150 research outputs found

    Mining Heterogeneous Multivariate Time-Series for Learning Meaningful Patterns: Application to Home Health Telecare

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    For the last years, time-series mining has become a challenging issue for researchers. An important application lies in most monitoring purposes, which require analyzing large sets of time-series for learning usual patterns. Any deviation from this learned profile is then considered as an unexpected situation. Moreover, complex applications may involve the temporal study of several heterogeneous parameters. In that paper, we propose a method for mining heterogeneous multivariate time-series for learning meaningful patterns. The proposed approach allows for mixed time-series -- containing both pattern and non-pattern data -- such as for imprecise matches, outliers, stretching and global translating of patterns instances in time. We present the early results of our approach in the context of monitoring the health status of a person at home. The purpose is to build a behavioral profile of a person by analyzing the time variations of several quantitative or qualitative parameters recorded through a provision of sensors installed in the home

    Evaluating Plans and Human Response Using a Normative Multi-Agent System

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    International audienceWe describe a socio-technical system designed to train different organisations in emergency management during the preparedness phase. In this system, both humans and the system work together in building organisational context awareness. The system uses a normative multi-agent system and a tangible table for user interaction. Real time virtual feedbacks are used to draw users' attention to the validity of their actions with respect to the emergency plan. Feedback allows the actors to be aware of the other factors that impact the validity of their action (actions of other actors, environment etc.) and to identify the behaviour that is expected of them by the other organisations. The system is still in its prototype phase. Its behaviour is illustrated by example scenarios, showing that it is possible to support collaboration amongst distant actors, in a way that only relevant information is shown

    An Interaction Centred Approach to the teaching of Non-technical Skills in a Virtual Environment

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    In most domains involving expert knowledge, there is a number of cognitive and social factors influencing how efficient one human being is at correctly assessing and responding to certain situations. These factors, which contribute to the efficient and safe realization of a technical activity, are known as non-technical skills, and correspond to a wide range of cognitive proficiencies such as situation awareness, decision making, stress or fatigue management, but also social skills such as communication, leadership and team working. Different studies have shown the impact such skills can have in the successful resolving of a number of critical situations, even more so in our domains of interest which are medical surgery or driving. In this paper, we take a look at the difficulties raised by the teaching of the technical and non-technical skills mobilized during a critical situation, in the context of TEL within virtual environments. We present the advantages of using a combined enactive and situated learning approach to this problematic, and then take an ill-defined perspective to raise some important designing issues in this respect. We show that some aspects of this problem have not been encompassed yet in the ill-defined domains literature, and should be further studied in any attempt at teaching behaviours inducing technical and non-technical skills in a virtual world

    Evaluating Plans and Human Response Using a Normative Multi-Agent System

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    International audienceWe describe a socio-technical system designed to train different organisations in emergency management during the preparedness phase. In this system, both humans and the system work together in building organisational context awareness. The system uses a normative multi-agent system and a tangible table for user interaction. Real time virtual feedbacks are used to draw users' attention to the validity of their actions with respect to the emergency plan. Feedback allows the actors to be aware of the other factors that impact the validity of their action (actions of other actors, environment etc.) and to identify the behaviour that is expected of them by the other organisations. The system is still in its prototype phase. Its behaviour is illustrated by example scenarios, showing that it is possible to support collaboration amongst distant actors, in a way that only relevant information is shown

    Une Architecture Multi-Agents Adaptative pour le Suivi Personnalisé de la Physiologie du Combattant

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    National audienceDans le domaine du monitoring de signaux médicaux, l'établissement d'un diagnostic est un problÚme complexe qui repose sur un traitement fiable et sécurisé des signaux multiples observés et également sur le contexte de l'observation. Nous proposons dans cet article une architecture de systÚme pour le diagnostic physiologique de combattants en mission. Le systÚme intÚgre différents niveaux de pilotage personnalisés et dépendants du contexte en se basant sur un nuage d'agents autonomes interagissants mettant en oeuvre un raisonnement bayésien. Certains agents ont des visions partielles du systÚme, fusionnant les différentes mesures enregistrées par les capteurs, et d'autres, des coalitions dynamiques d'agents, ont une vision globale prenant en compte les degrés de confiance des agents qui les constituent. Les processus de fusion et le pilotage sont ainsi personnalisés et distribués sur plusieurs niveaux permettant une organisation totalement autonome du systÚme qui évolue au gré des observations

    An Evidential Filter for Indoor Navigation of a Mobile Robot in Dynamic Environment

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    International audienceRobots are destined to live with humans and perform tasks for them. In order to do that, an adapted representation of the world including human detection is required. Evidential grids enable the robot to handle partial information and ignorance, which can be useful in various situations. This paper deals with an audiovisual perception scheme of a robot in indoor environment (apartment, house..). As the robot moves, it must take into account its environment and the humans in presence. This article presents the key-stages of the multimodal fusion: an evidential grid is built from each modality using a modified Dempster combination, and a temporal fusion is made using an evidential filter based on an adapted version of the generalized bayesian theorem. This enables the robot to keep track of the state of its environment. A decision can then be made on the next move of the robot depending on the robot's mission and the extracted information. The system is tested on a simulated environment under realistic conditions

    Task based model for récit generation from sensor data: an early experiment

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    International audienceAutomatic story generation is the object of a growing research effort in Computing Sciences. However, in this domain, stories are generally produced from fictional data. In this paper, we present the general approach for automatic story generation from real data focusing on the narrative planning. The aim is to generate récit from sensor observations of skiers going for a ski sortie. The modelling of the récit as well as some preliminary experiments are introduced and suggest the interest of the approach

    Retour sur les technologies d’interaction RFID

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    La rubrique "Quoi de neuf ?" propose un retour sur un article marquant de l’histoire de la revue. À partir d’un corpus d’articles choisis par la rĂ©daction de La Lettre de l’OCIM, les membres du comitĂ© des Publications de l'OCIM ont sĂ©lectionnĂ© plusieurs contributions. Dans cette perspective, il a Ă©tĂ© demandĂ© Ă  l’auteur ou Ă  un expert du domaine de revisiter la problĂ©matique exposĂ©e dans l’article Ă  la lueur des changements intervenus, notamment dans les pratiques professionnelles, depuis son Ă©criture et de proposer des Ă©lĂ©ments prospectifs sur la question. Les auteurs reviennent sur l’article “L’apport de la technologie RFID en musĂ©ographie" publiĂ© dans le n° 99 de La Lettre de l’OCIM en mai-juin 2005 et dans lequel Christian Perrot mettait en lumiĂšre les nouvelles perspectives offertes par cet outil en matiĂšre de musĂ©ographie et notamment d’interaction du visiteur avec la scĂ©nographie

    Une approche coopérative pour la segmentation en IRM cérébrale

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    - La segmentation automatique en IRM cérébrale est un problÚme complexe tant du point de vue de la variabilité du cerveau humain que du point de vue du traitement des images acquises par ce procédé. Nous proposons d'envisager le problÚme sous un angle coopératif en exploitant la complémentarité de deux types d'approches. Notre approche met en oeuvre une coopération de type bas-niveau/haut-niveau entre un modÚle statistique déformable et un systÚme multi-agents pour initialiser et contraindre des agents de segmentation région et permettre une segmentation adaptative des tissus. L'approche intÚgre 2 types d'agents spécialisés (matiÚre grise et matiÚre blanche) dynamiquement et permet un étiquetage automatique des tissus détectés. Les résultats sont évalués sur un fantÎme et présentés aussi pour des images réelles
