11 research outputs found

    The triple helix of clinical, research, and education missions in academic health centers: A qualitative study of diverse stakeholder perspectives.

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    Introduction: Academic health centers are poised to improve health through their clinical, education, and research missions. However, these missions often operate in silos. The authors explored stakeholder perspectives at diverse institutions to understand challenges and identify alignment strategies. Methods: Authors used an exploratory qualitative design and thematic analysis approach with data obtained from electronic surveys sent to participants at five U.S. academic health centers (2017-18), with four different types of medical school/health system partnerships. Participants included educators, researchers, system leaders, administrators, clinical providers, resident/fellow physicians, and students. Investigators coded data using constant comparative analysis, met regularly to reconcile uncertainties, and collapsed/combined categories. Results: Of 175 participants invited, 113 completed the survey (65%). Three results categories were identified. First, five higher-order themes emerged related to aligning missions, including (a) shared vision and strategies, (b) alignment of strategy with community needs, (c) tension of economic drivers, (d) coproduction of knowledge, and (e) unifying set of concepts spanning all missions. Second, strategies for each mission were identified, including education (new competencies, instructional methods, recruitment), research (shifting agenda, developing partnerships, operations), and clinical operations (delivery models, focus on patient factors/needs, value-based care, well-being). Lastly, strategies for integrating each dyadic mission pair, including research-education, clinical operations education, and research-clinical operations, were identified. Conclusions: Academic health centers are at a crossroads in regard to identity and alignment across the tripartite missions. The study\u27s results provide pragmatic strategies to advance the tripartite missions and lead necessary change for improved patient health

    Financing U.S. Graduate Medical Education: A Policy Position Paper of the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine and the American College of Physicians

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    In this position paper, the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine and the American College of Physicians examine the state of graduate medical education (GME) financing in the United States and recent proposals to reform GME funding. They make a series of recommendations to reform the current funding system to better align GME with the needs of the nation's health care workforce. These recommendations include using Medicare GME funds to meet policy goals and to ensure an adequate supply of physicians, a proper specialty mix, and appropriate training sites; spreading the costs of financing GME across the health care system; evaluating the true cost of training a resident and establishing a single per-resident amount; increasing transparency and innovation; and ensuring that primary care residents receive training in well-functioning ambulatory settings that are financially supported for their training roles

    What can regulatory bodies do to help implement competency-based medical education?

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    In response to the numerous challenges resident trainees currently face in their ability to competently acquire the requisite skills, knowledge and attitudes upon graduation, medical educators have looked to a competency-based medical education (CBME) approach as a possible solution. As CBME has already been implemented in many jurisdictions around the world, certain challenges in implementation have been experienced. One important challenge identified relates to how regulatory bodies can either assist or unintentionally hinder implementation. By examining the varied experiences from Canada, the USA and the Netherlands in implementing CBME, this paper identifies how regulatory bodies can support and advance worldwide efforts of furthering its implementation. If regulatory bodies restructure accreditation and regulatory criteria to align with CBME principles, work together in a coordinated fashion to ensure alignment of vital regulatory meaures throughout the training and practice continuum of a physician, and allow for (if not incentivize) individuals and programs to be innovative in adapting CBME to meet their local environments, it is likely that the worldwide implementation of CBME will occur successfully

    Overarching challenges to the implementation of competency-based medical education

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    Medical education is under increasing pressure to more effectively prepare physicians to meet the needs of patients and populations. With its emphasis on individual, programmatic, and institutional outcomes, competency-based medical education (CBME) has the potential to realign medical education with this societal expectation. Implementing CBME, however, comes with significant challenges. This manuscript describes four overarching challenges that must be confronted by medical educators worldwide in the implementation of CBME: (1) the need to align all regulatory stakeholders in order to facilitate the optimization of training programs and learning environments so that they support competency-based progression; (2) the purposeful integration of efforts to redesign both medical education and the delivery of clinical care; (3) the need to establish expected outcomes for individuals, programs, training institutions, and health care systems so that performance can be measured; and (4) the need to establish a culture of mutual accountability for the achievement of these defined outcomes. In overcoming these challenges, medical educators, leaders, and policy-makers will need to seek collaborative approaches to common problems and to learn from innovators who have already successfully made the transition to CBME