8 research outputs found

    Capital social e desenvolvimento local: uma análise comparativa dos municípios de Presidente Médici e Ouro Preto do Oeste - RO

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    Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação Mestrado em Administração da Universidade Federal de Rondônia como requisito final para obtenção do título de Mestre em Administração.O capital social e o desenvolvimento local vêm sendo abordados como fatores essenciais e complementares para mudar realidades de estagnação econômica, transformando e dinamizando potencialidades produtivas antes subutilizadas ou suprimidas por interesses econômicos ou mercantis, pois o capital social apresenta-se para políticas de geração do desenvolvimento, especificamente o desenvolvimento local, no papel de valorizar as relações entre os atores locais ou membros da comunidade. As instituições também figuram como protagonistas no processo de desenvolvimento, pois se apresentam como responsáveis pela diminuição das incertezas inerentes das relações humanas, possibilitando os incentivos para cooperação humana, podendo constatar a existência de uma estreita relação entre instituições e desenvolvimento econômico. No contexto das instituições, estão inseridos os empreendedores que se destacam pelo fato de definirem o cenário onde as instituições deverão atingir seus objetivos, pois as oportunidades percebidas pelos empreendedores são as fontes de mudanças, resultando na mudança do ambiente e na aquisição de aprendizagem e habilidades, bem como sua incorporação e construção dos modelos mentais dos agentes de mudança. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa consistiu em analisar comparativamente o índice de Capital Social Empresarial dos municípios de Presidente Médici e de Ouro Preto do Oeste. A matriz teórica utilizada foi o institucionalismo de Douglass North, a corrente teórica de Robert Putnam e foi abordando o tema empreendedorismo e desenvolvimento local. Para atingir os objetivos propostos pela pesquisa, foi empregada uma abordagem classificada como quantitativa e qualitativa (método misto) com uma estratégia de triangulação concomitante e empregado o método de pesquisa hipotético-dedutivo. Utilizou-se uma base de dados primários e secundários. Em relação aos dados secundários, adotou-se como método de procedimento de pesquisa documental, já quanto aos dados primários foi utilizado o método survey. O instrumento utilizado para coleta de dados primários foi o questionário integrado para medir o capital social (QI-MCS) do Banco Mundial, aplicado em 416 empresas nos municípios de Presidente Médici e Ouro Preto do Oeste. Os resultados demonstram que quanto aos aspectos histórico-econômicos das regiões objeto de estudo, ficou evidenciado uma homogeneidade entre as mesmas, o que reforça a análise de existir apenas um processo histórico da mesorregião Leste Rondoniense com capilaridade suficiente de promover uma mudança institucional, conforme a teoria institucionalista de Douglass North.A matriz institucional levantada corrobora com os dados identificados na analise histórica, visto que Ouro Preto do Oeste apresenta uma matriz institucional mais fortalecida. Quanto aos índices de capital social empresarial constatou-se que as dimensões que apresentarem a maior disparidade foram a de “ação coletiva e cooperação” e a “Autoridade, capacitação (empowerment) e ação política”

    Watershed Level Sustainable Development Index in Rondônia, Western Amazon: Index Construction from Factor Analysis

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    Objective: to build a sustainable development index for the river basins of Rondônia, using factor analysis as an analytical model. Method: factor analysis was used as a tool for building environmental, economic, social and institutional performance indices. The adapted FECAM classification scale was adopted to express the results achieved by each river basin. Results: The set of current sustainable performance indices for the Mamoré River watersheds (0.444) was considered a low index, although the best compared to other basins; the Madeira River (0.419, low index); the Guaporé River (0.378, low index); the Machado River (0.289, low index); the Jamari River (0.307, low index) and the Roosevelt River (0.227, low index). There has been a really insignificant improvement in the rates from 10 years ago. Conclusions: the factor analysis showed efficiency as a multivariate statistical method in the construction of sustainable development indices for the river basins of Rondônia. The management of watersheds is still very ineffective, despite being regulated by state law. It is highly recommended to institutionalize regional public policies in the form of a Master Plan for the Rondônia Watershed

    Cultural and tourist perception index (IPCT) of the folklore bois bumbás from Guajará-Mirim, Rondônia: a study based on the theory of endogenous development

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the cultural and tourist perception index (IPCT) of the boi “Flor do Campo” and boi “Malhadinho” associations, participants of the Folkloric Festival of Guajará-Mirim, on the border with Bolivia. As a basis for theoretical support, the theory of endogenous development was used. To determine the indicators, questionnaires were applied to the associations, which were submitted to the SPSS statistical tool (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), version 17, as described in Cavalcante [4]; Santana [42] and [43]. The results showed that the trust and governance indices of the “boi Malhadinho” association were considered “bad” by the scale adopted in this work. In the boi Flor do Campo association, the perception index reached a result considered “good” by the scale adopted (0.645). The parameters of Trust and Governance presented results considered “regular” (0.473 and 0.560, respectively). By the average of the parameters, the IPCT – Flor do Campo was equal to 0.559 (regular) and IPCT – Malhadinho 0.406 (regular). Therefore, this result reinforces the view that the structuring problem of Guajará-Mirim is not economic but social. And according to this result, it is clear how coherent this work is with the research carried out on social capital in the region by Cavalcante [4] and Cavalcante and Alves [8]. And in this way, it meets North\u27s institutionalist theory that says that growth is not the cause of development but a consequence. In this sense, what points to the level of local development is the institutional arrangement itself, that is, society itself building a prosperous and healthy path

    Quantitative methods and study of the parth dependence effect of Douglass North from the cocoa production index (CPI) in Rondônia, Brazil

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    Objective: to analyze the path dependence effect of Douglass North from the construction of the cocoa production index (IPC) using quantitative methods, aiming to contribute to the discussions on the "conservation and development" trade-off in the Amazon. Methods: this is a hypothetical-deductive study. The CPI was calculated following the factorial analysis techniques presented by Hair et al [11], Santana [12,13) and Cavalcante [14] and the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) was used. Results: in Brazil the level of performance of cocoa production, when considering the number of cocoa producing municipalities and the indicators, area destined to harvest (hectares), quantity produced (ton), average production yield (kilograms per hectare) and value production (thousand reais) is very low, almost inefficient. Rondônia follows the logic found in Brazil. Conclusions: despite the importance of cocoa production, there are still no regional development centers for cocoa cultivation in Rondônia. All cocoa producing municipalities had low levels of PCI performance. The fact that CEPLAC develops its actions exclusively in the East Rondoniense portion of the State only reinforces the analysis in this direction, which helps to understand the path dependence character of the cocoa policy in Rondônia

    Socioeconomic (Endogenous) Development Index of Municipalities in Free Trade Areas (FTA) linked to SUFRAMA: A Multifactor Analysis

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    The objective was to analyze the regional development of the nine cities covered by the SUFRAMA policy in comparison with nine other Amazonian municipalities not covered by this policy, in order to identify the municipal performance achieved in the face of the Brazilian Amazonian reality. The theoretical foundation of this work is linked to the theory of endogenous development associated with the institutionalist theory of Douglass North and the poles of development in Schumpeter and Perroux. A multivariate factorial data model was used to extract the scores for the construction of indices, using the SPSS statistical tool, version 22, using the factor analysis technique developed similarly to the main components. It was possible to build socioeconomic development indexes and, with that, proceed with the due analysis intrinsic to the epistemological issue of this work. The data showed adequacy to factorial studies and allowed us to observe, in general, the low level of socioeconomic development of the surveyed municipalities, however, with a more favorable situation for the municipalities covered by the SUFRAMA policy

    Quantitative methods and analysis of health performance and environmental conditions in the city of Porto Velho: 6 years after the hydroelectric dams of Jirau and Santo Antônio, on the Madeira River

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    Objective: to analyze the IQVU of the city of Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil, in a perspective of quality of life from the construction of the UHEs on the Madeira River. Methods: the model developed by Paraguassú-Chaves et al [3] was used to analyze the performance index in health and environmental conditions. 552 forms and interviews were applied, which contributed to the collection of primary data in the sample survey in the 69 neighborhoods grouped by the four urban areas of Porto Velho, involving 8 households per neighborhood. The data were submitted to Factor Analysis to calculate the quality of life indexes. In the analysis phase, the IQVU model of the Hair et al classification index scale [4] was used. Results: After 6 years, the quality of life indexes found in this research are similar to those found previously. Central Zone IQVU (0.456) Regular, East Zone IQVU (0.406), North Zone IQVU (0.428) and South Zone IQVU (0.393), with the average IQVU (0.420) of the city of Porto Velho. Conclusions: there was a significant drop in the quality of life index with the construction of the Jirau and Santo Antônio hydroelectric dams on the Madeira River, in Porto Velho. The city\u27s quality of urban life index, which had already suffered a negative impact during the construction of the dams and 1 year later, worsened six years later

    Family farming and sustainable rural development: a case study in a settlement in the Brazilian Amazon

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    The struggle for a fair distribution of land consolidated social movements and put pressure on the Brazilian government to carry out agrarian reform. The government allocated rural workers to the settlements and created programs to strengthen family farming. The global concern with the sustainability of the planet has led scholars to think that family farming is an alternative for the reduction of poverty and for the preservation of the environment. Based on this principle, the objective of this study was to analyze whether family farming used in the family units of the Joana Darc III settlement in Rondônia contributes to sustainable development. Materials and methods: The research is characterized as descriptive and a case study. We use an instrument developed by Anjos17, semi-structured, divided into 6 blocks: Identification of the profile of farmers; Characterization of the production unit; Characterization of crop production; Production commercialization; Financing and infrastructure and, Life conditions. The sample granted for accessibility was a group formed by 30 (26.3%) rural farmers from the Joana Darc III settlement who cultivate different crops, harvested from a population of 114 farmers. For the sample size, the systematic sampling formula presented by Barbetta26 was used. The research project considers the ethical aspect and is in accordance with CNS Resolution 196/96. Results: The results showed that the settlers received financing from Pronaf for investments in increasing production and technical assistance from EMATER. However, the production system adopted is traditional, with the use of pesticides in crops and the use of pesticides in animals and they practice burning to clean the land. This practice goes against the principles of clean agriculture, which aims to preserve the environment. It was also found that the settled farmers sell their products below the market price, reducing their profit margin. However, all were unanimous in ensuring that they would have better living conditions compared to the life before the settlement and believe in improvements in the future. Conclusions: It was rejected the hypothesis that family farming used in the family units of the Joana Darc III settlement in Rondônia contributes to sustainable development

    Rural credit and the livestock process in the microregion of Vilhena, Rondônia, Western Amazon

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    The study has as general objective to analyze the scenario of the municipalities in the microregion of Vilhena, State of Rondônia, based on the federal government\u27s rural credit policy, in order to identify the possible livestock processes that would be carried out in this microregion. It is an applied, descriptive, cross-sectional research with a quantitative approach, since the objectives generate knowledge for practical application, which includes the number of contracts and the volume of financial resources for agriculture and livestock in the municipalities of Chupinguaia, Parecis, Pimenta Bueno, Primavera de Rondônia, São Felipe D\u27Oeste and Vilhena of the micro-region of Vilhena, Rondônia, Brazilian Amazon, in the period corresponding to the years 2000 and 2010. Data collection was carried out through reports from the rural credit statistical yearbook of the Central Banco do Brasil for the years 2000 and 2010. Based on the results found by the research, it was evidenced that in the municipalities of the microregion of Vilhena there was a process of cattle ranching, through the incentive of the rural credit policy granted to family rural producers, where it was observed that among the six municipalities that comprise In the micro-region of Vilhena, all of them presented a strong stimulus to the livestock sector, demonstrating a reversal of agricultural activity for livestock in this micro-region