20 research outputs found

    Disruption of SSP/VWI states by a stable stratification

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    We identify ā€˜minimal seedsā€™ for turbulence, i.e. initial conditions of the smallest possible total perturbation energy density Ec that trigger turbulence from the laminar state, in stratified plane Couette flow, the flow between two horizontal plates of separation 2H, moving with relative velocity 2Ī”U, across which a constant density difference 2Ī”Ļ from a reference density Ļr is maintained. To find minimal seeds, we use the ā€˜direct-adjoint-loopingā€™ (DAL) method for finding nonlinear optimal perturbations that optimise the time-averaged total dissipation of energy in the flow. These minimal seeds are located adjacent to the edge manifold, the manifold in state space that separates trajectories which transition to turbulence from those which eventually decay to the laminar state. The edge manifold is also the stable manifold of the systemā€™s ā€˜edge stateā€™. Therefore, the trajectories from the minimal seed initial conditions spend a large amount of time in the vicinity of some states: the edge state; another state contained within the edge manifold; or even in dynamically slowly varying regions of the edge manifold, allowing us to investigate the effects of a stable stratification on any coherent structures associated with such states. In unstratified plane Couette flow, these coherent structures are manifestations of the self-sustaining process (SSP) deduced on physical grounds by Waleffe (Phys. Fluids, vol. 9, 1997, pp. 883ā€“900), or equivalently finite Reynolds number solutions of the vortexā€“wave interaction (VWI) asymptotic equations initially derived mathematically by Hall & Smith (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 227, 1991, pp. 641ā€“666). The stratified coherent states we identify at moderate Reynolds number display an altered form from their unstratified counterparts for bulk Richardson numbers RiBĀ = gĪ”ĻH/(ĻrĪ”U2) = O(Re-1), and exhibit chaotic motion for larger RiB. We demonstrate that at hith Reynolds number the suppression of vertical motions by stratification strongly disrupts input from the waves to the roll velocity structures, thus preventing the waves from reinforcing the viscously decaying roll structures adequately, when RiB = O(Re-2)

    Structured input-output analysis of stably stratified plane Couette flow

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    We employ a recently introduced structured input-output analysis (SIOA) approach to analyze streamwise and spanwise wavelengths of flow structures in stably stratified plane Couette flow. In the low-Reynolds number (ReRe) low-bulk Richardson number (RibRi_b) spatially intermittent regime, we demonstrate that SIOA predicts high amplification associated with wavelengths corresponding to the characteristic oblique turbulent bands in this regime. SIOA also identifies quasi-horizontal flow structures resembling the turbulent-laminar layers commonly observed in the high-ReRe high-RibRi_b intermittent regime. An SIOA across a range of RibRi_b and ReRe values suggests that the classical Miles-Howard stability criterion (Ribā‰¤1/4Ri_b\leq 1/4) is associated with a change in the most amplified flow structures when Prandtl number is close to one (Prā‰ˆ1Pr\approx 1). However, for Prā‰Ŗ1Pr\ll 1, the most amplified flow structures are determined by the product PrRibPrRi_b. For Prā‰«1Pr\gg 1, SIOA identifies another quasi-horizontal flow structure that we show is principally associated with density perturbations. We further demonstrate the dominance of this density-associated flow structure in the high PrPr limit by constructing analytical scaling arguments for the amplification in terms of ReRe and PrPr under the assumptions of unstratified flow (with Rib=0Ri_b=0) and streamwise invariance.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    Growth and instability of a laminar plume in a strongly stratified environment

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    Experimental studies of laminar plumes descending under gravity into stably stratified environments have shown the existence of a critical injection velocity beyond which the plume exhibits a bifurcation to a coiling instability in three dimensions or a sinuous instability in a Hele-Shaw flow. In addition, flow visualization has shown that, prior to the onset of the instability, a stable base flow is established in which the plume penetrates to a depth significantly smaller than the neutral buoyancy depth. Moreover, the fresh water that is viscously entrained by the plume recirculates within a ā€˜conduitā€™ whose boundary with the background stratification appears sharp. Beyond the bifurcation, the buckling plume takes the form of a travelling wave of varying amplitude, confined within the conduit, which disappears at the penetration depth. To determine the mechanisms underlying these complex phenomena, which take place at a strikingly low Reynolds number but a high Schmidt number, we study here a two-dimensional arrangement, as it is perhaps the simplest system which possesses all the key experimental features. Through a combination of numerical and analytical approaches, a scaling law is found for the plumeā€™s penetration depth within the base flow (i.e. the flow where the instability is either absent or artificially suppressed), and the horizontal cross-stream velocity and concentration profile outside the plume are determined from an asymptotic analysis of a simplified model. Direct numerical simulations show that, with increasing flow rate, a sinuous global mode is destabilized giving rise to the self-sustained oscillations as in the experiment. The sinuous instability is shown to be a consequence of the baroclinic generation of vorticity, due to the strong horizontal gradients at the edge of the conduit, a mechanism that is relevant even at very low Reynolds numbers. Despite the strength of this instability, the penetration depth is not significantly affected by it, instead being determined by the properties of the plume in the vicinity of the source. This scenario is confirmed by a local stability analysis. A finite region of local absolute instability is found near the source for sinuous modes prior to the onset of the global instability. Sufficiently far from the source the flow is locally stable. Near the onset of the global instability, varicose modes are also found to be locally, but only convectively, unstable

    Regimes of stratified turbulence at low Prandtl number

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    Quantifying transport by strongly stratified turbulence in low Prandtl number (PrPr) fluids is critically important for the development of better models for the structure and evolution of stellar interiors. Motivated by recent numerical simulations showing strongly anisotropic flows suggestive of scale-separated dynamics, we perform a multiscale asymptotic analysis of the governing equations. We find that, in all cases, the resulting slow-fast system naturally takes a quasilinear form. Our analysis also reveals the existence of several distinct dynamical regimes depending on the emergent buoyancy Reynolds and P\'eclet numbers, Reb=Ī±2ReRe_b = \alpha^2 Re and Peb=PrRebPe_b = Pr Re_b, respectively, where Ī±\alpha is the aspect ratio of the large-scale turbulent flow structures, and ReRe is the outer scale Reynolds number. Scaling relationships relating the aspect ratio, the characteristic vertical velocity, and the strength of the stratification (measured by the Froude number FrFr) naturally emerge from the analysis. When Pebā‰ŖĪ±Pe_b \ll \alpha, the dynamics at all scales is dominated by buoyancy diffusion, and our results recover the scaling laws empirically obtained from direct numerical simulations by Cope et al. (2020). For Pebā‰„O(1)Pe_b \ge O(1), diffusion is negligible (or at least subdominant) at all scales and our results are consistent with those of Chini et al. (2022) for strongly stratified geophysical turbulence at Pr=O(1)Pr = O(1).Finally, we have identified a new regime for Ī±ā‰ŖPebā‰Ŗ1\alpha \ll Pe_b \ll 1, in which slow, large scales are diffusive while fast, small scales are not. We conclude by presenting a map of parameter space that clearly indicates the transitions between isotropic turbulence, non-diffusive stratified turbulence, diffusive stratified turbulence and viscously-dominated flows.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    Mixing across stable density interfaces in forced stratified turbulence

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    Understanding how turbulence enhances irreversible scalar mixing in density-stratified fluids is a central problem in geophysical fluid dynamics. While isotropic overturning regions are commonly the focus of mixing analyses, we here investigate whether significant mixing may arise in anisotropic statically-stable regions of the flow. Focusing on a single forced direct numerical simulation of stratified turbulence, we analyze spatial correlations between the vertical density gradient āˆ‚Ļ/āˆ‚z\partial\rho/\partial z and the dissipation rates of kinetic energy Ļµ\epsilon and scalar variance Ļ‡\chi, the latter quantifying scalar mixing. The domain is characterized by relatively well-mixed density layers separated by sharp stable interfaces that are correlated with high vertical shear. While static instability is most prevalent within the mixed layers, much of the scalar mixing is localized to the intervening interfaces, a phenomenon not apparent if considering local static instability or Ļµ\epsilon alone. While the majority of the domain is characterized by the canonical flux coefficient Ī“ā‰”Ļ‡/Ļµ=0.2\Gamma\equiv\chi/\epsilon=0.2, often assumed in ocean mixing parameterizations, extreme values of Ļ‡\chi within the statically-stable interfaces, associated with elevated Ī“\Gamma, strongly skew the bulk statistics. Our findings suggest that current parameterizations of turbulent mixing may be biased by undersampling, such that the most common, but not necessarily the most significant, mixing events are overweighted. Having focused here on a single simulation of stratified turbulence, it is hoped that our results motivate a broader investigation into the role played by stable density interfaces in mixing, across a wider range of parameters and forcing schemes representative of ocean turbulence.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures. Version accepted for publication in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. DOI link to final typeset version provide

    Time-Lapse Seismic Imaging of Oceanic Fronts and Transient Lenses within South Atlantic Ocean

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    Oceanic fronts play a pivotal role in controlling water mass transfer, although little is known about deep frontal structure on appropriate temporal and spatial scales. Here, we present a sequence of calibrated time-lapse images from a three-dimensional seismic survey that straddles the Brazil-Malvinas Confluenceā€” a significant feature of the merid- ional overturning circulation. Eight vertical transects reveal the evolution of a major front. It is manifest as a discrete planar surface that dips at less than 2 ā—¦ and is traceable to 1.5ā€“2 km depth. Its shape and surface expression are consistent with sloping isopycnal surfaces of the calculated potential density field and with coeval sea surface tempera- ture measurements, respectively. Within the top āˆ¼1 km, where cold fresh water subducts beneath warm salty water, a series of tilted lenses are banked up against the sharply de- fined front. The largest of these structures is centered at 700 m depth and is cored by cold fresh water. Time-lapse imagery demonstrates that this tilted lens grows and de- cays over nine days. It has a maximum diameter of < 34 Ā± 0.13 km and a maximum height of < 750Ā±10 m. Beneath 1 km, where horizontal density gradients are negligi- ble, numerous deforming lenses and filaments on length scales of 10ā€“100 km are being swept toward the advecting front

    Prandtl number effects on extreme mixing events in forced stratified turbulence

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    Relatively strongly stratified turbulent flows tend to self-organise into a 'layered anisotropic stratified turbulence' (LAST) regime, characterised by relatively deep and well-mixed density 'layers' separated by relatively thin 'interfaces' of enhanced density gradient. Understanding the associated mixing dynamics is a central problem in geophysical fluid dynamics. It is challenging to study 'LAST' mixing, as it is associated with Reynolds numbers Re:=UL/Ī½ā‰«1Re := UL/\nu \gg 1 and Froude numbers Fr:=(2Ļ€U)/(LN)ā‰Ŗ1Fr :=(2\pi U)/(L N) \ll 1, (UU and LL being characteristic velocity and length scales, Ī½\nu being the kinematic viscosity and NN the buoyancy frequency). Since a sufficiently large dynamic range (largely) unaffected by stratification and viscosity is required, it is also necessary for the buoyancy Reynolds number Reb:=Ļµ/(Ī½N2)ā‰«1Re_{b} := \epsilon/(\nu N^{2}) \gg 1 where Ļµ\epsilon is the (appropriately volume-averaged) turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate. This requirement is exacerbated for oceanically relevant flows, as the Prandtl number Pr:=Ī½/Īŗ=O(10)Pr := \nu/\kappa = \mathcal{O}(10) in thermally-stratified water (where Īŗ\kappa is the thermal diffusivity), thus leading (potentially) to even finer density field structures. We report here on four forced fully resolved direct numerical simulations of stratified turbulence at various Froude (Fr=0.5,2Fr=0.5, 2) and Prandtl numbers (Pr=1,7Pr=1, 7) forced so that Reb=50Re_{b}=50, with resolutions up to 30240Ɨ30240Ɨ378030240 \times 30240 \times 3780. We find that, as PrPr increases, emergent 'interfaces' become finer and their contribution to bulk mixing characteristics decreases at the expense of the small-scale density structures populating the well-mixed 'layers'. However, extreme mixing events (as quantified by significantly elevated local destruction rates of buoyancy variance Ļ‡0\chi_0) are always preferentially found in the (statically stable) interfaces, irrespective of the value of PrPr.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Calibrated Seismic Imaging of Eddy-Dominated Warm-Water Transport across the Bellingshausen Sea, Southern Ocean

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    Seismic reflection images of thermohaline circulation from the Bellingshausen Sea, adjacent to the West Antarctica Peninsula, were acquired during February 2015. This survey shows that bright reflectivity occurs throughout the upper 300 m. By calibrating these seismic images with coeval hydrographic measurements, intrusion of warm water features onto the continental shelf at Marguerite and Belgica Troughs is identified and characterized. These features have distinctive lensā€shaped patterns of reflectivity with lengths of 0.75ā€“11.00 km and thicknesses of 100ā€“150 m, suggesting that they are small mesoscale to submesoscale eddies. Abundant eddies are observed along a transect that crosses Belgica Trough. Near Alexander Island Drift, a large, of order urn:x-wiley:21699275:media:jgrc22803:jgrc22803-math-0001 km3, bowlā€like feature, that may represent an anticyclonic Taylor column, is imaged on a pair of orthogonal images. A modified iterative procedure is used to convert seismic imagery into maps of temperature that enable the number and size of eddies being transported onto the shelf to be quantified. Finally, analysis of prestack shot records suggests that these eddies are advecting southward at speeds of urn:x-wiley:21699275:media:jgrc22803:jgrc22803-math-0002 m sāˆ’1, consistent with limited legacy hydrographic measurements. Concentration of observed eddies south of the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front implies they represent both a dominant, and a longā€lived, mechanism of warmā€water transport, especially across Belgica Trough. Our observations suggest that previous estimates of eddy frequency may have been underestimated by up to 1 order of magnitude, which has significant implications for calculations of ice mass loss on the shelf of the West Antarctic Peninsula