10 research outputs found


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    Articolul descrie comparativ efectele adverse şi eficienţa tratamentelor disponibile prin Casa Naţională de Asigurări de Sănătate (CNAS) pentru hepatita cronică de tip C, pe o populaţie de pacienţi monitorizată în Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infecţioase şi Tropicale „Dr.V. Babeş“, în perioada 2012-2016. Populaţia a fost împărţită în două loturi pentru care s-a realizat înregistrarea caracteristicilor demografice şi clinico-paraclinice în baza de date, precum şi o analiză comparativă. S-a constatat un succes evident în privinţa atingerii indicatorului clinic SVR pentru terapia de tip DAA, 87% în lotul B comparativ cu 2% pentru vechiul standard PegInterferon + Ribavirin, în lotul A. De asemenea, ponderea efectelor adverse este mult scăzută la lotul B faţă de lotul A. Rămân anumite efecte adverse – specifice tratamentului CNAS actual pentru pacienţii cu ciroză, care trebuiesc monitorizate cu atenţie

    Harmonizing Biodiversity Conservation and Productivity in the Context of Increasing Demands on Landscapes

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    Biodiversity conservation and agricultural production are often seen as mutually exclusive objectives. Strategies for reconciling them are intensely debated. We argue that harmonization between biodiversity conservation and crop production can be improved by increasing our understanding of the underlying relationships between them. We provide a general conceptual framework that links biodiversity and agricultural production through the separate relationships between land use and biodiversity and between land use and production. Hypothesized relationships are derived by synthesizing existing empirical and theoretical ecological knowledge. The framework suggests nonlinear relationships caused by the multifaceted impacts of land use (composition, configuration, and intensity). We propose solutions for overcoming the apparently dichotomous aims of maximizing either biodiversity conservation or agricultural production and suggest new hypotheses that emerge from our proposed framework

    Incorporating threat in hotspots and coldspots of biodiversity and ecosystem services

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    Spatial prioritization could help target conservation actions directed to maintain both biodiversity and ecosystem services. We delineate hotspots and coldspots of two biodiversity conservation features and five regulating and cultural services by incorporating an indicator of ‘threat’, i.e. timber harvest profitability for forest areas in Telemark (Norway). We found hotspots, where high values of biodiversity, ecosystem services and threat coincide, ranging from 0.1 to 7.1% of the area, depending on varying threshold levels. Targeting of these areas for conservation follows reactive conservation approaches. In coldspots, high biodiversity and ecosystem service values coincide with low levels of threat, and cover 0.1–3.4% of the forest area. These areas might serve proactive conservation approaches at lower opportunity cost (foregone timber harvest profits). We conclude that a combination of indicators of biodiversity, ecosystem services and potential threat is an appropriate approach for spatial prioritization of proactive and reactive conservation strategies.acceptedVersio