11 research outputs found

    Climate, vegetation, vertebrates and soil/litter invertebrates of mediterranean-type ecosystems - data banks

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    The objectives of the Data-Source Book are to collate relevant parameters which appear to control the structure and function of major ecosystems (and component plant and animal species) in the mediterranean-climate regions ofthe world (southern Australia, California-Arizona, Chile, the Mediterranean Basin, Cape Province of South Africa)

    Faunal use of bluegum (Eucalyptus globulus) plantations in southwestern Australia

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    We examined the faunal use of Eucalyptus globulus plantations in southern Western Australia, and compared use of remnant vegetation, agricultural land and plantations in different positions relative to large tracts of remnant vegetation. In general, faunal use of plantations is less than in comparison with adjacent remnant vegetation, but more than in open pasture. For all faunal groups there were almost twice as many species recorded in the native vegetation than in any site in the plantations or on agricultural land and they were in greater abundance. Faunal use of plantation edges and interiors did not show consistent patterns. Generally, edges next to remnants were most frequently used, but individual species showed a wide range of patterns of use across the various habitat types studied. More species of bird identified as being “at risk” were found in plantation edges than in interiors. Adjacency to remnant vegetation increased plantation use by some species, but the overall differences between isolated plantations and those adjacent to remnant vegetation were relatively small. We conclude that plantations provide some value in terms of habitat for some species, including some of conservation concern, but that this value is limited by the lack of habitat complexity in the intensively-managed plantations

    Implementing State of the Environment Indicators for Exotic Pest Species

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    Data has been sourced from both the published and grey literature and following consultation with relevant experts. All relevant data sources are provided. Following consultation with the SOE Reporting Unit and the Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN) it was agreed that geographic coverage for species would be by IBRA (Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia) region for terrestrial species, IMCRA (Interim Marine and Coastal Regionalisation of Australia) region for marine species, and Australian Water Resources Commission Drainage Basins for freshwater species

    Predicting and assessing progress in the restoration of ecosystems

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    Restoration of degraded landscapes has become necessary to reverse the pervasive threats from human exploitation. Restoration requires first the monitoring of progress toward any chosen goals to determine their resilience and persistence, and second to conduct in a comparable adjacent area but with less human impact the restoration of trophic structures and ecosystem processes to act as reference systems (controls) with which we compare the viability of the chosen goal. We present here the rationale and a method for predicting the trajectory of restoration and assessing its progress toward a predetermined state, the endpoint, using a restoration index. This assessment of restoration requires that we know when a predetermined endpoint has been achieved and whether the envisioned community of species and their interactions can be restored. The restoration index can use species’ presence or density, and the rate of change of ecosystem processes. The index applies to trophic levels, functional groups, successional stages, alternative states, and novel ecosystems. Also, our method allows measurement of the resilience of ecosystems to disturbance, a desired property for conservation and management. We provide global examples to illustrate these points

    Possible Atmospheric Diversity of Low Mass Exoplanets – Some Central Aspects

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    Exoplanetary science continues to excite and surprise with its rich diversity. We discuss here some key aspects potentially influencing the range of exoplanetary terrestrial-type atmospheres which could exist in nature. We are motivated by newly emerging observations, refined approaches to address data degeneracies, improved theories for key processes affecting atmospheric evolution and a new generation of atmospheric models which couple physical processes from the deep interior through to the exosphere and consider the planetary-star system as a whole. Using the Solar System as our guide we first summarize the main processes which sculpt atmospheric evolution then discuss their potential interactions in the context of exoplanetary environments. We summarize key uncertainties and consider a diverse range of atmospheric compositions discussing their potential occurrence in an exoplanetary context