4,652 research outputs found

    The History of Cosmic Baryons: X-ray Emission vs. Star Formation Rate

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    We relate the star formation from cold baryons in virialized structures to the X-ray properties of the associated diffuse, hot baryonic component. Our computations use the standard ``semi-analytic'' models to describe i) the evolution of dark matter halos through merging after the hierarchical clustering, ii) the star formation governed by radiative cooling and by supernova feedback, iii) the hydro- and thermodynamics of the hot gas, rendered with our Punctuated Equilibria model. So we relate the X-ray observables concerning the intra-cluster medium to the thermal energy of the gas pre-heated and expelled by supernovae following star formation, and then accreted during the subsequent merging events. We show that at fluxes fainter than FX≈10−15F_X\approx 10^{-15} erg/cm2^2 s (well within the reach of next generation X-ray observatories) the X-ray counts of extended extragalactic sources (as well as the faint end of the luminosity function, the contribution to the soft X-ray background, and the LX−TL_X-T correlation at the group scales) increase considerably when the star formation rate is enhanced for z>1 as indicated by growing optical/infrared evidence. Specifically, the counts in the range 0.5-2 keV are increased by factors ∌4\sim 4 when the the feedback is decreased and star formation is enhanced as to yield a flat shape of the star formation rate for 2<z<4.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The SZ Effect as a Probe of Non-Gravitational Entropy in Groups and Clusters of Galaxies

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    We investigate how strongly and at what scales the Sunyaev- Zel'dovich effect reflects the shifting balance between the two processes that compete for governing the density and the thermodynamic state of the hot intra-cluster medium pervading clusters and groups of galaxies: the hierarchical clustering of the DM; the non-gravitational energy and momentum fed back into the ICM by the condensing baryons. We base on a SAM of galaxy formation and clustering to describe how the baryons are partitioned among the hot, the cool and the stellar phase; the partition shifts as the galaxies cluster hierarchically, and as the feedback by stellar winds and SN explosions follows the star formation. Their impact is amplified by the same large scale accretion shocks that thermalize the gravitational energy of gas falling into the growing potential wells. We compute the Compton parameter yy, and find a relation of yy with the ICM temperature, the y−Ty-T relation, which departs from the self-similar scaling and bends down at temperatures typical of galaxy groups. We model-independently relate this with the analogous behaviour of the L_x - T relation, and discuss to what extent our results are generic of the hierarchical models of galaxy formation and clustering.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, submitted to MNRAS; typos correcte

    Temperature-induced emergence of Wigner correlations in a STM-probed one-dimensional quantum dot

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    The temperature-induced emergence of Wigner correlations over finite-size effects in a strongly interacting one-dimensional quantum dot are studied in the framework of the spin coherent Luttinger liquid. We demonstrate that, for temperatures comparable with the zero mode spin excitations, Friedel oscillations are suppressed by the thermal fluctuations of higher spin modes. On the other hand, the Wigner oscillations, sensitive to the charge mode only, are stable and become more visible. This behavior is proved to be robust both in the thermal electron density and in the linear conductance in the presence of an STM tip. This latter probe is not directly proportional to the electron density and may confirm the above phenomena with complementary and additional information

    Theory of the STM detection of Wigner molecules in spin incoherent CNTs

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    The linear conductance of a carbon nanotube quantum dot in the Wigner molecule regime, coupled to two scanning tunnel microscope tips is inspected. Considering the high temperature regime, the nanotube quantum dot is described by means of the spin-incoherent Luttinger liquid picture. The linear conductance exhibits spatial oscillations induced by the presence of the correlated, molecular electron state. A power-law scaling of the electron density and of the conductance as a function of the interaction parameter are found. They confirm local transport as a sensitive tool to investigate the Wigner molecule. The double-tip setup allows to explore different transport regimes with different shapes of the spatial modulation, all bringing information about the Wigner molecule

    AFM probe for the signatures of Wigner correlations in the conductance of a one-dimensional quantum dot

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    The transport properties of an interacting one-dimensional quantum dot capacitively coupled to an atomic force microscope probe are investigated. The dot is described within a Luttinger liquid framework which captures both Friedel and Wigner oscillations. In the linear regime, we demonstrate that both the conductance peak position and height oscillate as the tip is scanned along the dot. A pronounced beating pattern in the conductance maximum is observed, connected to the oscillations of the electron density. Signatures of the effects induced by a Wigner molecule are clearly identified and their stability against the strength of Coulomb interactions are analyzed. While the oscillations of the peak position due to Wigner get enhanced at strong interactions, the peak height modulations are suppressed as interactions grow. Oscillations due to Friedel, on the other hand, are robust against interaction.Comment: 9 figure

    Probing Wigner correlations in a suspended carbon nanotube

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    The influence of the electron-vibron coupling on the transport properties of a strongly interacting quantum dot built in a suspended carbon nanotube is analyzed. The latter is probed by a charged AFM tip scanned along the axis of the CNT which induces oscillations of the chemical potential and of the linear conductance. These oscillations are due to the competition between finite-size effects and the formation of a Wigner molecule for strong interactions. Such oscillations are shown to be suppressed by the electron-vibron coupling. The suppression is more pronounced in the regime of weak Coulomb interactions, which ensures that probing Wigner correlations in such a system is in principle possible

    The Dark Matter Radial Profile in the Core of the Relaxed Cluster A2589

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    We present an analysis of a Chandra--ACIS observation of the galaxy cluster A2589 to constrain the radial distribution of the total gravitating matter and the dark matter in the core of the cluster. A2589 is especially well-suited for this analysis because the hot gas in its core region (r < ~0.1 Rvir) is undisturbed by interactions with a central radio source. From the largest radius probed (r=0.07 Rvir) down to r ~0.02 Rvir dark matter dominates the gravitating mass. Over this region the radial profiles of the gravitating and dark matter are fitted well by the NFW and Hernquist profiles predicted by CDM. The density profiles are also described well by power laws, rho ~r^{-alpha}, where alpha=1.37 +/- 0.14 for the gravitating matter and alpha=1.35 +/- 0.21 for the dark matter. These values are consistent with profiles of CDM halos but are significantly larger than alpha ~0.5 found in LSB galaxies and expected from self-interacting dark matter models.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, To Appear in The Astrophysical Journal, March 20 issue, a few very minor changes to match copyedited versio

    Correlation functions for the detection of Wigner molecules in a one-channel Luttinger liquid quantum dot

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    In one-channel, finite-size Luttinger one-dimensional quantum dots, both Friedel oscillations and Wigner correlations induce oscillations in the electron density with the same wavelength, pinned at the same position. Therefore, observing such a property does not provide any hint about the formation of a Wigner molecule when electrons interact strongly and other tools must be employed to assess the formation of such correlated states. We compare here the behavior of three different correlation functions and demonstrate that the integrated two point correlation function, which represents the probability density of finding two particles at a given distance, is the only faithful estimator for the formation of a correlated Wigner molecule.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
