29 research outputs found

    Position-agnostic Algebraic Estimation of 6G V2X MIMO Channels via Unsupervised Learning

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    MIMO systems in the context of 6G Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) will require an accurate channel knowledge to enable efficient communication. Standard channel estimation techniques, such as Unconstrained Maximum Likelihood (U-ML), are extremely noisy in massive MIMO settings, while structured approaches, e.g., compressed sensing, are sensitive to hardware impairments. We propose a novel multi-vehicular algebraic channel estimation method for 6G V2X based on unsupervised learning which exploits recurrent vehicle passages in typical urban settings. Multiple training sequences from different vehicle passages are clustered via K-medoids algorithm based on their algebraic similarity to retrieve the MIMO channel eigenmodes, which can be used to improve the channel estimates. Numerical results show the presence of an optimal number of clusters and remarkable benefits of the proposed method in terms of Mean Squared Error (MSE) compared to standard U-ML solution (15 dB less)

    Deep Learning of Transferable MIMO Channel Modes for 6G V2X Communications

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    In the emerging high mobility vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications using millimeter wave (mmWave) and sub-THz, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel estimation is an extremely challenging task. At mmWaves/sub-THz frequencies, MIMO channels exhibit few leading paths in the space-time (ST) domain (i.e., directions or arrival/departure and delays). Algebraic low-rank (LR) channel estimation exploits ST channel sparsity through the computation of position-dependent MIMO channel eigenmodes leveraging recurrent training vehicle passages in the coverage cell. LR requires vehicles' geographical positions and tens to hundreds of training vehicles' passages for each position, leading to significant complexity and control signaling overhead. Here, we design a deep-learning (DL)-based LR channel estimation method to infer MIMO channel eigenmodes in V2X urban settings, starting from a single least squares (LS) channel estimate and without needing vehicle's position information. Numerical results show that the proposed method attains comparable mean squared error (mse) performance as the position-based LR. Moreover, we show that the proposed model can be trained on a reference scenario and be effectively transferred to urban contexts with different ST channel features, providing comparable mse performance without an explicit transfer learning procedure. This result eases the deployment in arbitrary dense urban scenarios

    Position-agnostic Algebraic Estimation of 6G V2X MIMO Channels via Unsupervised Learning

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    MIMO systems in the context of 6G Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) will require an accurate channel knowledge to enable efficient communication. Standard channel estimation techniques, such as Unconstrained Maximum Likelihood (U-ML), are extremely noisy in massive MIMO settings, while structured approaches, e.g., compressed sensing, are sensitive to hardware impairments. We propose a novel multi-vehicular algebraic channel estimation method for 6G V2X based on unsupervised learning which exploits recurrent vehicle passages in typical urban settings. Multiple training sequences from different vehicle passages are clustered via K-medoids algorithm based on their algebraic similarity to retrieve the MIMO channel eigenmodes, which can be used to improve the channel estimates. Numerical results show the presence of an optimal number of clusters and remarkable benefits of the proposed method in terms of Mean Squared Error (MSE) compared to standard U-ML solution (15 dB less)

    The petrographic examination of impasto pottery from Vivara and the Aeolian Islands: a case for inter-island pottery exchange in the Bronze Age of southern Italy

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    The petrographic study of pottery from Punta di Mezzogiorno and Punta Capitello has identifyed in Vivara both imported pottery from The Aeolian Islands and the existence of a trade in clay for pottery making

    Analisi archeometrica della ceramica dell'etĂ  del bronzo di Coppa Nevigata (FG): alcune implicazioni archeologiche

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    Analisi minero-petrografiche e chimiche (XRF) di 150 campioni ceramica da Coppa Nefigata (FG) del Bronzo medio e recente (dal protoappenninico al subappenninico). Vengono evidenziate le principlai materie prime impiegate nella manifattura (tutte locali) e i cambiamenti diacronici. Si sottolinea l'esitenza di impasti ceramici che utilizzano come correttivo le pomici dell'eruzione vesuviana "di Avellino" (identificate grazie all'anaolisi alla microsonda dei pirosseni). Si discutono infine alcune scelte tecnologiche relative alla diversa utilizzazione di materia prime per vasi di diverse forme e funzioni