575 research outputs found

    A three-qubit interpretation of BPS and non-BPS STU black holes

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    Following the recent trend we develop further the black hole analogy between quantum information theory and the theory of extremal stringy black hole solutions. We show that the three-qubit interpretation of supersymmetric black hole solutions in the STU model can be extended also to include non-supersymmetric ones. First we show that the black hole potential can be expressed as one half the norm of a suitably chosen three-qubit entangled state containing the quantized charges and the moduli. The extremization of the black hole potential in terms of this entangled state amounts to either supressing bit flip errors (BPS-case) or allowing very special types of flips transforming the states between different classes of non-BPS solutions. We are illustrating our results for the example of the D2-D6 system. In this case the bit flip errors are corresponding to sign flip errors of the charges originating from the number of D2 branes. After moduli stabilization the states depending entirely on the charges are maximally entangled graph states (of the triangle graph) well-known from quantum information theory. An N=8 interpretation of the STU-model in terms of a mixed state with fermionic purifications is also given.Comment: 35 page

    Equation of state of low--density neutron matter and the 1S0^1S_0 pairing gap

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    We report results of the equation of state of neutron matter in the low--density regime, where the Fermi wave vector ranges from 0.4fm−1≤kF≤1.0fm−10.4 fm^{-1} \leq k_F \leq 1.0 fm^{-1}. Neutron matter in this regime is superfluid because of the strong and attractive interaction in the 1S0^1S_0 channel. The properties of this superfluid matter are calculated starting from a realistic Hamiltonian that contains modern two-- and three--body interactions. The ground state energy and the 1S0^1S_0 superfluid energy gap are calculated using the Auxiliary Field Diffusion Monte Carlo method. We study the structure of the ground state by looking at pair distribution functions as well as the Cooper-pair wave function used in the calculations.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Second order perturbation theory for spin-orbit resonances

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    We implement Lie transform perturbation theory to second order for the planar spin-orbit problem. The perturbation parameter is the asphericity of the body, with the orbital eccentricity entering as an additional parameter. We study first and second order resonances for different values of these parameters. For nearly spherical bodies like Mercury and the Moon first order perturbation theory is adequate, whereas for highly aspherical bodies like Hyperion the spin is mostly chaotic and perturbation theory is of limited use. However, in between, we identify a parameter range where second order perturbation theory is useful and where as yet unidentified objects may be in second order resonances.Comment: To appear in A

    E_7 and the tripartite entanglement of seven qubits

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    In quantum information theory, it is well known that the tripartite entanglement of three qubits is described by the group [SL(2,C)]^3 and that the entanglement measure is given by Cayley's hyperdeterminant. This has provided an analogy with certain N=2 supersymmetric black holes in string theory, whose entropy is also given by the hyperdeterminant. In this paper, we extend the analogy to N=8. We propose that a particular tripartite entanglement of seven qubits, encoded in the Fano plane, is described by the exceptional group E_7(C) and that the entanglement measure is given by Cartan's quartic E_7 invariant.Comment: Minor improvements. 15 page late

    Topics in Cubic Special Geometry

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    We reconsider the sub-leading quantum perturbative corrections to N=2 cubic special Kaehler geometries. Imposing the invariance under axion-shifts, all such corrections (but the imaginary constant one) can be introduced or removed through suitable, lower unitriangular symplectic transformations, dubbed Peccei-Quinn (PQ) transformations. Since PQ transformations do not belong to the d=4 U-duality group G4, in symmetric cases they generally have a non-trivial action on the unique quartic invariant polynomial I4 of the charge representation R of G4. This leads to interesting phenomena in relation to theory of extremal black hole attractors; namely, the possibility to make transitions between different charge orbits of R, with corresponding change of the supersymmetry properties of the supported attractor solutions. Furthermore, a suitable action of PQ transformations can also set I4 to zero, or vice versa it can generate a non-vanishing I4: this corresponds to transitions between "large" and "small" charge orbits, which we classify in some detail within the "special coordinates" symplectic frame. Finally, after a brief account of the action of PQ transformations on the recently established correspondence between Cayley's hyperdeterminant and elliptic curves, we derive an equivalent, alternative expression of I4, with relevant application to black hole entropy.Comment: 1+39 page

    Global competencies in family medicine

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    Introduction:This project was devised to provide a global snapshot of required national competencies in Family Medicine, and is the result of an international collaboration of the International Fellowship of Primary Care Research Networks (IFPCRN). The Research team, which devised the questionnaire and original list of competencies, was drawn from around 30 countries and 15 countries responded to the questionnaire and contributed national data. These countries however represented close to two thirds of our global population and included Low, Middle and High Income countries (based on World Bank Purchasing price Parity (PPP) 2005) as well Parity (PPP) 2005) as well as representing a good cross section of climatological, socio economic and geographical situations. Aims and Objectives: To compile a list of competencies required of global family doctors, via global consultation, and use them in the form of a questionnaire to survey national family medicine representatives to ascertain if family doctors are required to be competent in these disciplines. The Objective is to provide a ‘global snapshot’ of competencies and trends in family medicine Materials and Methods: A representative list of family medicine competencies was compiled by an International Fellowship of Primary Care Research Networks (IFPCRN) group, from 30 countries over a 3-month period, commencing June 2009. A list of 57 expanded items, and 44 core items was then compiled and formed the basis of a questionnaire, with provision for adding additional competencies that did not appear in the list of 57. This was broadcast by list server to the IFPCRN email group. Results: 15 Family medicine/ primary care representatives completed the survey on behalf of their nation (or region in the case of West Africa). Results showed a trend toward a globally standard curriculum but still much variation in competencies taught

    The falling chain of Hopkins, Tait, Steele and Cayley

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    A uniform, flexible and frictionless chain falling link by link from a heap by the edge of a table falls with an acceleration g/3g/3 if the motion is nonconservative, but g/2g/2 if the motion is conservative, gg being the acceleration due to gravity. Unable to construct such a falling chain, we use instead higher-dimensional versions of it. A home camcorder is used to measure the fall of a three-dimensional version called an xyzxyz-slider. After frictional effects are corrected for, its vertical falling acceleration is found to be ax/g=0.328±0.004a_x/g = 0.328 \pm 0.004. This result agrees with the theoretical value of ax/g=1/3a_x/g = 1/3 for an ideal energy-conserving xyzxyz-slider.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Matrix permanent and quantum entanglement of permutation invariant states

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    We point out that a geometric measure of quantum entanglement is related to the matrix permanent when restricted to permutation invariant states. This connection allows us to interpret the permanent as an angle between vectors. By employing a recently introduced permanent inequality by Carlen, Loss and Lieb, we can prove explicit formulas of the geometric measure for permutation invariant basis states in a simple way.Comment: 10 page

    Pfaffian pairing wave functions in electronic structure quantum Monte Carlo

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    We investigate the accuracy of trial wave function for quantum Monte Carlo based on pfaffian functional form with singlet and triplet pairing. Using a set of first row atoms and molecules we find that these wave functions provide very consistent and systematic behavior in recovering the correlation energies on the level of 95%. In order to get beyond this limit we explore the possibilities of multi-pfaffian pairing wave functions. We show that a small number of pfaffians recovers another large fraction of the missing correlation energy comparable to the larger-scale configuration interaction wave functions. We also find that pfaffians lead to substantial improvements in fermion nodes when compared to Hartree-Fock wave functions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, submitted to PR

    Tripartite Entanglement in Noninertial Frame

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    The tripartite entanglement is examined when one of the three parties moves with a uniform acceleration with respect to other parties. As Unruh effect indicates, the tripartite entanglement exhibits a decreasing behavior with increasing the acceleration. Unlike the bipartite entanglement, however, the tripartite entanglement does not completely vanish in the infinite acceleration limit. If the three parties, for example, share the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger or W-state initially, the corresponding π\pi-tangle, one of the measures for tripartite entanglement, is shown to be π/6∼0.524\pi/6 \sim 0.524 or 0.176 in this limit, respectively. This fact indicates that the tripartite quantum information processing may be possible even if one of the parties approaches to the Rindler horizon. The physical implications of this striking result are discussed in the context of black hole physics.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure
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