1,209 research outputs found

    A minimal model for chaotic shear banding in shear-thickening fluids

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    We present a minimal model for spatiotemporal oscillation and rheochaos in shear-thickening complex fluids at zero Reynolds number. In the model, a tendency towards inhomogeneous flows in the form of shear bands combines with a slow structural dynamics, modelled by delayed stress relaxation. Using Fourier-space numerics, we study the nonequilibrium `phase diagram' of the fluid as a function of a steady mean (spatially averaged) stress, and of the relaxation time for structural relaxation. We find several distinct regions of periodic behavior (oscillating bands, travelling bands, and more complex oscillations) and also regions of spatiotemporal rheochaos. A low-dimensional truncation of the model retains the important physical features of the full model (including rheochaos) despite the suppression of sharply defined interfaces between shear bands. Our model maps onto the FitzHugh-Nagumo model for neural network dynamics, with an unusual form of long-range coupling.Comment: Revised version (in particular, new section III.E. and Appendix A

    Dilatancy, Jamming, and the Physics of Granulation

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    Granulation is a process whereby a dense colloidal suspension is converted into pasty granules (surrounded by air) by application of shear. Central to the stability of the granules is the capillary force arising from the interfacial tension between solvent and air. This force appears capable of maintaining a solvent granule in a jammed solid state, under conditions where the same amount of solvent and colloid could also exist as a flowable droplet. We argue that in the early stages of granulation the physics of dilatancy, which requires that a powder expand on shearing, is converted by capillary forces into the physics of arrest. Using a schematic model of colloidal arrest under stress, we speculate upon various jamming and granulation scenarios. Some preliminary experimental results on aspects of granulation in hard-sphere colloidal suspensions are also reported.Comment: Original article intended for J Phys Cond Mat special issue on Granular Materials (M Nicodemi, Ed.

    Theory of nonlinear rheology and yielding of dense colloidal suspensions

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    A first principles approach to the nonlinear flow of dense suspensions is presented which captures shear thinning of colloidal fluids and dynamical yielding of colloidal glasses. The advection of density fluctuations plays a central role, suppressing the caging of particles and speeding up structural relaxation. A mode coupling approach is developed to explore these effects.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; slightly corrected version; Phys. Rev. Lett., to be published (2002

    Velocity profiles in shear-banding wormlike micelles

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    Using Dynamic Light Scattering in heterodyne mode, we measure velocity profiles in a much studied system of wormlike micelles (CPCl/NaSal) known to exhibit both shear-banding and stress plateau behavior. Our data provide evidence for the simplest shear-banding scenario, according to which the effective viscosity drop in the system is due to the nucleation and growth of a highly sheared band in the gap, whose thickness linearly increases with the imposed shear rate. We discuss various details of the velocity profiles in all the regions of the flow curve and emphasize on the complex, non-Newtonian nature of the flow in the highly sheared band.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    When are active Brownian particles and run-and-tumble particles equivalent? Consequences for motility-induced phase separation

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    Active Brownian particles (ABPs, such as self-phoretic colloids) swim at fixed speed vv along a body-axis u{\bf u} that rotates by slow angular diffusion. Run-and-tumble particles (RTPs, such as motile bacteria) swim with constant \u until a random tumble event suddenly decorrelates the orientation. We show that when the motility parameters depend on density ρ\rho but not on u{\bf u}, the coarse-grained fluctuating hydrodynamics of interacting ABPs and RTPs can be mapped onto each other and are thus strictly equivalent. In both cases, a steeply enough decreasing v(ρ)v(\rho) causes phase separation in dimensions d=2,3d=2,3, even when no attractive forces act between the particles. This points to a generic role for motility-induced phase separation in active matter. However, we show that the ABP/RTP equivalence does not automatically extend to the more general case of \u-dependent motilities

    Scaling of polymers in aligned rods

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    We study the behavior of self avoiding polymers in a background of vertically aligned rods that are either frozen into random positions or free to move horizontally. We find that in both cases the polymer chains are highly elongated, with vertical and horizontal size exponents that differ by a factor of 3. Though these results are different than previous predictions, our results are confirmed by detailed computer simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Glass Rheology: From mode-coupling theory to a dynamical yield criterion

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    The mode coupling theory (MCT) of glasses, while offering an incomplete description of glass transition physics, represents the only established route to first-principles prediction of rheological behavior in nonergodic materials such as colloidal glasses. However, the constitutive equations derivable from MCT are somewhat intractable, hindering their practical use and also their interpretation. Here, we present a schematic (single-mode) MCT model which incorporates the tensorial structure of the full theory. Using it, we calculate the dynamic yield surface for a large class of flows

    On two intrinsic length scales in polymer physics: topological constraints vs. entanglement length

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    The interplay of topological constraints, excluded volume interactions, persistence length and dynamical entanglement length in solutions and melts of linear chains and ring polymers is investigated by means of kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of a three dimensional lattice model. In unknotted and unconcatenated rings, topological constraints manifest themselves in the static properties above a typical length scale dt1/lϕdt \sim 1/\sqrt{l\phi} (ϕ\phi being the volume fraction, ll the mean bond length). Although one might expect that the same topological length will play a role in the dynamics of entangled polymers, we show that this is not the case. Instead, a different intrinsic length de, which scales like excluded volume blob size ξ\xi, governs the scaling of the dynamical properties of both linear chains and rings.Comment: 7 pages. 4 figure

    Singular forces and point-like colloids in lattice Boltzmann hydrodynamics

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    We present a second-order accurate method to include arbitrary distributions of force densities in the lattice Boltzmann formulation of hydrodynamics. Our method may be used to represent singular force densities arising either from momentum-conserving internal forces or from external forces which do not conserve momentum. We validate our method with several examples involving point forces and find excellent agreement with analytical results. A minimal model for dilute sedimenting particles is presented using the method which promises a substantial gain in computational efficiency.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.