14 research outputs found

    Linear standard curves for the PC gene and Cm insertion.

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    a<p><i>y</i> = C<sub>t</sub> value (PCR cycle value at the fluorescence threshold of 0.1 for PC gene and 0.08 for Cm insertion), x = amount of template DNA (expressed as cell number equivalents),</p>b<p>Amplification efficiencies (E) were calculated as follows E = (10<sup>−1/slope</sup>−1)×100.</p

    Relationship between cell growth rates and MC production rates of the WT strain.

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    <p>Each point represents the mean value of triplicate determinations. Rates were calculated between successive sampling points during the exponential growth phase in monoculture experiments (crosses and continuous line), and in co-culture experiments (triangles and dashed line).</p

    Time-course of the relative proportions of the WT (black circles) and MT (white circles) strains in co-culture experiments under different culture conditions.

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    <p><b>A</b> OLHN (optimal light and high nitrogen), <b>B</b> OLLN (optimal light and low nitrogen), <b>C</b> LLHN (low light and high nitrogen), and <b>D</b> LLLN (low light and low nitrogen). Error bars represent the standard deviation (N = 3). NO<sub>3</sub> was added (dashed line) on day 11 under OLLN conditions, and on day 26 under LLLN conditions.</p

    Cell growth rates (mean values ±SD) of the WT and MT strains estimated under the different culture conditions tested and results of ANOVA/Tukey's test.

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    <p>OLHN, optimal light and high nitrogen condition; OLLN, optimal light and low nitrogen condition; LLHN, low light and high nitrogen condition; LLLN, low light and low nitrogen condition.</p

    Experimental culture conditions used in experiments.

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    <p>OLHN, optimal light and high nitrogen condition; OLLN, optimal light and low nitrogen condition; LLHN, low light and high nitrogen condition; LLLN, low light and low nitrogen condition.</p

    Time-course of the intracellular MC content in monoculture (histograms with black points) and in co-culture (hatched histograms) experiments under different culture conditions.

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    <p><b>A</b> OLHN (optimal light and high nitrogen), <b>B</b> OLLN (optimal light and low nitrogen), <b>C</b> LLHN (low light and high nitrogen), and <b>D</b> LLLN (low light and low nitrogen). Error bars represent the standard deviation (N = 3). NO<sub>3</sub> was added (dashed line) on day 11 under OLLN conditions, and on day 26 under LLLN conditions.</p

    Summary of the richness and diversity indices calculated after normalization to the smallest sample size (n = 1367 reads) (samples from July (n = 527) were not taken into account).

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    <p>Summary of the richness and diversity indices calculated after normalization to the smallest sample size (n = 1367 reads) (samples from July (n = 527) were not taken into account).</p

    Temporal variation in the abundance of <i>P</i>. <i>rubescens</i> and <i>Microcystis</i> sp. estimated by microscopic cell counting and by the number of reads in our Illumina dataset (from October 2013 to November 2014).

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    <p>(a) Indicates the number of reads of <i>P</i>. <i>rubescens</i> and <i>Microcystis</i> sp. performed by Illumina MiSeq sequencing. DNA extracts from 4 sampling points were pooled before sequencing. Reads were normalized to the smallest sample (n = 67,012 reads) on the basis of bacterial sequences. (b) Indicates the temporal dynamics in <i>P</i>. <i>rubescens</i> and <i>Microcystis</i> sp. cell counts. Cell counts are expressed as the median values of the data collected at the four sampling points. * No sample available.</p