31 research outputs found

    PAK1 phosphorylation of MEK1 regulates fibronectin-stimulated MAPK activation

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    Activation of the Ras–MAPK signal transduction pathway is necessary for biological responses both to growth factors and ECM. Here, we provide evidence that phosphorylation of S298 of MAPK kinase 1 (MEK1) by p21-activated kinase (PAK) is a site of convergence for integrin and growth factor signaling. We find that adhesion to fibronectin induces PAK1-dependent phosphorylation of MEK1 on S298 and that this phosphorylation is necessary for efficient activation of MEK1 and subsequent MAPK activation. The rapid and efficient activation of MEK and phosphorylation on S298 induced by cell adhesion to fibronectin is influenced by FAK and Src signaling and is paralleled by localization of phospho-S298 MEK1 and phospho-MAPK staining in peripheral membrane–proximal adhesion structures. We propose that FAK/Src-dependent, PAK1-mediated phosphorylation of MEK1 on S298 is central to the organization and localization of active Raf–MEK1–MAPK signaling complexes, and that formation of such complexes contributes to the adhesion dependence of growth factor signaling to MAPK

    Trypanosomatid RACK1 Orthologs Show Functional Differences Associated with Translation Despite Similar Roles in Leishmania Pathogenesis

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    RACK1 proteins belong to the eukaryote WD40-repeat protein family and function as spatial regulators of multiple cellular events, including signaling pathways, the cell cycle and translation. For this latter role, structural and genetic studies indicate that RACK1 associates with the ribosome through two conserved positively charged amino acids in its first WD40 domain. Unlike RACK1s, including Trypanosoma brucei RACK1 (TbRACK1), only one of these two positively-charged residues is conserved in the first WD40 domain of the Leishmania major RACK1 ortholog, LACK. We compared virulence-attenuated LACK single copy (LACK/-) L. major, with L. major expressing either two LACK copies (LACK/LACK), or one copy each of LACK and TbRACK1 (LACK/TbRACK1), to evaluate the function of these structurally distinct RACK1 orthologs with respect to translation, viability at host temperatures and pathogenesis. Our results indicate that although the ribosome-binding residues are not fully conserved in LACK, both LACK and TbRACK1 co-sedimented with monosomes and polysomes in LACK/LACK and LACK/TbRACK1 L. major, respectively. LACK/LACK and LACK/TbRACK1 strains differed in their sensitivity to translation inhibitors implying that minor sequence differences between the RACK1 proteins can alter their functional properties. While biochemically distinguishable, both LACK/LACK and LACK/TbRACK1 lines were more tolerant of elevated temperatures, resistant to translation inhibitors, and displayed robust pathogenesis in vivo, contrasting to LACK/- parasites

    Earth: Atmospheric Evolution of a Habitable Planet

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    Our present-day atmosphere is often used as an analog for potentially habitable exoplanets, but Earth's atmosphere has changed dramatically throughout its 4.5 billion year history. For example, molecular oxygen is abundant in the atmosphere today but was absent on the early Earth. Meanwhile, the physical and chemical evolution of Earth's atmosphere has also resulted in major swings in surface temperature, at times resulting in extreme glaciation or warm greenhouse climates. Despite this dynamic and occasionally dramatic history, the Earth has been persistently habitable--and, in fact, inhabited--for roughly 4 billion years. Understanding Earth's momentous changes and its enduring habitability is essential as a guide to the diversity of habitable planetary environments that may exist beyond our solar system and for ultimately recognizing spectroscopic fingerprints of life elsewhere in the Universe. Here, we review long-term trends in the composition of Earth's atmosphere as it relates to both planetary habitability and inhabitation. We focus on gases that may serve as habitability markers (CO2, N2) or biosignatures (CH4, O2), especially as related to the redox evolution of the atmosphere and the coupled evolution of Earth's climate system. We emphasize that in the search for Earth-like planets we must be mindful that the example provided by the modern atmosphere merely represents a single snapshot of Earth's long-term evolution. In exploring the many former states of our own planet, we emphasize Earth's atmospheric evolution during the Archean, Proterozoic, and Phanerozoic eons, but we conclude with a brief discussion of potential atmospheric trajectories into the distant future, many millions to billions of years from now. All of these 'Alternative Earth' scenarios provide insight to the potential diversity of Earth-like, habitable, and inhabited worlds.Comment: 34 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables. Review chapter to appear in Handbook of Exoplanet

    Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase Promotes Rho-Dependent Focal Adhesion Formation by Suppressing p190A RhoGAPâ–¿

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    Cell migration is critical for normal development and for pathological processes including cancer cell metastasis. Dynamic remodeling of focal adhesions and the actin cytoskeleton are crucial determinants of cell motility. The Rho family and the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) module consisting of MEK-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) are important regulators of these processes, but mechanisms for the integration of these signals during spreading and motility are incompletely understood. Here we show that ERK activity is required for fibronectin-stimulated Rho-GTP loading, Rho-kinase function, and the maturation of focal adhesions in spreading cells. We identify p190A RhoGAP as a major target for ERK signaling in adhesion assembly and identify roles for ERK phosphorylation of the C terminus in p190A localization and activity. These observations reveal a novel role for ERK signaling in adhesion assembly in addition to its established role in adhesion disassembly

    Regolith Inhibits Salt and Ice Crystallization in Mg(ClO4)2 Brine, Implying More Persistent and Potentially Habitable Brines on Mars

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    On Mars, liquid water may form in regolith when perchlorate salts absorb water vapor and dissolve into brine, or when ice-salt mixtures reach their melting temperature and thaw. Brines created in this way can chemically react with minerals, alter the mechanical properties of regolith, mobilize salts in the soil, and potentially create habitable environments. Although Martian brines would exist in contact with regolith, few studies have investigated how regolith alters the formation and stability of brines at Mars-relevant conditions. To fill this gap, we studied magnesium perchlorate brine in a Martian regolith simulant at salt concentrations up to 5.8 wt.%. We measured the water mass fraction and water activity between 3 and 98% relative humidity at 25 °C using the isopiestic method, and monitored salt and ice crystallization between −150 °C and 20 °C with differential scanning calorimetry. Results show that regolith inhibits salt and ice crystallization, allowing water to form and persist at much colder and drier conditions than pure brine. Remarkably, in several samples, neither salt nor ice crystallized at any conditions. These results suggest that brines could exist in regolith for longer periods of the Martian year than previously thought, and could persist indefinitely under certain conditions. By retaining water, inhibiting salt and ice crystallization, and maintaining habitable water activity, briny regolith may be a more favorable environment for life than pure brine alone. These findings indicate the critical importance of brine–regolith interactions for understanding the properties, evolution, and potential habitability of Mars’s surface