2,002 research outputs found

    Organizational Learning: A Process Between Equilibrium and Evolution

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    This paper aims to analyze learning as a two-type process. A dynamic equilibrium process represents a stable learning process, that may express an individualistic behavioral learning or an organizational adaptation. A teleological process represents an intentional, goal-oriented, learning process. This second type of learning can express an individualistic cognitive learning or a managerial organizational change. It is argued that this learning typology can helps to understand why similar organizations or individuals may learn differently when confronted to the same environmental stimuli.Dynamic Equilibrium; Learning; Organizational Learning; Teleology

    Ex Post and Ex Ante Coordination: Principles of Coherence in Organizations and Markets

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    In the traditional trade-off between internalization and externalization, economists tend to undervalue the role of intentionality (Williamson 1991) and to accord a dominant place to market coordinating devices (ex post coordination) compared to hierarchical coordinating devices (ex ante coordination). The aim of this paper is to show how the introduction of the concept of coherence, which is frequently invoked by economists in order to apprehend the firm specificities (Holmstrom 1999), may help to revaluate the trade-off between markets and firms in the advantage of the later. In particular, it will be shown that the attributes of coherence in ex post coordinating devices are fundamentally different from the ones that can be found in ex ante coordination systems.coherence; ex post coordination; ex ante coordination; order; rules; abstract rules; concrete rules; Hayek; Bateson

    Comparison of Absorption, Fluorescence, and Polarization Spectroscopy of Atomic Rubidium

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    An ongoing spectroscopic investigation of atomic rubidium utilizes a two-photon, single-laser excitation process. Transitions accessible with our tunable laser include 5P1/2 (F â€Č ) ← 5S1/2 (F) and 5P3/2 (F â€Č ) ← 5S1/2 (F). The laser is split into a pump and probe beam to allow for Doppler-free measurements of transitions between hyperfine levels. The pump and probe beams are overlapped in a counter-propagating geometry and the laser frequency scans over a transition. Absorption, fluorescence and polarization spectroscopy techniques are applied to this basic experimental setup. The temperature of the vapor cell and the power of the pump and probe beams have been varied to explore line broadening effects and signal-to-noise of each technique. This humble setup will hopefully grow into a more robust experimental arrangement in which double resonance, two-laser excitations are used to explore hyperfine state changing collisions between rubidium atoms and noble gas atoms. Rb-noble gas collisions can transfer population between hyperfine levels, such as 5P3/2 (F â€Č = 3) Collision ←− 5P3/2 (F â€Č = 2), and the probe beam couples 7S1/2 (F â€Čâ€Č = 2) ← 5P3/2 (F â€Č = 3). Polarization spectroscopy signal depends on the rate of population transfer due to the collision as well as maintaining the orientation created by the pump laser. Fluorescence spectroscopy relies only on transfer of population due to the collision. Comparison of these techniques yields information regarding the change of the magnetic sublevels, mF , during hyperfine state changing collisions

    Debt crisis in the Eurozone

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    Concurrence: de quoi parlons-nous?

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    Rarement concept Ă©conomique n’a Ă©tĂ© autant diffusĂ© et autant mal dĂ©fini que le concept de concurrence. Selon les Ă©coles de pensĂ©e la concurrence relĂšve soit d’un processus dynamique porteur d’innovations, soit d’une structure de marchĂ© garantissant des prix faibles et des produits homogĂšnes. Or, ces deux visions, contradictoires entre elles, sont utilisĂ©es ensemble pour vanter les bienfaits d’une norme qui ferait de la concurrence le pivot d’une autorĂ©gulation harmonieuse des marchĂ©s. Il y a lĂ  cependant un vĂ©ritable « triangle d’incompatibilitĂ©s », puisque les trois objectifs assignĂ©s Ă  la politique de la concurrence que sont l’émulation productive, l’autorĂ©gulation performante et la maximisation du bien-ĂȘtre des consommateurs apparaissent incompa­tibles entre eux. D’autre part, la clarification du concept de concurrence pourrait ĂȘtre l’occasion d’une remise en question de la conception nĂ©oclassique des marchĂ©s et de sa courbe d’offre

    NTIC and the managing of Information in the Globalization

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    Cognitive and behavioral learning in organizational change

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    More than thirty years after Argyris and Schön (1978) dedicated a book to the subject, organizational learning theories still have difficulties to elaborate a common vocabulary and definitions set. Following Argyris and Schön seminal work, some management researchers and psycho-sociologists emphasized the cognitive aspects of organizational learning, trying to determine the best organizational practices that should be implemented in a group. On the other hand, behavioral and evolutionist economists are studying organizational learning by focusing on routines, seen as practices that are used tacitly by a team in order to solve a recurrent problem. In this paper, we aim to conciliate these two conceptions of organizational learning by showing that, unlike the psycho-sociologists say, organizational learning and organizational change must be seen as the two sides of the same idea, and unlike behavioral economists say, the role of collective intentions and collective psychology appears to be determinant if one wants to understand the specific dynamics of any organizational learning process

    La fin du billet de 500 euros ? C'est une trĂšs bonne chose. Il est plus que temps

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    La Banque centrale europĂ©enne rĂ©flĂ©chit Ă  retirer les billets de 500 euros de la circulation. Elle pourrait mĂȘme annoncer ce mercredi qu\u27elle renonce Ă  imprimer ces coupures, accusĂ©es de jouer un rĂŽle important dans le financement du terrorisme et des trafics. Une mesure pertinente ? Éclairage de l\u27Ă©conomiste David Cayla, membre du collectif des Économistes atterrĂ©s

    Organizational Learning: A Process Between Equilibrium and Evolution

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    International audienceThis paper aims to analyze learning as a two-type process. A dynamic equilibrium process represents a stable learning process, that may express an individualistic behavioral learning or an organizational adaptation. A teleological process represents an intentional, goal-oriented, learning process. This second type of learning can express an individualistic cognitive learning or a managerial organizational change. It is argued that this learning typology can helps to understand why similar organizations or individuals may learn differently when confronted to the same environmental stimuli
