽贸 y aplic贸 un Programa de Arteterapia de doce sesiones, en donde los participantes realizaron expresiones gr谩ficas bidimensionales ejecutadas tanto de forma libre como guiadas, con el objetivo de reducir la sintomatolog铆a cl铆nica de la Esquizofrenia, la cual fue evaluada en condiciones de pre y post test mediante las Escalas de Cognici贸n Social (GEOPTE) y de S铆ntomas Positivos y Negativos (PANSS). El an谩lisis cuantitativo realizado reflej贸 diferencia estad铆sticamente significativa 煤nicamente en el componente de la variable dependiente referido al reporte de la cognici贸n social por parte del personal de salud de la instituci贸n. Los resultados son discutidos considerando informaci贸n cualitativa recabada de manera anecd贸tica

    Effects of an art therapy Program on the clinical symptomatology of patients with schizophrenia

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    In this investigation we designed and applied an art therapy program of twelve sessions, where the participants performed, both freely and guided, two-dimensional graphic expressions with the purpose of reducing the schizophrenia鈥檚 clinical symptomatology. It was evaluated in pre and post test sessions using the Social Cognition Scale (GEOPTE) and Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). The quantitative analysis shows difference with statistical significance in only one dependant variable鈥檚 components, referred to the Report of Social Cognition by the institution鈥檚 health staff. Te results are discussed taking into consideration qualitative information collected in a naturalistic way