1,857 research outputs found

    Deconstruction and other approaches to supersymmetric lattice field theories

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    This report contains both a review of recent approaches to supersymmetric lattice field theories and some new results on the deconstruction approach. The essential reason for the complex phase problem of the fermion determinant is shown to be derivative interactions that are not present in the continuum. These irrelevant operators violate the self-conjugacy of the fermion action that is present in the continuum. It is explained why this complex phase problem does not disappear in the continuum limit. The fermion determinant suppression of various branches of the classical moduli space is explored, and found to be supportive of previous claims regarding the continuum limit.Comment: 70 page

    Scaling in Steiner Random Surfaces

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    It has been suggested that the modified Steiner action functional has desirable properties for a random surface action. In this paper we investigate the scaling of the string tension and massgap in a variant of this action on dynamically triangulated random surfaces and compare the results with the gaussian plus extrinsic curvature actions that have been used previously.Comment: 7 pages, COLO-HEP-32

    Deformed matrix models, supersymmetric lattice twists and N=1/4 supersymmetry

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    A manifestly supersymmetric nonperturbative matrix regularization for a twisted version of N=(8,8) theory on a curved background (a two-sphere) is constructed. Both continuum and the matrix regularization respect four exact scalar supersymmetries under a twisted version of the supersymmetry algebra. We then discuss a succinct Q=1 deformed matrix model regularization of N=4 SYM in d=4, which is equivalent to a non-commutative A4A_4^* orbifold lattice formulation. Motivated by recent progress in supersymmetric lattices, we also propose a N=1/4 supersymmetry preserving deformation of N=4 SYM theory on R4\R^4. In this class of N=1/4 theories, both the regularized and continuum theory respect the same set of (scalar) supersymmetry. By using the equivalence of the deformed matrix models with the lattice formulations, we give a very simple physical argument on why the exact lattice supersymmetry must be a subset of scalar subalgebra. This argument disagrees with the recent claims of the link approach, for which we give a new interpretation.Comment: 47 pages, 3 figure

    Three Dimensional N=2 Supersymmetry on the Lattice

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    We show how 3-dimensional, N=2 supersymmetric theories, including super QCD with matter fields, can be put on the lattice with existing techniques, in a way which will recover supersymmetry in the small lattice spacing limit. Residual supersymmetry breaking effects are suppressed in the small lattice spacing limit by at least one power of the lattice spacing a.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, typo corrected, reference adde

    On the Isomorphic Description of Chiral Symmetry Breaking by Non-Unitary Lie Groups

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    It is well-known that chiral symmetry breaking (χ\chiSB) in QCD with Nf=2N_{f}=2 light quark flavours can be described by orthogonal groups as O(4)O(3)O(4) \to O(3), due to local isomorphisms. Here we discuss the question how specific this property is. We consider generalised forms of χ\chiSB involving an arbitrary number of light flavours of continuum or lattice fermions, in various representations. We search systematically for isomorphic descriptions by non-unitary, compact Lie groups. It turns out that there are a few alternative options in terms of orthogonal groups, while we did not find any description entirely based on symplectic or exceptional Lie groups. If we adapt such an alternative as the symmetry breaking pattern for a generalised Higgs mechanism, we may consider a Higgs particle composed of bound fermions and trace back the mass generation to χ\chiSB. In fact, some of the patterns that we encounter appear in technicolour models. In particular if one observes a Higgs mechanism that can be expressed in terms of orthogonal groups, we specify in which cases it could also represent some kind of χ\chiSB of techniquarks.Comment: 18 pages, to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Absence of sign problem in two-dimensional N=(2,2) super Yang-Mills on lattice

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    We show that N=(2,2) SU(N) super Yang-Mills theory on lattice does not have sign problem in the continuum limit, that is, under the phase-quenched simulation phase of the determinant localizes to 1 and hence the phase-quench approximation becomes exact. Among several formulations, we study models by Cohen-Kaplan-Katz-Unsal (CKKU) and by Sugino. We confirm that the sign problem is absent in both models and that they converge to the identical continuum limit without fine tuning. We provide a simple explanation why previous works by other authors, which claim an existence of the sign problem, do not capture the continuum physics.Comment: 27 pages, 24 figures; v2: comments and references added; v3: figures on U(1) mass independence and references added, to appear in JHE

    Smooth Random Surfaces from Tight Immersions?

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    We investigate actions for dynamically triangulated random surfaces that consist of a gaussian or area term plus the {\it modulus} of the gaussian curvature and compare their behavior with both gaussian plus extrinsic curvature and ``Steiner'' actions.Comment: 7 page