28 research outputs found

    Exploring reasons for MD-PhD trainees\u27 experiences of impostor phenomenon

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    BACKGROUND: Acceptance into U.S. MD-PhD dual-degree programs is highly competitive, and the lengthy training program requires transitioning between multiple phases (pre-clinical-, PhD-research-, and clinical-training phases), which can be stressful. Challenges faced during MD-PhD training could exacerbate self-doubt and anxiety. Impostor phenomenon is the experience of feeling like a fraud, with some high-achieving, competent individuals attributing their successes to luck or other factors rather than their own ability and hard work. To our knowledge, impostor phenomenon among MD-PhD trainees has not been described. This study examined impostor phenomenon experiences during MD-PhD training and reasons trainees attributed to these feelings. METHODS: Individuals in science and medicine fields participated in an online survey that included the 20-item Clance Impostor Phenomenon Scale (CIPS); higher scores (range 20-100) indicate more frequent impostor phenomenon. Some respondents who reported experiencing impostor phenomenon also voluntarily completed a semi-structured interview, sharing experiences during training that contributed to feelings of impostor phenomenon. Interview transcripts were coded and analysed using the constant comparative method and analytic induction to identify themes. RESULTS: Of 959 survey respondents (students and professionals in science and medicine), 13 MD-PhD students and residents completed the survey, nine of whom (five male, four female; four white, five other race-ethnicity) also completed an interview. These participants experienced moderate-to-intense scores on the CIPS (range: 46-96). Four themes emerged from the interview narratives that described participants\u27 experiences of IP: professional identity formation, fear of evaluation, minority status, and, program-transition experiences. All reported struggling to develop a physician-scientist identity and lacking a sense of belonging in medicine or research. CONCLUSIONS: Impostor experiences that MD-PhD participants attributed to bias and micro-aggressions in social interactions with peers, faculty, and patients challenged their professional identity formation as physician-scientists. It is important to further examine how MD-PhD-program structures, cultures, and social interactions can lead to feelings of alienation and experiences of impostor phenomenon, particularly for students from diverse and underrepresented populations in medicine

    Inequity in National Institutes of Health Predoctoral Fellowships, 2001-2020

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    This cross-sectional study examines trends in number of awards and funding of general and diversity F31 predoctoral fellowships from 2001 to 2020

    Dementia Prevalence and Onchocerca volvulus Infection among Rural Elderly Persons in the Ntui Health District, Cameroon: A Population-Based Study

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    Recent research suggests that infection with Onchocerca volvulus induces neurocognitive decline. This study sought to compare the cognitive outcomes of elderly persons based on onchocerciasis infection status and report the overall prevalence of dementia in the rural Ntui Health District in Cameroon. A community-based approach was used to recruit 103 participants aged ≥60 years. Dementia screening was done using the Community Screening Interview for Dementia (CSID) tool with a cut-off value of ≤29.5. O. volvulus infection was determined via microscopic examination of skin snips and serological testing of Ov16 antibodies using rapid diagnostic tests. Overall, the prevalence of dementia was 10.7%. Among the tested individuals, 17.9% (15/84) and 62.1% (41/66) were positive for O. volvulus and Ov16 antibodies, respectively. A multivariable linear regression model of CSID scores found a significant positive association with education level (8.654; 95% CI: 2.0870 to 15.222). However, having a positive skin snip for O. volvulus (−3.399; 95% CI: −6.805 to 0.007) and inhaling tobacco (−5.441; 95% CI: −9.137 to −1.744) tended to lower the CSID scores. Ongoing onchocerciasis transmission in the Ntui Health District may constitute a risk factor for dementia. Strengthening onchocerciasis elimination and adopting healthier lifestyles would contribute to dementia prevention among the elderly residing in endemic communities

    Lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to a vaginal leiomioma the female prostate: case report

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    This is a case report of lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to a vaginal leiomioma “the female prostate”. A 45-year-old female patient with no significant personal history, sensation of a vaginal foreign body accompanied by lower urinary tract symptoms, on vaginal physical examination with a 7×7 cm deep tumor, increased consistency, not painful, without hemorrhage. Magnetic resonance imaging with hypointense T1 and T2 images, few linear hyperintense areas in T2, homogeneous postgadolinium enhancement 69×66×53 mm, solid tumor dependent on the vaginal vault. Tumor markers CA 19-9: 5.98 U/ml, CEA: 1.09 ng/ml and CA 125: 11.73 U/ml. Open surgery was performed in which a 8×6 cm tumor was found in the vaginal vault dependent on the posterior wall of the vagina. Histopathological report: conventional leiomyoma measuring 9×7.5 cm in long axes, without nuclear atypia. With resolution of symptoms in the lower urinary tract, with normal urinary frequency, without presence of urgency, without urinary incontinence or voiding symptoms. It is important to identify and diagnose lower urinary tract symptoms always, since they could be an initial manifestation of pelvic tumors in which the treatment approach should not be delayed.

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Downregulation of KCNMB4 expression and changes in BK channel subtype in hippocampal granule neurons following seizure activity.

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    A major challenge is to understand maladaptive changes in ion channels that sets neurons on a course towards epilepsy development. Voltage- and calcium-activated K+ (BK) channels contribute to early spike timing in neurons, and studies indicate that the BK channel plays a pathological role in increasing excitability early after a seizure. Here, we have investigated changes in BK channels and their accessory β4 subunit (KCNMB4) in dentate gyrus (DG) granule neurons of the hippocampus, key neurons that regulate excitability of the hippocampus circuit. Two days after pilocarpine-induced seizures, we found that the predominant effect is a downregulation of the β4 accessory subunit mRNA. Consistent with reduced expression, single channel recording and pharmacology indicate a switch in the subtype of channels expressed; from iberiotoxin-resistant, type II BK channels (BK α/β4) that have higher channel open probability and slow gating, to iberiotoxin-sensitive type I channels (BK α alone) with low open probability and faster gating. The switch to a majority of type I channel expression following seizure activity is correlated with a loss of BK channel function on spike threshold while maintaining the channel's contribution to increased early spike frequency. Using heterozygous β4 knockout mice, we find reduced expression is sufficient to increase seizure sensitivity. We conclude that seizure-induced downregulation of KCNMB4 is an activity dependent mechanism that increases the excitability of DG neurons. These novel findings indicate that BK channel subtypes are not only defined by cell-specific expression, but can also be plastic depending on the recent history of neuronal excitability