13 research outputs found

    Evaluación nutricional, caracterización de compuestos bioactivos y actividad antioxidante de la pulpa y piel de diferentes variedades de clementinas

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    Los cítricos y en particular las clementinas son una de las frutas frescas más consumidas en España, aunque también se comercializan como productos de IV Gama. Destacan por la presencia de compuestos bioactivos y funcionales tales como la vitamina C (principalmente como ácido ascórbico, AA), carotenoides y fibra. Su piel, subproducto derivado del procesamiento de estas frutas, presenta aplicaciones industriales tales como la fabricación de piensos, además puede considerarse una importante fuente de componentes bioactivos (tocoferoles y ácidos grasos) de gran interés para su utilización como ingrediente funcional. En el presente trabajo, se ha estudiado tres variedades de clementinas (Basol, Clemenrubí y Clemensoon) recolectadas en dos estadios diferentes de maduración durante la campaña de otoño-invierno de 2013. Determinándose el contenido de nutrientes (hidratos de carbono, proteínas, grasa y minerales), compuestos bioactivos (ácidos orgánicos, vitamina C, tocoferoles, perfil de ácidos grasos) y actividad antioxidante in vitro (ensayo de DPPH, poder reductor e inhibición de la decoloración del β-caroteno) de la pulpa, así como la caracterización en compuestos bioactivos y actividad antioxidante in vitro de la piel. En general, la pulpa destaca por su contenido en fibra total (alrededor de 2g/100g, destacando la fracción soluble), bajo contenido en grasa (inferior al 0.1%) y elevado contenido de vitamina C (102 mg/100 g, en la variedad Basol) principalmente en forma de AA, que aumenta ligeramente con la maduración. Mientras que las pieles pueden considerarse como una buena fuente de tocoferoles (38 mg/100g, en Basol), principalmente α-tocoferol (37.66 mg/ 100g), así como una buena fuente de ácido linoleico (C18:2n6; alrededor del 40%). Tanto la pulpa como la piel presentan buenos resultados de actividad antioxidante total, obtenidos a través del ensayo de poder reductor. Por su parte, la piel también destaca por sus buenos resultados frente al ensayo de inhibición de la peroxidación lipídica

    Lentil flour formulations to develop new snack-type products by extrusion processing: phytochemicals and antioxidant capacity

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    Extrusion process has been generally applied to the production of cereal-based snacks. However, in recent years, extrusion process has been also used for the development of pulses-based snacks, with few studies focussing on the incorporation of these food ingredients to obtain bioactive compounds enriched snacks with acceptable quality. The effects of the extrusion processing on fiber (soluble and insoluble), total available carbohydrates, tocopherols, organic acids, total phenolics, hydroxycinnamic acids, hydroxybenzoic acids and flavonols, as well as on the antioxidant capacity of different lentil-based, fiber-enriched flours were evaluated. Total dietary fiber (TDF) in the extruded flours ranged between 7.49 and 10.22 g/100 g, with a decrease from 6 to 37% which correlated with a significant increase in the fiber soluble fraction. α-, γ- and δ-Tocopherols were characterized in all the analyzed samples, being γ-tocopherol the major isoform, before and after extrusion. Additionally, a marked decrease of 83 to 94% in total tocopherol content after extrusion processing was observed and the decrease was more significant on quinic acid content. Conversely, an increase in most polyphenolic fractions was observed, probably due to the effect of extrusion process to induce hydrolysis of polyphenols bound fiber and/or proteins moieties, changing from non-extractable to extractable polyphenols. Similar increase in antioxidant activity was also observed in most formulated lentil-based flours, measured by four different antioxidant assays. Only flavonols presented an extensive content decrease of about 62 to 82%, after extrusion treatment.The authors are grateful to ALIMNOVA research group (UCM-GR35/10A) and to the CIMO research centre (Pest-OE/AGR/UI0690/2014) for financial support, and L. Barros’ research contract (“Compromisso para a Ciência 2008”)

    Nutrient composition of Algerian strawberry-tree fruits (Arbutus unedo L.)

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    Arbutus unedo L. (strawberry-tree fruit) is indigenous plant in North Africa with few published works about the composition of its fruits. For their valorization, morphological and chemical characterizations were carried out for two harvesting seasons of four different areas of Algeria. Materials and methods. Wild strawberry-tree fruits were collected in four different sites located in Tell Atlas, and two different seasons. Fruit size and shape, pH, titratable acidity, moisture, total available carbohydrate (TAC), soluble sugars, dietary fiber, protein, lipid, ash, fatty acids and mineral composition (K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Ni and Cd) were determined. Results and discussion. Fruit contents (in g kg−1) varied between 637.3 ± 33.8 to 741.3 ±12.0, 126.8 ± 11.1 to 189.3 ± 4.1, 22.6 ± 2.2 to 35.5 ± 2.1, 5.1 ± 0.3 to 8.8 ± 0.5 for moisture, TAC, protein and lipid, respectively. For iron, fruit weight and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), the contents varied between 7.01 ± 0.15 to 17.24 ± 0.74 mg kg−1 of fruit, 4.91 ± 1.58 to 6.76 ± 2.04 g and 56.34 ± 1.37 to 68.18 ± 0.14% of lipid, respectively. Conclusion. This study provides original data about the morphological and chemical composition of strawberry-tree fruits from Algeria. The results show that the fruits can be essentially a potential source of dietary fiber, PUFA and iron.The authors are grateful to the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for funding the study; to ALIMNOVA research group (UCMGR35/10A) for financial support and to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support to CIMO (Pest-OE/AGR/UI0690/2015) and L. Barros (SFRH/BPD/107855/2015)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sanguinello and Tarocco (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck): Bioactive compounds and colour appearance of blood oranges

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    Sanguinello and Tarocco (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck) are the most common and widespread blood oranges varieties in the Mediterranean climate area. Its interest is increasing mainly due to nutritional and organoleptic properties. In this work, three blood orange varieties cultivated in Spain (Sanguinelli, Tarocco Rosso and Tarocco Ippolito) were characterized in relation to physicochemical parameters and relevant bioactive compounds (vitamin C, organic acids, flavonoids and anthocyanins) as well as colour characterization. All samples showed important vitamin C values (higher than 54.9 mg/100 g of edible portion). Flavonoids represent the largest family of phenolic compounds, being hesperidin, the major flavonoid. Ten different anthocyanins were identified in blood oranges, seven cyanidin derivatives and three delphinidin derivatives, being the most abundant cyanidin 3-(6″-malonylglucoside) and cyanidin 3-glucoside. Blood oranges can show an intense reddish colour in peel whereas the pulp has a yellow-orange colour. Overall, these varieties are good sources of bioactive compounds.Authors are grateful to OTRI UCM-ANECOOP S. Coop. (322-2015) project for financial support, and Dr. Ángel del Pino researcher for samples collection. The authors are also grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology ( FCT , Portugal) and FEDER under Programme PT2020 for financial support to CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2013) and L. Barros contract; also to FEDER-Interreg España-Portugal programme for financial support through the project 0377_Iberphenol_6_E.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Review of the Role of Micronutrients and Bioactive Compounds on Immune System Supporting to Fight against the COVID-19 Disease

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    Micronutrients are critical for an adequate function of the immune system and play a vital role in promoting health and nutritional well-being. The present work is aimed at reviewing (1) the role of micronutrients in helping the immune system to fight against the COVID-19 disease through the diet with food or food supplements and (2) the potential use of food health claims regarding immune function according to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) requirements. Till date, there are some health claims authorized by the European Commission that refer to the role of certain essential nutrients (vitamins B6 , B9 , B12, A, D, C, and Cu, Fe, Se) to contribute to the proper functioning of the immune system. Vitamins D, C, Zn, and Se, have been thoroughly studied as a strategy to improve the immune system to fight against COVID-19 disease. From all the micronutrients, Vitamin D is the one with more scientific evidence suggesting positive effects against COVID-19 disease as it is linked to a reduction of infection rates, as well as an improved outcomes in patients. To validate scientific evidence, different clinical trials are ongoing currently, with promising preliminary results although inconclusive yet

    Nutritional value, bioactives compounds and antioxidant activity of citrus: clementines and and red oranges

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Farmacia, Departamento de Nutrición y Bromatología II (Bromatología), leída el 30-06-2017El principal objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral ha sido evaluar la calidad nutricional y funcional de distintas frutas cítricas, clementinas y naranjas pigmentadas, mediante el estudio de su contenido en nutrientes y compuestos bioactivos, así como la evaluación de su actividad biológica antioxidante. Para su cumplimiento se han desarrollado dos estudios. El primer estudio se ha centrado en el análisis de tres variedades extra precoces de clementinas, Citrus clementina Hort. Ex Tan. Basol, Clemenrubí y Clemensoon recolectadas en dos estados de maduración diferentes, estado de maduración intermedio y estado de maduración organoléptico, correspondientes a las campañas de otoño de tres años consecutivos, 2011 a 2013. El segundo estudio se centró en el análisis de dos variedades y cuatro tipos de naranja pigmentada, Sanguinelli Citrus sinensis L. cv Sanguinelli y Tarocco Citrus sinensis L. cv Tarocco, Tarocco Rosso, Tarocco T. 70 y Tarocco T. 100, las cuales fueron recolectadas en tres momentos a lo largo de la campaña de invierno primavera de 2015. Con una selección adecuada de métodos analíticos se determinó el valor nutricional, contenido en compuestos bioactivos, compuestos fenólicos, ácidos orgánicos, vitamina C y evaluación de capacidad antioxidante, utilizando métodos oficiales disponibles o validados según la bibliografía científica disponible. La clementina Basol se caracterizó por alto contenido en compuestos fenólicos entre 5,94 y 8,42 mg por 100g de porción comestible, tanto flavonoides 2,58 a 4,87, como ácidos fenólicos 3,36 a 3,55, Fe 0,22 a 0,49 mg por 100g, ácido cítrico 465,57 a 680,18 mg por 100g, y mayor actividad antioxidante de carácter hidrófilo medida mediante el ensayo del poder reductor, mostrando los valores de EC50 más bajos entre 1,32 y 2,46 mg por mL y mediante el ensayo de inhibición de decoloración de beta caroteno, inhibición de la peroxidación lipídica 0,21 a 0,82 mg por mL...Depto. de Nutrición y Ciencia de los AlimentosFac. de FarmaciaTRUEunpu

    Estudio del color en variedades de naranjas pigmentadas (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck)

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    En los últimos años ha ido creciendo el interés en las naranjas pigmentadas, tanto por su contenido en compuestos bioactivos antioxidantes, como son las antocianinas y los carotenoides, como por su atractivo color naranja-rojizo de la piel y pulpa. En el presente trabajo se han estudiado tres variedades de naranjas pigmentadas (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck), Sanguinelli, Tarocco Rosso (T-Rosso) y Tarocco T-70 (T-70), en diferentes momentos de recolección (otoño-invierno 2015), procedentes de Valencia. En ellas, se ha medido el color de la pulpa y piel a partir de un sistema de adquisición de datos expresado en el espacio cromático CIELAB y la determinación de los parámetros L (luminosidad), a* y b*, así como el índice de saturación C y se ha determinado en la pulpa el contenido de antocianinas (HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS) y carotenoides (HPLC-UV). En cuanto a la medida del color de la pulpa, destacan las variedades Sanguinelli y T-70 por presentar los mayores valores del parámetro a* (rojo), y la variedad T-Rosso con los valores superiores en los parámetros intensidad de color amarillo, luminosidad e índice de saturación (b*, L* y C). Si bien T-70 y T-Rosso, son las variedades que mostraron los valores más elevados para todos los parámetros analizados, no se han encontrado correlaciones entre la coloración externa de la fruta (piel) y la de la pulpa. Las variedades analizadas presentaron contenidos totales de antocianinas máximos de 11,01-76,12 mg/100 g sobre substancia fresca (ssf) correspondientes a T-70, identificándose un total de 10 compuestos diferentes, principalmente cianidin 3-(6´´-malonil) glucósido, cianidin 3-glucósido y cianidin 3-soforósido. El carotenoide identificado y cuantificado en todas las variedades fue el β-caroteno (0,59 mg/100 g, T-70). En general, el contenido de antocianinas analizadas en las variedades de naranjas pigmentadas estudiadas no mostró correlaciones con ningún parámetro de color, siendo el β-caroteno el compuesto bioactivo que más contribuyó al mismo.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el proyecto OTRI UCM- ANECOOP S. (Referencia 25/2015), el grupo de investigación ALIMNOVAUCM (951505) y la Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) por el apoyo financiero a la CIMO (proyecto estratégico UID/AGR/00690/2013) y a POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006984 (LA LSRE-LCM) financiado por el FEDER a través de POCI-COMPETE2020 y FCT. L. Barros agradece a la FCT por su beca (SFRH/BPD/107855/2015).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sanguinello and Tarocco (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck): Bioactive compounds and colour appearance of blood oranges

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    Sanguinello and Tarocco (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck) are the most common and widespread blood oranges varieties in the Mediterranean climate area. Its interest is increasing mainly due to nutritional and organoleptic properties. In this work, three blood orange varieties cultivated in Spain (Sanguinelli, Tarocco Rosso and Tarocco Ippolito) were characterized in relation to physicochemical parameters and relevant bioactive compounds (vitamin C, organic acids, flavonoids and anthocyanins) as well as colour characterization. All samples showed important vitamin C values (higher than 54.9 mg/100 g of edible portion). Flavonoids represent the largest family of phenolic compounds, being hesperidin, the major flavonoid. Ten different anthocyanins were identified in blood oranges, seven cyanidin derivatives and three delphinidin derivatives, being the most abundant cyanidin 3-(6″-malonylglucoside) and cyanidin 3-glucoside. Blood oranges can show an intense reddish colour in peel whereas the pulp has a yellow-orange colour. Overall, these varieties are good sources of bioactive compounds.OTRI UCM-ANECOOP S. Coop.Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal)FEDERDepto. de Nutrición y Ciencia de los AlimentosFac. de FarmaciaTRUEpu

    Lentil flour formulations to develop new snack-type products by extrusion processing: Phytochemicals and antioxidant capacity

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    The effects of extrusion processing on fibre (soluble and insoluble), total available carbohydrates, tocopherols, organic acids, total phenolics, flavonols, hydroxycinnamic and hydroxybenzoic acids, as well as on the antioxidant capacity of different fibre-enriched lentil flours, were evaluated before and after extrusion process. Total dietary fibre was partially decreased after extrusion, which correlated with a significant increase in the soluble fibre fraction. γ-tocopherol was the major isoform, before and after extrusion. Additionally, a marked decrease of 83–94% in total tocopherols content after extrusion was observed. Conversely, an increase in most polyphenolic fractions was found, probably due to the effect of extrusion in the hydrolysis of polyphenols bound to fibre and proteins, with an increase in antioxidant activity. Only flavonols presented an extensive decrease (62–82%) after treatment. The novel pulse-based flours, enriched with gluten-free soluble and insoluble fibres, provide snack-type products with a balanced nutritional and antioxidants composition.Grupo de Investigación ALIMNOVAUniversidad Complutense de MadridCentro de Investigação de Montanha(Portugal)Depto. de Nutrición y Ciencia de los AlimentosFac. de FarmaciaTRUEpu